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For God so loved the world that
he gave his one and only son
I am the alpha and
omega, the beginning and the end
Forgive us
our sins
His spirit and his worshippers
must worship in the spirit and in the truth
Where two or three
gather in my name there am I with them
Love one another
as I have loved you
In my father's house
there are many rooms
Go into your room
close the door and pray to your god
This is my body given
for you. Do this in remembrance of me
Every year jesus
…went to Jerusalem…for the festival of passover
Pilgrimages evoke our
earthly journey towards heaven
I am the way the truth and the life
No one comes to the father except through me
Go and make disciples of all nations
baptising them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit
God created mankind
in his own image
I am the resurrection and the life
The one who believes me will live, even though they die
Suffering produces
The word became flesh
and made his dwelling among us
Flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God
The father
and I are one
Christ died
for our sins
The lamb of God who
takes away the sins of the world
I am ascending
to my father and your father
He was taken
up into heaven
Basis of the
whole Christian life (catechism)
I am the immaculate
conception (what Mary said at Lourdes )
Preach the gospel
to all creation
a church
Cursed is
the ground because of you
In the beginning god
Created the heavens and the earth
God saw all that he had made
and it was very good
(pope Francis) Christmas reveals the
immense love of God for humanity
Pray for those
who persecute you
Repent and
be baptised
He is
Faith without works
is dead
is love
With god nothing
is impossible
The lord our God
the lord is one
Whoever believes and is baptised
will be saved
Before a word is on my tongue
you, lord, know it completely
For we must all appear before the
Judgement seat of christ
The lord is near to
All who call on him
In the beginning was the word and the word
Was with god and the word was god
Sin entered the world
Through one man
God has given
Us enternal life
The first heaven and
The first earth has passed away
For it is by grace
You have been saved
He himself bore our sins
In his body on the cross
Jesus christ
Is lord
You are
The messiah
Do to others what
You would have them do to you
The dead in Christ
Will rise first
They will see the son of man
Coming in clouds
The fire will test
The quality of each person’s work
They came to life and reigned
With Christ a thousand years
Annointing them with oil
In the name of the lord
Do not neglect your gift
Which was given through prophecy
If you forgive anyone’s sins
Their sins are forgiven
Today in the town of david
A saviour has been born to you
For to us a child is born
To us a son is given…
For I was hungry and
You gave me something to eat
After fasting forty days
And forty nights he was hungry
Do not put the lord
Your god to the test
I am
The light of the world
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
You are
The body of the christ
Go out to the roads and country lanes
And compel them to come in