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Unintended pregnancies
2.7 million unintended pregnancies
1.3 million due to failure to use contraception
1 million due to contraception non-adherence
0.4 million due to contraception failure
Consequences of unintended pregnancy
Higher incidence of:
Smoking, drinking, drug use during pregnancy
Low birth weight (LBW) babies
Infant mortality
Child abuse
Childhood depression
Women and children living in poverty
Forms of contraception
Combined estrogen and progestin
oral contraceptive pills
ortho evra patch
nuva ring
Progesterone only
depo provera
mirena (IUD)
Non-hormonal methods
female condom
fem cap
male condoms
withdrawal before ejaculation
natural family planning:
permanent procedures
tubal ligation - tubes tied
ensure - female sterilization
IUD copper T-380
Pros and cons of male condoms
Does not require examination
Wide variety of choice
Protects from HIV and other STI’s
When used correctly, prevents unplanned pregnancy
Non hormonal
Requires partner compliance
Does not fully protect from HPV or HSV
Female condom efficacy rates
Perfect use: 95%
Typical use: 81%
Male condoms efficacy rates
Perfect use: 97%
Typical use: 86%
Pro’s and Con’s of female condoms
Female controlled
May provide increased protection from HPV and HSV
Does not require examination or re-fitting
Protrudes externally
Partner satisfaction
Can be dislodged
Oral contraceptives
Pills contain estrogen and progestin
One pill taken everyday of the month
OCP’s prevent pregnancy in three ways:
inhibit ovulation
alter cervical mucus
alter endometrial lining
Perfect use: 99.5%
Typical use: 98%
Side effects of taken OCP’s
Altered menstrual cycle (BTB - break through bleeding)
Water weight gain
Breast fullness/tenderness
Increased vaginal discharge
Symptoms to OCP use
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
active liver disease/jaundice
migraines with neurological symptoms
estrogen dependent carcinoma
uncontrolled hypertension
has diabetes (>20 years duration)
over 35 and smoker
depression that worsens with OCP use
clotting disorders
Abdominal pain - severe
Chest pain- sharp, servere (SOB)
Headaches - severe, dizziness, unilateral
Eye problems - sudden change, blurred vision, blind spots
Severe leg pain - calf or thigh
Vagina has 2 reproductive functions
encompass penis (or other objects) during vaginal intercourse/depository for sperm
birth canal
unstimulated - 3 to 5 inches long and walls are collapsed
aroused - upper 2/3 expand, opening narrows
lower third of the vagina, the majority vaginal nerve endings
thin membranes that partially covers the opening of the vagina
Grafenberg Spot (G spot)
a sensitive area on front wall of vagina, mid-way between pubic bone and cervix
Vaginal health
self-cleansing organ
acidic environment
musky odor
deodorant sprays and douches can cause disrupt of health vaginal flora as well as infection and odors
born with 300,000 - 400,000 (use about 400 eggs in a lifetime)
Sexual response cycle
Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution (EPOR)
1993 – Family & Medical Leave Act
Gives employees unpaid medical leave for themselves or for their care of a family member or newborn or adopted infant
1994 — Violence Against Women Act
VAWA mandated a unified judicial response to sexual crimes committed against women
VAWA legislation expired in 2012 for the first time since 1994
VAWA first passed in 1994 to support victims of sexual assault and violence
VAWA came together in the aftermath of the 1991 Anita Hill hearings, where Hill faced sexual harassment by Supreme court nominee Clarence Thomas
How many black transgender women were killed in 2024
No sexual feelings or desires
Sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity
Extra dyadic involvement
Sexual or romantic relationships outside of a primary or dating couple
Paraphilia (frequent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies or behaviors that involve inanimate objects, children or nonconsenting adults, or suffering or humiliation of the person or a partner)
coprophilia - aroused by feces
klismaphilia - aroused from having enemas
necrophilia - having sexual activity with a corpse
urophilia - aroused by sight or though of urine
nymphomania - referred to excessive sexual desire in women
satyriasis - referred to abnormal sexual desire in men
Autoerotic asphyxia
breath play
sexual act between human and non-human
becoming sexually aroused by watching an unsuspecting person who is disrobing, naked, or engaged in sexual activity
getting sexual gratification from showing one's genitals or private areas to others
sexual arousal derived from rubbing one's genitals against another person without their consent
Functions of the placenta
Produces Hormones
Metabolic Functions
Amniotic fluid
“my water broke!”
maintains temperature
source of oral fluid
repository for waste
protects fetus from trauma
allows for movement - musculoskeletal development
Fraternal twins
2 ova produced at one time fertilized by separate sperm
may be same sex or opposite
not genetically alike
increased in AA women
Identical twins
1 fertilized ova that spilts
chance - 1:250 pregnancies
not familial - total fluke!
same sex
same genetic material
Amniotic fluid withdrawn with needle inserted through abdominal wall
Fluid to detect for
down syndrome
neural tube defects
fetal lung maturity
performed after 14 weeks when uterus is abdominal organ and sufficient fluid available
Nuchal Translucency
early screening test for down syndrome
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
biologic marker for pregnancy
Cesarean birth
1:5 births in the US
Testes: epididymis
a coiled tube about 20 feet long, that carries sperm from the testicles for ejaculation
several 100 million sperm produced daily
20 days for sperm to travel through epididymis
Penis size
Average size 3-4 inches
5-7 when erect
under the foreskin and can become inflamed, have foul order