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Young men at the age of 18 must register for what?
Selective service
The body of the UN in which every country is recognized?
General Assembly (every country recognized) and the UN Security Council
What agency in the US is authorized to grant political aslyum to people fleeing persecution in their home countries?
Immigration and naturalization services
Whats another word or phrase for the economic/military aid provided for other countries?
Foreign aid
The Challenger shuttle disaster severely hurt what US agency?
The five permanent members of this body were the victorious ally’s of WWII?
The UN Security Council
which agency is responsible for information gathering activities involved in foreign and military affairs?
the CIA
The mutual defense alliance that protects western Europe, US, and Canada is ________.
The president is kept fully informed in the intelligence data that is collected by several agencies through the
National Security Council
Agreements to take collective action in a particular part of the world are what kind of security alliances?
Regional Security Alliance
What are the two main duties of the Secretary of State? (in theory, of every cabinet member, too)
Advise the president and run the agency
What was the main reason that the founder fathers established civilian control over the military?
Because in many countries the military has been proven to be a threat to the government
Which US armed service is the oldest?
The army
Which US armed service is the newest?
Space force
Who advises the president on defense policy?
Secretary of defense
The National Security Act of 1947 forbids the CIA from doing what?
Cannot operate within the US and limits spying on US citizens on other countries
What is the primary job of the immigration and naturalization services?
Help immigrants into the US
What kind of agency is NASA?
The draft was ended in 1973 largely because of what?
Vietnam War
What is the most important objective in American Foreign Policy?
National Security (without security, no peace) (to get security, you have to have power)
What was George Washington’s advice on foreign policy?
“Avoid permenant and entangling alliances” (isolationism)
How would you explain the Policy of Deterrence?
a strong military is most effective if it does have to be used
What was the domestic effect of the Vietnam War? (result of American foreign policy in Vietnam)
Lost faith in the political system, loss of their loved ones, billions of dollars spent in Vietnam, and not in US
What did the Marshall Plan do?
gave aid to Western Aid in the 1940s and 1950s after WWII (helped rebuild Europe)
Regional security alliances are built on the agreement that members would do what?
Members will treat an attack on one is an attack on all (if one nation in the alliance is attacked, it is the responsibility for the other nations in the alliance to respond)
serious problems of the UN at the beginning of the 21st century still includes what?
Human rights violations across the world, global climate health, keeping the peace (peacekeeping losses)