BIO120 Test 1

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  • How organisms interact with their environment and with each other.

  • The distribution and abundance of species.

  • The structure and function of biodiversity.

  • Setting of evolution.

  • Adaptation through natural selection.

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Lynn Margulius

Created the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of the mitochondria.

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All the individuals of a species in one place at one time. (Zebras in savannah)

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All the species living together in one place at one time. (Zebras, giraffes, and rhinos in savannah).

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All the species and non-living environment (entire savannah)

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Factors that limit range of a species

  • Dispersal

  • Abiotic Conditions

    • Climate like temperature, salinity, pH

    • Availability of nutrients and resources.

  • Species Interactions

    • Competition

    • Predation

    • Mutualism (organisms working together)

  • These conditions create a gradient where different species perform best at certain portions of it.

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Sixth Extinction

  • Mass extinction created by human activities.

  • 32% of species are decreasing in range and population size.

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Four steps of Invasion

  1. Transport

  2. Establishment

  3. Spread

  4. Impact

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Why can invasion fail?

  • Could occur at any of the steps.

  • Environment does not allow for survival

  • Physical-chemical environment prevents reproduction and/or survival.

  • Predators

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Ability to increase survival rate. Ex. Ability to hear

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Feature that is produced to do the function. Ex. ears

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Reduce fitness

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Serve no purpose. Also called neutral.

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Natural Selection

  • Allows organisms to become better adapted t serve their purpose by eliminating less effective variants.

  • Does not remove negative traits as change takes time.

  • Most prominent in changing environments where new ecological challenges change the fitness of features.

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  • When a feature has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • Reproduction-survival: Resources invested into offspring → cannot be used to maintain own body.

  • Size-number: Can produce more offspring but in smaller sizes → lower chance of survival

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Evolutionary constraint

Tradeoffs that reduce adaptation range.

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Principle of Allocation

Resources invested into one function cannot be invested into other functions.

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Ecological Niche

  • The resources that are required for a species to survive and its physiological tolerances.

  • What climate, food, etc a species prefers.

  • Species have ranges of tolerance where their ability to survive varies (Can only survive in certain environments, can only grow in some, and can only reproduce in some).

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Evelyn Hutchinson

  • Stated that a niche is an “n dimensional hypervolume” with the x and y axis being ecological factors that influence the survivability of a species.

  • Example: For the Macaw, one axis would be annual temperature and the other axis would be precipitation.

<ul><li><p>Stated that a niche is an “n dimensional hypervolume” with the x and y axis being ecological factors that influence the survivability of a species.</p></li><li><p>Example: For the Macaw, one axis would be annual temperature and the other axis would be precipitation.</p></li></ul>
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Why temperature and seasonality vary with latitude

  • Temperature varies with latitude.

    • Near the equator (lower latitudes), the sun is hitting the earth’s surface at a 90 degree angle → solar energy is spread over a small surface area → high photon concentration → warmer temperature.

    • Further from the equator (higher latitudes), the sun is hitting the earth’s surface at a lower angle → solar energy is spread over a higher surface area → lower photon concentration → colder temperature.

  • During winter, earth is tilted away from the sun → solar energy is being spread over a high surface area → lower photon concentration → cold.

  • During summer, earth is tilted towards the sun → solar energy spread over low surface area → high photon concentration → warm.

<ul><li><p>Temperature varies with latitude.</p><ul><li><p>Near the equator (lower latitudes), the sun is hitting the earth’s surface at a 90 degree angle → solar energy is spread over a small surface area → high photon concentration → warmer temperature.</p></li><li><p>Further from the equator (higher latitudes), the sun is hitting the earth’s surface at a lower angle → solar energy is spread over a higher surface area → lower photon concentration → colder temperature.</p></li></ul></li><li><p>During winter, earth is tilted away from the sun → solar energy is being spread over a high surface area → lower photon concentration → cold.</p></li><li><p>During summer, earth is tilted towards the sun → solar energy spread over low surface area → high photon concentration → warm.</p></li></ul>
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How does solar light heat up the earth?

  • Light hits dark solid surfaces or water → photons are absorbed → reradiated as infrared wavelengths → radiation is absorbed by atmosphere.

  • Means that solar energy heats the air near earth’s surface (bottom of atmosphere) and not the air closest to the sun.

  • Strongest near equator as there are more photons.

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Hadley Cell

  • High concentration of photons heats up the surface of the earth at the equator the most → absorbed photons are reradiated as infrared radiation which heats up the near-surface atmosphere → air becomes less dense → begins to rise above solar equator → bumps against top of atmosphere → pushed 30 degrees north and south towards poles.

  • As this hot air rises, it begins to expand as there is less atmosphere compressing it from above → cools by 5-10 celcius/km (Adiabatic Lapse Rate) → begins to sink and water vapour is released as rain → loses all moisture → becomes dry and warm as it falls at 30 degrees north and south.

  • As air rises from the equator, a partial vacuum is created underneath it → pulls hot air at 30 degrees north and south back towards the equator → a cycle is created.

<ul><li><p>High concentration of photons heats up the surface of the earth at the equator the most → absorbed photons are reradiated as infrared radiation which heats up the near-surface atmosphere → air becomes less dense → begins to rise above solar equator → bumps against top of atmosphere → pushed 30 degrees north and south towards poles.</p><p></p></li><li><p>As this hot air rises, it begins to expand as there is less atmosphere compressing it from above → cools by 5-10 celcius/km (Adiabatic Lapse Rate) → begins to sink and water vapour is released as rain → loses all moisture → becomes dry and warm as it falls at 30 degrees north and south.</p><p></p></li><li><p>As air rises from the equator, a partial vacuum is created underneath it → pulls hot air at 30 degrees north and south back towards the equator → a cycle is created.</p></li></ul>
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Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

  • Zone of rising, heated air.

  • Shifts with seasons, creating rainy and dry seasons in the tropics.

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Ferrell Cells

  • The dry and warmed air that is sinking at 30 N and 30 S is either sucked back towards the equator by partial vacuum or continues towards the poles.

  • Dry air moves across earth’s surface towards poles → picks up moisture → begins to rise → snowy and rainy low pressure zones are created around 60 N and 60 S.

  • Rising air reaches upper atmosphere → shoved towards north and south by flow underneath → closes ferrell loop.

  • Ferrell cells move air away from the equator, creating westerlies (winds that move away from the equator from the west to the east).

  • Polar cells are the weakest cells and move air towards the equator → create easterlies (wind moving towards the equator from the east to the west).

<ul><li><p>The dry and warmed air that is sinking at 30 N and 30 S is either sucked back towards the equator by partial vacuum or continues towards the poles.</p><p></p></li><li><p>Dry air moves across earth’s surface towards poles → picks up moisture → begins to rise → snowy and rainy low pressure zones are created around 60 N and 60 S.</p><p></p></li><li><p>Rising air reaches upper atmosphere → shoved towards north and south by flow underneath → closes ferrell loop.</p><p></p></li><li><p>Ferrell cells move air away from the equator, creating westerlies (winds that move away from the equator from the west to the east).</p><p></p></li><li><p>Polar cells are the weakest cells and move air towards the equator → create easterlies (wind moving towards the equator from the east to the west).</p></li></ul>
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Prevailing Winds

  • Created through the combination of cells and coriolis effect.

  • Ferrel cells move air away from the equator, creating winds that travel from the west to the east called Westerlies.

  • Polar cells move air towards the equator, creating winds that move from the east to the west, called Easterlies.

  • Areas with more land mass have less intense winds (north) and areas with less land mass have more intense winds (south/roaring 40s).

  • At the equator, there is very little wind as air moves straight up or down rather than north or south. It is called the doldrums.

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Coriolis Effect

  • Earth rotates on its axis. The further you are from the equator, the slower the earth rotates because diameter shrinks.

  • Wind moves east away from equator (westerlies, roaring forties)

  • Wind moves west towards the equator (easterlies, trade winds)

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Trends of Terrestrial Vegetation

  • Vegetation growth increases with moisture and temperature.

  • Biomes are created when regions have certain combinations of moisture and temperature, leading to the growth of specific vegetation.

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Maritime vs Continental Climates

  • Maritime climates are more moderate as land changes temperature much more easily than bodies of water, making continental climates more extreme.

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Orographic Precipitation

  • Air that is moist with condensation is pushed up mountainsides by westerlies → as it rises, it begins to lose moisture through precipitation as it expands due to cooling → creates a vegetated mountainside.

  • On the other side of the mountain, the now dry air is pushed down → begins to warm up as it is no longer filled with moisture → creates dry side of mountain, or a rain shadow.

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Physiological Ecology

  • Organisms are complex chemical reactions.

    • Some chemical reactions direct development of zygotes

    • Some chemical reactions carry out metabolic processes.

    • Reactions occur best at optimal temperature and osmotic conditions.

  • Organisms can be viewed as a library of information.

    • Contain genetic instructions in DNA.

    • Similarities and differences between organisms is visible in DNA.

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Temperature Tolerance

  • Seasonal temperature variation is low near the equator and increases with latitude → temperate animals can withstand colder temperatures than tropical animals.

  • All types of organisms are limited by extreme heat and cold.

  • Cold temperature → molecules move slowly → low reaction rate

  • Hot temperature → enzymes denature → low reaction rate.

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  • Poikilotherms regulate their temperature behaviourally as they lack the means to do so physically.

    • Snakes go in the sun for heat.

  • Homeotherms regulate their temperature through physiological traits.

  • Heat can be lost through

    • radiation

    • conduction

    • convection

    • evaporation

    • redistribution

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Surface Area to Volume Ratio

  • With a smaller ratio, there is a high amount of surface area that can shed heat to the environment, making small animals better suited for warm climates.

  • With a higher ratio, there is less surface area that is able to readily lose heat to the environment, making larger animals more suited for cold climates.

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Bergmann’s Rule (Size)

  • Homeotherms tend to be larger at higher latitudes.

  • Colder environment → larger body → lower SA/V → less heat loss.

  • Hot environment → small body → high SA/V → quick heat loss.

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Allen’s Rule (Shape)

  • Homeotherms have smaller appendages at higher and colder latitudes.

  • Warm climate → thinner and but larger/longer body parts → high SA/V → more heat loss

  • Cold climate → rounded and small body parts → low SA/V → less heat loss.

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  • Achieved with layers of body fat or fur/feathers

  • Fur and feathers have dead-air spaces where convective flow cannot occur → temperature gradient → cold near outside of fur but warm next to skin.

  • Big investment for animals cuz resources and energy need to be spent.

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Countercurrent Circulation

  • Arteries send warm blood to body parts that are a liability to heat loss.

  • Veins bring cold blood from liabilities to the body.

  • Heat exchange occurs between the arteries and veins → cold blood in veins gains heat while hot blood in arteries loses heat → temperature gradient is created.

<ul><li><p>Arteries send warm blood to body parts that are a liability to heat loss.</p></li><li><p>Veins bring cold blood from liabilities to the body.</p></li><li><p>Heat exchange occurs between the arteries and veins → cold blood in veins gains heat while hot blood in arteries loses heat → temperature gradient is created. </p></li></ul>
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Evaporative Cooling

  • Wet surfaces are exposed to air flow → water evaporates due to high heat of evaporation → cooled off

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Behavioural Thermoregulation

  • Spending hot parts of the day in shade to stay cool, etc.

  • Behaviour that can help either cool or warm body temperature.

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Environmental Factors on Distribution

  • Abiotic Factors: non-living and physiochemical components.

    • Conditions: Physical states that will not be used up (temperature)

    • Resources: Physical necessities that are used up (water)

  • Biotic Factors: Actions of other organisms

    • High predator population

  • Limiting Factors: Affects whether a species can or cannot survive.

    • Temperature and water (the big two)

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  • Plants use light energy (photons) to take in carbon dioxide (through stomata) and water to create oxygen and glucose.

  • To grow, more carbon must be taken in than is lost in cellular respiration → carbon balance is key (net primary productivity = C gained - C lost).

  • Even though carbon dioxide is taken in through stomata, water is also lost through stomata.

  • Photons for photosynthesis are gained when plants put a large surface area into the sun → overheat and lots of water is lost → enzymes denature → plant loses function.

  • To prevent overheating, plants use:

    • C4 Pathways: Carboxylase (enzyme) first accepts carbon dioxide, reducing photorespiration.

    • CAM Pathways: Plants close stomata during the day and open at night to accept carbon dioxide → store carbon dioxide as malate until day → prevent water loss

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Leaf Size

  • Dry environments have tiny leaves while wet environments have large leaves.

  • Leaf size is driven by precipitation.

  • Small leaves = preservation of water.

  • Large Leaves = use evaporative cooling.

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Laminar vs Turbulent Flow

  • On a leaf with no obstacles (smooth surface), dead air builds up (unmoving air) in a pattern called laminar flow.

  • Laminae are layers of air that move at different speeds

    • Wind moving at 5 km/h 1 cm from the surface of the leaf but a you get closer, the speed slows down because of friction.

  • If there are obstacles on the leaf’s surface, laminar flow turns into turbulent flow

  • More turbulence = more cooling

<ul><li><p>On a leaf with no obstacles (smooth surface), dead air builds up (unmoving air) in a pattern called laminar flow.</p></li><li><p>Laminae are layers of air that move at different speeds</p><ul><li><p>Wind moving at 5 km/h 1 cm from the surface of the leaf but a you get closer, the speed slows down because of friction.</p></li></ul></li><li><p>If there are obstacles on the leaf’s surface, laminar flow turns into turbulent flow</p></li><li><p>More turbulence = more cooling</p></li></ul>
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population Growth rate

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Finite Rate of Increase

λ = (Nt+1)/Nt

Nt+1= λNt

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Geometric Population Growth


Used when resources are unlimited

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Intrinsic Growth Rate

r = lnλ

Used in particular environment with unlimited resources

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Exponential Population Growth


When resources are abundant and conditions do not restrict population growth

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Change in Population


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Doubling time


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Density-Dependent factors

Factors that affect the environment but change based on initial population.

Greater effect on bigger population.


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Density-Independent factors

Effect population, regardless of size.


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Intraspecific competition

Individuals in a population competing with eachother for resources.

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Logistic Growth

dN/dt = rN(1-(N/k)

used when there are limited resources and intraspecific competition.

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carrying capacity

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Environmental Stochasticity

randomness in environmental change

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Demographic Stochasticity

chance sequence of births or deaths

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Allee Effect

  • Negative effects of low density.

  • Arise from social factors like mating

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Life History

  • Start life at a small size

  • Have a growth period before they can start to reproduce

  • Spend resources on reproduction

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Life Tables

  • Summarizes life events that are expected at a certain age.

  • Age of death

  • Age of reproduction

  • Usually consider only females as they are the ones who limit population.

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Survivorship Schedule

  • Risks of mortality that are specific to age

  • lx = probability that individual is still alive at age x

  • l0 = 1 because babies are born

  • Can range from 0 to 1 because it is a probability.

  • Type 1 = convex curve (low early death) humans

  • Type 2 = straight line (constant mortality)

  • Type 3 = concave curve (high early death)

<ul><li><p>Risks of mortality that are specific to age</p></li><li><p>lx = probability that individual is still alive at age x</p></li><li><p>l0 = 1 because babies are born</p></li><li><p>Can range from 0 to 1 because it is a probability.</p></li><li><p>Type 1 = convex curve (low early death) humans</p></li><li><p>Type 2 = straight line (constant mortality)</p></li><li><p>Type 3 = concave curve (high early death)</p></li></ul>
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Fecundity Schedules

  • Expected amount of reproductions

  • bx or mx = average number of daughters produced in x year of life.

  • b0 = 0 as newborns go through resource collection period before reproduction.

  • Net reproductive rate = daughters a female has in her life time = R0

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Reproduction tradeoffs

  • Size-number: can have many small or few big

  • Early vs late reproduction: early dominates pop with less offspring

  • Cost of reproduction: survival of parents reduced as more resources go into offspring

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Reproduces only once in life

called monocarpic in plants.

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live one season

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Grow vegetation for one year then flower and die

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Numerous offspring before death

Perennials in plants

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Big Bang Reproduction

When plants wait a long time to reproduce then have many offspring but die soon after

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R Strategists

  • Fast growth

  • Short generations

  • Small body

  • high fecundity

  • poor competitors

  • good dispersal

  • produce more offspring

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K strategists

oppostie of r strategist

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  • Seed production synchronized → years of high seed production and years of no seed production → predators are satiated → all seeds will not be killed → balance.

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Interspecific Competition

Competition among members of different species.

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Interference competition

Direct interactions

Example: Fighting over territory

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Exploitative Competition

Depletion of a resource

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