Psyc 3093: Abnormal Psychology Exam 4 (FINAL)

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Personality Disorders

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Chapters 12, 13, & 14

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Personality Disorders

a persistent pattern of emotions, cognitions, and behavior that results in enduring emotional distress for the person affected and/or for others and may cause difficulties with work and relationships

  • consistent pattern that individuals will not seek out treatment

  • run a chronic course

  • no waxing and waning

  • distress comes from other people, individuals don’t recognize the distress and dysfunction

  • extremely treatment resistant

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Personality Cluster A

  • odd, eccentric

  • includes Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal

    • Overlap w/ schizophrenia

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Personality Cluster B

  • dramatic, emotional, erratic

  • includes Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic

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Personality Cluster C

  • Anxious, fearful

  • includes avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive

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Development of personality disorders

not that challenging to diagnose w/ personality disorder b/c of their pervasiveness (it is always there, it influences everything so it is easy to identify)

can trace this back to childhood; precursors seen in childhood

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Comorbidity amongst personality disorders

if you have one personality disorder, it is common to have another personality disorder

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Paranoid personality disorder (Cluster A)

  • pervasive and unjustified mistrust and suspicion

  • few meaningful relationships, sensitive to criticism

    • person feels like they cannot confide in anyone, doesn’t allow anyone to get close to them

    • even unrelated, neutral events, they will relate the event back to them somehow

    • they have to do everything themselves; extreme level of autonomy

  • poor quality of life

    • heightened risk of suicide

    • heightened risk of aggressive behaviors

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Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorder

  • few seek help on their own

  • treatment focuses on developing trust

    • other focus is to teach patient to interpret situations differently

  • lack of good outcome studies

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Schizoid Personality Disorder (Cluster A)

  • pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships

    • don’t have a desire to overcome this deficit, they could care less about social interaction

  • very limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations

    • appear indifferent to praise and critique

  • comorbidity with depression

    • some risk of suicide, but not as much as paranoid

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Treatment of Schizoid Personality Disorder

  • few seek help on their own

  • focus on the value of interpersonal relationships

    • education of the value of social relationships; the benefits of them

    • emotion training

      • emotion recognition is the precursor to empathy

  • lack of good outcome studies

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Schizotypal Personality Disorder (Cluster A)

  • behavior and dress is odd and unusual

    • not just one odd belief that makes them this way; this is how they are with everything

  • socially isolated and highly suspicious

  • magical thinking, ideas of reference, and illusions

  • many meet criteria for major depression

  • some conceptualize this as resembling a milder form of schizophrenia

    • feelings of someone else being there; feelings are frequent

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Treatment of Schizotypal Personality Disorder

  • address comorbid depression

    • 30-50% meet criteria for major depressive disorder

  • main focus is on developing social skills

  • medical treatment is similar to that used by schizophrenia

  • treatment prognosis is generally poor

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Antisocial Personality Disorder (Cluster B)

**cannot be diagnosed until age 18

  • failure to comply with social norms

  • violation of the rights of others

  • irresponsible, impulsive, and deceitful

  • “Sociopathy,” “psychopathy” typically refers to this disorder or very similar traits

  • May be very charming, interpersonally manipulative

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Genetic Influences on Antisocial Personality Disorder

more likely to develop antisocial behavior if parents have a history of antisocial behavior or criminality

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Developmental Influences on Antisocial Personality Disorder

conduct disorder in childhood, especially “callous-unemotional” type

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Treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder

  • rarely patients realize they need treatment and they can still be manipulative, even with their therapists

  • most clinicians are pessimistic and there are few success stories

  • CBT (in some cases) 5 yrs down the road resulted in decreased violence in patients

  • lots of therapists believe incarceration to be the best course of action

  • most common treatment strategy is parent training

    • parents are taught to recognize behavior problems early and to use praise and rewards to reduce problem behavior and encourage prosocial behaviors

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Causes and relation to psychopaths and criminality

  • lower IQs tend to be signifiers for higher risk of criminality in antisocial disorder

  • family history of crime increases risk of criminality

  • some studies show that people with psychopathic personality traits tend to avoid repeated contact w/ the legal system

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Examples of people with Antisocial Personality Disorder

Bernie Madoff, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy

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Psychological Influence of Antisocial Personality Disorder

less likely to give up when goal becomes unattainable

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Borderline Personality Disorder

  • most common personality disorder observed

  • moods and relationships unstable

  • poor self image

    • tend to be self-destructive &/or suicidal

  • Afraid of detachment

  • HIGH comorbidity with depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse

    • tends to be more prevalent in families w/ the disorder

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Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

  • dialectical behavior therapy: helps cope with stressors that cause suicidal behavior and thoughts

    • patients are taught how to identify and regulate their emotions

  • Drugs called mood stabilizers can help treat symptoms

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Histrionic Personality Disorder (Cluster B)

  • tend to be overdramatic and often seen almost to be acting

    • also tend to be vain, self-centered & uncomfortable when not in the limelight

  • inclined to express their emotions with exaggerated fashion

  • seek reassurance and approval constantly & may become upset/angry when others do not attend or praise them

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Treatment of Histrionic Personality Disorder

focuses on problematic interpersonal relationships; they need to be taught more appropriate ways of negotiating their wants and needs

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Underarousal hypothesis (APD theory)

cortical arousal is too low

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Fearlessness hypothesis (APD theory)

fail to respond to danger cues

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Gray’s model (APD theory)

inhibition signals are outweighed by reward signals

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Cluster B)

  • think highly of themselves-perhaps exaggerating their real abilities

  • think they deserve special treatment

  • so preoccupied with themselves that they lack sensitivity and compassion for other people

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Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  • focus on grandiosity, lack of empathy

  • emphasize realistic goals and coping skills for dealing with criticism

    • little evidence that treatment is effective

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Avoidant Personality Disorder (Cluster C)

  • extremely sensitive to the opinions of others and although they desire social relationships, their anxiety lead them to avoid such associations

  • extremely low self esteem and fear of rejection

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Treatment of Avoidant Personality Disorder

  • similar to treatment with social phobia

  • focus on social skills, entering anxiety-provoking situations

  • good relationship with therapist is important

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Dependent Personality Disorder (Cluster C)

  • reliance on others to make major and minor life decisions

  • unreasonable fear of abandonment

  • clingy and submissive in interpersonal relationships

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Treatment of Dependent Personality Disorder

  • research on treatment efficacy is lacking

  • therapy typically progresses gradually due to lack of independence

  • treatment targets include skills that foster confidence and independence

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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (Cluster C)

  • fixation on things being done “the right way”

    • unwilling to delegate tasks because others will do them wrong

  • difficulty with spontaneity

  • often have interpersonal problems

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Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

treatment attacks the fears that seem to underlie the need for orderliness

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  • A pervasive type of psychosis characterized by disturbed thought, emotion, behavior

  • Characterized by a split between thought and emotion

    • From Greek: Schizein= “to split” + Phren= “mind”

    • Schizophrenia= “splitting of the mind”

  • Difficulties reality testing

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Schizophrenia is NOT

  • Multiple personalities= Dissociative Identity Disorder

  • Psychopathy= diminished empathy, cruelty, exploitation, disdain of close attachments, etc.

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Positive Schizophrenia Symptoms

  • Positive ≠ “good”

  • Positive= excesses in functioning

    • over-activity in brain; perceptions of non-existent stimuli

      • delusions, hallucinations

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Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia

  • Negative ≠ “bad”

  • Negative= deficits in functioning

    • under-activity in brain; decreased or non-response to stimuli

      • apathy, lack of emotion, slowed speech, and movement

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Disorganized Symptoms of Schizophrenia

  • Disorganized speech

    • cognitive slippage: illogical and incoherent speech

    • tangentiality: “going off on a tangent”

    • loose associations- conversation in unrelated directions

  • Disorganized affect

    • inappropriate emotional behavior

  • Disorganized behavior

    • includes a variety of unusual behaviors

    • behavior is the same everywhere

    • Catatonia

      • excessive movement or immobility

      • connects to the disconnect from reality

      • they are not recognizing this discomfort that normal people would feel

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  • gross misrepresentation of reality

  • most common:

    • delusions of grandeur

      • think that they are special or hold powers

    • delusions of persecution

      • think that everyone is out to get them

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Theories for why delusions develop

  • Motivational view

    • you have some anxiety for a real problem (coping mechanism for existing anxiety)

  • Deficit View

    • neurological brain dysfunction

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  • experience of sensory events without environment input

  • can involve all symptoms

  • most common: auditory

  • individuals not able to distinguish reality from hallucination

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Spectrum of Schizophrenia negative symptoms

  • avoliton

  • algoia

  • anhedonia

  • affective flattening

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Avoliton (or apathy)

lack of initiation and persistence (cannot get tasks done; seen a lot with keeping up with personal hygiene)

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  • relative absence of speech

    • short responses, minimal as possible speech

  • their brains are so confused that their brains cannot comprehend what is going on/ slows down their processing

    • when symptoms are under control, they’re able to have a normal conversation

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lack of pleasure, or indifference (associated w/ depression)

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Affective flattening

  • little expressed emotion

    • no facial expressions, no tone change, no highs/lows

  • typically feel everything going on around them but cannot express it

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Schizophreniform Disorder

experience symptoms of schizophrenia for a few months only

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Schizoaffective disorder

people with symptoms of schizophrenia and exhibited characteristics of mood disorders

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Delusional Disorder

a persistent belief contrary to reality in the absence of other characteristics of schizophrenia

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Substance/Medication-induced psychotic disorder

delusional symptoms develop around the time of use of the substance

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Psychotic disorder associated with another medical condition

medically the delusions/hallucinations are the direct cause of another medical condition

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Brief Psychotic Disorder

sudden onset of delusion & mood sings only lasting one month or less

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Development of Schizophrenia

  • first occur during late adolescence or early adulthood

  • children show early features such as mild abnormalities, poor motor coordination, and mild cognitive and social problems

  • including prodromal stage

    • a 1 to 2 year period before serious symptoms occur but less severe and unusual behaviors start to show

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Genetic influences on schizophrenia

the more closely someone is genetically related to a person with schizophrenia, the greater risk that he or she will develop schizophrenia

however, how the disorder presents itself is not based on this

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Neurobiological Influences on Schizophrenia

  • Dopamine

    • Hypothesis: schizophrenia is partially caused by overactive dopamine

    • Evidence- agonists result in schizophrenic-like behavior, antagonists reduce this behavior

    • Problem-overly simplistic; many neurotransmitters are likely involved

  • Brain Structure

    • structural and functional abnormalities in the brain

      • enlarged ventricles and reduced tissue volume

        • underdeveloped parts

      • hypofrontality: less active frontal lobes (dopamine pathway)

  • Prenatal and Perinatal influences

    • viral infections during prenatal development (findings inconclusive)

    • environmental stress of the fetus

    • use of marijuana

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How Schizophrenia was Treated in the Past

  • historical precursors were generally ineffective and often barbaric

    • prefrontal lobotomies, insulin-induced comas, electroconvulsive therapy

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Biological Interventions of Schizophrenia

  • Antipsychotic Medications

    • often the first line treatment for schizophrenia

    • most reduce or eliminate positive symptoms

    • lots of side effects

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Noncompliance Issue

  • acute and permanent side effects are common with first-generation medications

    • Parkinson’s-like side effects

      • loss of muscle control, shaking

    • Akinesia

      • expressionless face, slow motor activity, and monotonous speech

    • Tardive dyskinesia

      • involuntary facial movements

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Compliance Problems

  • aversion to side effects

    • patients will want to stop due to side effects, but if stopped, schizophrenia comes back full-force

    • the drugs work only if taken properly and the patients do not routinely take their medicine

  • financial cost

  • poor relationship with doctors

  • **there are VERY FEW people that will say not to use the medication because it is the best line of treatment

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Behavioral on Inpatient Units (token economies)

  • the behavior/symptoms from the disorder is harmful to themselves or others so individuals are placed into an inpatient facility

  • token economies

    • small rewards or tokens for “corrected” or “good” behavior and release of patients is often sooner

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Community Care Programs

Deinstitutionalized Movement:

  • on paper it sounds great

    • let’s integrate these people into the community so we’re gonna close these long-term facilities

    • poorly executed, not all patients have appropriate treatment and care after the facility is closed

  • this leads to lots of displaced patients being homeless because they cannot care for themselves and there is no longer a facility to take care of them

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Social and Living Skills Training

lots of individuals w/ schizophrenia socially isolate themselves and do not know how to interact with people

this teaches these individuals social skills and basic life skills that give them more ability to take care of themselves

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Behavioral Family Therapy

  • often the families are taking care of the individuals so this works through and teaches families how to deal with the delusions and paranoia

  • effective and maintainable after 1 year, but after 2 years, not effective

  • there needs to be check-ins and follow ups by professionals to remain effective

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Vocational Rehabilitation

hiring people with a mental illness and assigning a mentor to them; the mentors have some special training done to help the individual

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • diagnosed first in infancy, childhood, or adolescence; presumed to be neurologically based

  • Include:

    • ADHD

    • Specific learning disorder

    • Intellectual disability

    • Communication and motor disorders

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  • pattern of inattention, or of hyperactivity and impulsivity

    • hyperactivity includes fidgeting, having trouble sitting for any length of time, and always being on the go

    • impulsivity includes blurting out answers before questions have been completed and having trouble waiting turns

  • can be comorbid with conduct disorder, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse

  • highly influenced by genetics

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Psychosocial Treatment of ADHD

  • target to decrease hyperactivity and impulsivity

  • focus on behavioral interventions to help; the programs set goals to encourage and increase the amount of desired behavior

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Biological Treatment of ADHD

  • stimulant medications reduce hyperactivity and impulsiveness

  • stimulant medications reinforce the brain’s ability to focus attention during problem-solving tasks

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Combined Treatment of ADHD

behavioral interventions have the added benefit of improving aspects of the child and family that are not directly affected by medication

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Specific Learning Disorder

  • a significant discrepancy between a person’s academic achievement and what would be expected for someone of the same age

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Treatment of Specific Learning Disorder

  • medication is used if comorbid ADHD is present

  • specific skills instruction and strategy instruction are used to assist with problems related to cognitive skills including decision making and critical thinking

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Deficits in Adaptive Functioning

age-appropriate behaviors necessary for people to be independent and to function safely and appropriately in daily life

involves three domains: conceptual, social, and practical

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Society’s Perception of Deficits in Adaptive Functioning

  • Three typical views

    • medical problem that needs to be cured

    • tragedy that must be eliminated

    • something to be feared and pitied

  • Leads to

    • lower expectations

    • decreased opportunities

    • social isolation

    • denial of personal freedoms and human rights

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Intellectual Disability Genetic Causes

Down Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome

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Intellectual Disability Cause: Problems during Pregnancy

  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

  • Malnutrition

  • Disease/illness in mother

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Intellectual Disability Cause: Problem at Birth

oxygen deprivation

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Intellectual Disability Cause: Problems After Birth

  • meningitis

  • brain injury

  • lead poisoning

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Intellectual Disability Causes: Poverty and Cultural Deprivation

malnutrition and under-stimulation

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Treatment of Intellectual Disability

  • Behavioral interventions teach:

    • basic skills

    • social skills

    • practical skills

  • Goals are similar across severity: level of assistance differs

  • Expectation: participation in community life, attend school and later hold a job, and have the opportunity for meaningful social relationships

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM-4)

umbrella term with specific disorders

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM-5)

a developmental disability

overlap with intellectual disability: 31%

symptoms: social interaction, social communication, repetitive behaviors

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Clinical Description of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Two things required to make a diagnosis:

  • Social Communication and Social Interaction

  • Restricted/Repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, or activities

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Social Communication with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • delayed language development

  • stereotyped and repetitive language

  • difficulty initiating and sustaining conversation

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Social Interaction with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • impairments in non-verbal behaviors

  • lack of reciprocal social interactions

  • failure to develop peer relationships

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Restricted/repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, or activities with Autism Spectrum Disorder

this includes stereotyped and ritualistic behaviors, which further interfere with social relationships

inflexible adherence to routines and rituals

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Why have prevalence rates increased over the last ten years for Autism Spectrum Disorder?


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Why are boys four times more likely to be identified with autism?

  • stigma that women can’t have autism

  • biologically due to only 1 X chromosome in boys and 2 in girls

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Autism Spectrum Disorder’s relationship to Intellectual Disability

  • both disorders show marked comparable deficits in IQ scores which represent deficits in adaptive functioning

  • only ASD can have a wider (or more normal) range

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What causes autism?

  • ultimately, the causes are unknown

  • What is known:

    • neurodevelopmental disorder

    • genetic component

      • 5-10 genes consistently related

    • environmental components

    • biological

      • overall increase in brain volume

      • decreased oxytocin levels in their blood

      • interruption in growth of amygdala

    • immune system??

      • ongoing research


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Treatment for Autism

  • focused on teaching social skills; enhancing communication and daily living skills and reducing problem behaviors

    • psychosocial: focus on skill building and behavioral treatment of problem behaviors

    • biological: medicine has had little success

    • integrating: early intervention is crucial

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