Regulation of sexual activity
Incest taboo: norm forbiding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives
Replace members who die/move away
Teaching children the ways and values of society
Economic and emotional security
Division of labor- usually based on gender
Division of labor ensures needs of the family are met
Family contributes to social inequality by reinforcing economic inequality and patriarchy
Economic inequality – working poor and poverty vs. middle class
Feminist perspective- → examples: not allowed to divorce, own property, marital rape, domestic violence
Lack of emotional support disharmony, violence
Delayed marriage → society blames it on
Cohabitation: living together while having a sexual relationship while not being married
Delayed childbearing/childlessness
Sandwich Generation: caught between the needs of children and parents
Voluntary childlessness
One parent households
Dual-earner marriages
Universal appeal; members from all social classes
Complex hierarchy of paid officials
Huge national or international 4 accept the norms and values of society; usually close relationship to the State
The level of members; involvement varies; often members don’t need to do much at all
Claims a monopoly on truth
Membership tends to be from the middle-classes
Hierarchy of paid officials; bureaucratic
National or international
Do not identify with the state
Little pressure on members to participate
Do not claim a monopoly of truth; usually practice religious tolerance
Membership from lower social classes
No hierarchical structure; usually 1 charismatic leader
Challenge the norms and values of culture; oppose the state
Members are supposed to be highly involved
Claims a monopoly on truth
Social cohesion
Religion encourages the strengthening of bonds among people
Ex. participating in religious ceremony
Social control
Religion encourages conformity to the norms and values of society
Ex. being nice, stealing is wrong
Emotional support
Religion often provides comfort in times of personal suffering or natural disaster
Ex. funeral, divorce
beliefs are seen by most of society as being “strange” or unorthodox
members show unusual or excessive devotion to some person, idea, or thing
leaders use unethical and/or manipulative methods of persuasion and control to advance the goals of the group leaders
has all the answers
possibly abusive
seduction: “reeling” people in by giving them a sense of purpose or belonging/safe place where they’re important and accepted
persuasion involves prize of some sort that only members can receive. if person joins or buys-in, they will get prize
fascination: prospects lose their doubts/generally connect with cult leader/hooked
traumatic or deprived childhood
low self-esteem
personal crisis
transitional (freshmen/seniors/out of work)
unaware that they can be manipulated
have emergency bag packed
have a place to stay lined up
seek out family and former friends
seek professional help/support group
involve police, if necessary
understand cult friends want nothing with you
individual’s life is meaningless
cult members: good
cult teachings sacred
only people in cult can be saved
The People’s Temples
Jonestown →utopia
controlled followers by isolating them in the jungle
drink kool-aid