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Who is Mikhail I Romanov?
Ivan IV’s grand-nephew related to Ivan IV’s first wife Anastasia
How old was Mikhail Romanov when he was elected to be Tsar?
What happened to Mikhail I in 1613?
was elected by the Zemsky Sobor to be the Tsar
Mikhail I Romanov was elected… before accepting this position what did he do before it?
Tsar by the Semsky Sobor in 1613, repeatedly refused before accepting
When was Mikhail I Romanov crowned?
July 22 1613
What did Mikhail I Romanov find? How long does this last?
Romanov Dynasty, lasts 300 years
Describe Mikhail I Romanov’s personality
delicate health, very pious, serious in public, loved singing and playing the organ
How many times was Mikhail I Romanov married? How many children?
married twice, 10 children
Who was Mikhail I Romanov mentored by?
mentored by his father Patriarch Filaret, who was the de facto ruler until his death in 1633
What did Patriarch Filaret do?
served as Mikhail’s de facto ruler until his death
How did Patriarch Filaret die?
Who was Mikhail I Romanov succeeded by?
Aleksy I Romanov
What ended the time of troubles?
Mikhail’s death and succession by Aleksey, peace was made with Poland and Sweden
What did Aleksey increase?
increased diplomatic, commercial and cultural contacts with Western Europe
What did Aleksey introduce ?
western industrial and military technologies, and reorganization of the army
What reconstruction did Mikhail I Romanov do?
reconstruction of the Moscow Kremlin, the gothic towers and royal palaces
Who is Aleksey I Romanov?
son of MIkhail I Romanov who succeeded him
Describe Aleksey I Romanov’s personality
athletic, energetic, quick-witted, amiable, prone to fits of temper, pious and gentle
What was Aleksey’s nicknamse?
Alexis the “Quiet”/”Pious”
What are Aleksey I Romanov’s pastimes?
falconry, hunting, gardening, sketching, writing, pomp, spectacle and luxury
Who was Aleksey I Romanov tutored by?
Boyar Boris Morozov
Who was Aleksey I Romanov’s first and second wife, how many children?
Maria Miloslavskaya, 13 children, Natalia Naryshkina, 3 children
Aleksey I Romanov continued the reconstruction of….
Kremlin (Terem Palace), and German Suburb (Quarter), and Kolomenskoe estate near Moscow
Aleksey I Romanov’s Kolomenskoe estate is what kind of style?
Moscow Baroque style, very flamboyant, onion domes, very curvy
During Aleksey I Romanov’s there was a flourishing of?
decorative arts, icons, book printing, jewelry, armory palace
During Aleksey’s rule there was an introduction of…
postal system
What did Aleksey form during his reign? What reforms did he doncut?
formed the first regullar national army, and conducted monetary reforms
What was made law in 1649? Who was the ruler? How long did it last?
serfdom, Aleksey, lasted until 1861
What did Aleksey recover?
some old Russian lands from Poland, and reunited Russia and Eastern part of Ukraine in 1654
Who is Patriarch Nikon?
Church’s reform conducted by him who triggered the “Old Believers'“ schism in the Russian Church, 1652-1666
What is raskoliniki?
Where did the Old Believers move?
North, Urals and Siberia
What did the Ecumenical Council of 1666-67 do?
supported Church’s reform but exiled both Nikon and Avvakum
What are self-immolitions?
setting yourself on fire as a political statement
Old believers have a great focus on?
communal prayer (sobornost)
Old believers do the sign of the cross with how many fingers?
How is Jesus spelled by Old Believers?
Who supported the Old Believers in 18th and 19th century?
Peter I
Old Believers conformity to?
iconic method of living in family and monastic life
Old Believers: what direction of processions?
sunwise direction (not counter sunwise as in ROC)
How many times did old believers sing halleuluia?
twice (not thrice like ROC)
What kind of liturgical singing did Old Believers do?
unison/monophonic and congregational (not polyphonic and choir singing like ROC)