How does water move on the surface of the ocean?
Surface currents (wind)
Is salt-water more/less dense than freshwater?
more dense
What is the flat, low area of the ocean called?
abyssal plain
movement of ocean water in a flow
ocean currents
Why are ocean currents important?
They distribute heat, animals, salt
1 factor that controls surface currents
wind patterns
Deepest Point in the Ocean
Mariana Trench (10,935 ft)
Is cold water more or less dense than warm
More dense
Cause of ocean waves
northern currents move
southern currents move:
Why do currents move in different directions?
Coriolis Effect
How do the sun and moon cause the ocean tides?
Both pull at the earth, causing bulges on the side
disturbance that moves energy
4 parts of a wave
amplitude, crest, wavelength, trough
Cause of rip currents
water returning to the ocean
long waves that move towards the coast
water is at its greatest elevation
high tide
water is at its lowest elevation
low tide
How does the moon’s gravity pull ocean water?
Creating a gravitational pull on Earth’s water
Cycle duration of high/low tide
6 hrs and 12.5 minutes
Occurs on full/new moon
spring tide
Occurs on quarter moons
neap tide
Occurs when sun and moon are at 90º angle
Neap tide
Weakest tide
Neap tide
3 ways tsunamis generate energy
volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide
A coral is made up of
Function of cells in polyps
perform photosynthesis
Why do corals bleach
runoff from farms/pollution
ongoing decrease in PH of ocean water
Ocean acidification
Cause of ocean acidification
uptake of CO2
How does ocean acidification make marine life grow?
organisms can’t build shells/coral reffs are destroyed
6 threats to Marine Biomes
-climate change
-invasive species
-ocean acidification