James Monroe's presidency and what he did.
What timeframe did James Monroe run and what was it called?
He ran from 1815-1825 and was known as the Era of Good feelings.
What were James Monroe’s “Good Will tour” and what did he talk about?
Supported the spirit of Nationality
Get 6 new states
Economic Growth
Monroe Doctorine 1823
America wanted to support new Democratic countries by recognizing them and protecting them from the European powers.
Says 3 things:
Neutral in Europe (maintain America’s neutrality)
America will declare the diplomatic recognition for emerging countries and open trade for them.
Western hemisphere is closed off to any colonization and America will attack back if there is an attempt.
Missouri Compromise
Monroe signed this on 1820.
It said that anything north of 36º30’ is a slave free area (besides Missouri).
This was to stop a war, but it was not a permanent solution and Jefferson called it the “Fireball in the night”