Escape and Avoidance Learning

  • escape: when behavior terminates aversive stimulus

  • avoidance: when behavior prevents aversive stimulus

  • avoidance conditioning maintains phobias

    • phobias are resurgent and come back a lot

    • we avoid our fears completely and that avoidance makes the fear stick bc we don’t have the chance to extinguish it

    • phobias are irrational (like escalators) not rational (like guns)

    • animals condition less readily than humans

    • human phobias require one brief conditioning trial (doesn’t take much)

  • stampfl procedure: avoidance response occurs early in sequence of events. early responding greatly reduces extent to which avoidance response can be extinguished

  • ocd

    • persistent thoughts, impulses, or images

    • repetitive actions in response to obsessions

      • persistent thoughts are reduced by the compulsion

      • compulsion reinforces the obsession by reducing anxiety

    • people w ocd believe that they should be in complete control of their thoughts and feel personally responsible for the highly improbable

    • Exposure and Response Prevention

      • method of treating ocd

      • systematic desensitization with flooding therapy

  • escape and avoidance conditioning strengthen the behavior through removal of an aversive stimulus

  • punishment weakens the behavior through the application of an aversive stimulus or the removal of an appetitive stimulus

    • positive punishment: adding something that they don’t like.

    • negative punishment: removing something that they like

      • response cost: removal of specific reinforcer following the occurrence of problem behavior

      • time-out: loss of access to positive reinforcers for a brief period of time following problem behavior
