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global water system
what is the key role of the hydrosphere and how is it powered
redistributing energy flows via atmospheric/oceanic circulation. powered by radiant energy from the sun
what is the percentage of saline and freshwater on earth
97.2% saline, 2.8% freshwater
hydrologic cycle
movement of water between various storage location (reservoirs). amount of water is finite. total amount evaporated equals the total precipitated globally
hydrogen bonding
bond between H2O molecules due to slightly -ve O charge and slightly +ve H charge
H2O molecules attracted to each other (water sticking to other water)
H2O is attracted to another substances
as water cools what happens
contracts when cooling to 4°c
expands by around 9% between 4-0°C
ice floats on water- less dense compared to liquid water
expansion in weathering of rock
specific heat
amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1°C
what is the universal solvent
latent heat
energy that is absorbed (stored) or released when a substance changes state (without a change in temp)
forms or breaks molecular bonds
cannot be felt or measured
water vapour to liquid water - energy released
transformation of liquid water into water vapour
loss of water vapour directly from leaf pores (stomata) in plants into the atmosphere
evaporation + transpiration
evapotranspiration rates depends on
net radiation which increases heating
air temperature which influences maximum humidity
relative humidity and moisture capacity of air
wind speed
amount of water vapour in the air
varies spatially and temporally (supply and demand)
measures of humidity
vapour pressure
specific humidity
relative humidity
dew point temperature
precipitable water
measurement of how much moisture could theoretically precipitate given the right conditions
where is high and low vapour pressure found
high vapour pressure is found close to a water surface and air at higher altitudes has lower vapour pressure
how does water vapour move
moves along a vapour pressure gradient from high vapour pressure to low vapour pressure
how does wind move moist air
it moves it away from the source
warm air can hold ___ H2O than cold air
much more
cold dry air can have close to ____% H2O vapour
warm tropical air may have ____% H2O vapour
explain water density at the latitudes
high latitudes have low temps thus low water density
low latitudes have high temps thus high water density
specific humidity
(g/kg) actual amount of water vapour in a given amount of air. direct measure.
ex: 10 grams of H2O vapour in a kg of air
maximum specific humidity
(g/kg) maximum amount of H2O vapour that a body of air can hold at its current temperature. (increase temp = increase MSH)
saturation curve
describes the relationship between maximum humidity and temperature
relative humidity
percentage of actual H2O vapour in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold at that temperature
saturation depends on temp
describes how close the air is to saturation at its current temp
expressed as %
relative humidity can change 2 ways
temperature changes - changes the maximum specific humidity
water vapour changes (gains or losses) - changes the specific humidity
equation of relative humidity
specific humidity/maximum specific humidity x 100
at 100% relative humidity it means that
the air is saturated (it’s holding all the water vapour it could hold at that temperature)
temperature and (relative) humidity have an _____ relationship
temperature increases, relative humidity decreases
temperature decreases, relative humidity increases
explain humidity at lower and higher lats
lower lats: specific humidity is high (hot air holds more w.v.)/relative humidity is low (higher amount of w.v. so could hold way more air)
higher lats: specific humidity is low/relative humidity is high (close to saturation cuz holds less)
the stability of the atmosphere depends on
relative temperature
visible masses of tiny suspended water droplets or ice crystals
two necessary conditions for cloud formation
air must be saturated (100% RH)
either by cooling below the dew point or by adding w.v. to the air
there must be a substantial quantity of hygroscopic condensation nuclei (small aerosols) for water vapour to collect (ex. dust, sea salts)
cirro form cloud
thin, wispy (made of ice crystals)
cumulo form cloud
taller, puffy cloud, round (like drawing clouds)
strato form cloud
layers, blanket, sheet, covers whole sky
nimbo form cloud
height range of clouds
low - stratus
middle (alto)
high (cirrus)
vertically developed
how are sun dogs created
caused by the refraction of sunlight by the hexagonal ice crystals in cirrus and cirrostratus clouds
typical when sun is close to horizon
rainbows caused by sunlight striking liquid drops rather than ice crystals
where does precipitation form
within clouds when cloud droplets or ice crystals grow large enough to overcome updrafts and fall to earth
liquid H2O droplets
ice crystals
rain freezes before hitting the ground
freezing rain
rain freezes on impact with the ground
ice crystals melt and refreeze before falling
rain that evaporates before reaching the ground
how many cloud droplets are needed to form a rain drop heavy enough to fall to earth
1 million
raindrop size is determined by
drop size and air resistance
where does precipitation originate from
parcels of moist air that have been adiabatically cooled
condensation and cloud formation start at the lifting condensation level (LCL)
adiabatic cooling occurs through the lifting of air from the surface to higher levels in the atmosphere by
convective uplift
orographic uplift
convergent uplift
frontal (cyclonic) uplift
convective uplift
unequal heating of surface causes air parcel to rise and expand
pressure of unstable air decreases as it rises (air cools adiabatically)
condensation occurs at LCL
hot lower density air
orographic uplift
air forced to rise by a mountain
windward side - air cools at dry adiabatic rate to dewpoint, clouds forms (LCL) and air continues to cool at SAR
leeward side - air descends - warming DAR, creates rain shadow (dry conditions)
chinook wind
occurs when a steep pressure gradient develops in mountainous regions (canadian rocky mountains)
high pressure on windward side
low pressure on leeward side
air is warmed adiabatically as it moves over the mountain and down leeward slope
convergent uplift
collision of similar air masses moving horizontally
low pressure systems at ITCZ
warm moist tropical air rises in hadley cells
NE/SE trade winds converge towards ITCZ
uplift is initiated, energy released which augments process
produces cloud cover and rain
frontal uplift
different air masses collide forming a front and uplift of air (some is forced up and other part stays down)
precipitation variability
the expected departure from an area’s average annual precipitation in any given year
acid rain
aka acid precipitation or acid deposition. the deposition of either wet or dry acidic materials from the atmosphere on earth’s surface.
sources of acid precipitation
sulfuric and nitric acid. sulfur dioxide (human induced) emissions from smokestacks, nitrogen oxides (NOx) from motor vehicle exhaust. these may drift hundreds of thousands of kilometers away by wind.
how is acidity measured
pH scale, based on the relative concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). lower end = acidic, higher end = basic
how does acid precipitation damage stuff
damages aquatic ecosystems, forest diebacks, buildings and monuments destroyed
how to reduce acid rain
reduce so2 and nox from coal burning electricity generating plants, reducing volatile organic compounds, reducing particulate matter