What was the 13th Amendment?
Abolition of slavery, 1865
What were black codes?
State laws which denied black American political rights (introduces the idea of segregation)
What is the 14th Amendment?
Prohibits state/local gov from depriving persons of life, liberty, or property without fair procedure, 1868
What is the 15th Amendment?
Made it illegal to deny any citizen voting rights based on race/colour
What are the purpose of Jim Crow Laws?
To make black people feel inferior to white people
What did the end of reconstruction mean for AAs?
The end of Reconstruction meant legal, economic and political inferiority for AAs in the South.
What was the KKK initially?
The Klan was formed in Tennessee in the winter following the end of the American Civil War.
It was initially a secret social org by shortly evolved into a vigilante group whosee principal goal was to negate Reconstruction.
Give a timeline of the KKK
1870s → Crackdown on Klan activity
1915 → In light of the great wave of immigration, the Klan appeared again
1925 → Klan counted 4million followers, including many gov officials
Disappeared moving into WW2
1935 -→ Revived
What was the point of disenfranchisement?
Was a critical means for the maintenance of white control in the Jim Crow South
What were some examples of disenfranchisement?
Ballot stuffing
Poll tax
Literacy test
A Grandfather clause
Allows an exception for acts which were previously legal but made illegal