End of Medieval Period
Monarchies gain power, new monarchies emerge in England (Tudors), France (Valois), and Spain (Isabella and Ferdinand)
The Tudors
Divine right of kings, Parliament, English Bill of Rights, growing middle class, less feudalism
Louis XIV
Divine right of monarchy, tax farmers, king has complete authority, nobles in Versailles to intimidate
Martin Luther, 95 Theses, reforms to the church
John Calvin, simplicity, hard work ethic, obedience, lead to Huguenots in France and Puritans in England
Henry VII wanted to divorce and marry Anne Boleyn, created his own church
Counter Reformation
Response of Roman Catholics
1.) Inquisition to get rid of nonbelievers
2.) Jesuits to spread missionary activity
3.) Council of Trent corrected some corrupted church practices
Scientific Revolution
Reason not blind faith
Ivan the Terrible expands Russia into Mongol territory using gunpowder
Orthodox church
Romanovs lose power
Mongol Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) overthrown by Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Mings expand into Mongol territory and bring back Civil Service Exam
Qing Dynasty takes over (1644-1911)
Qings evolve to Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia
Bureaucracy becomes corrupt causing rebellion
Daimyo leaders expanding
Oda Nobunga begins unification and Toyotomi Hideyoshi continues it
Military sponsored families to central governing
Ottoman Empire
Turkey (1300-1918)
Gunpowder empire
Mehmed II takes Constantinople
Suleiman I takes some of Hungary and almost Austria
Devshirme system, blood tax on Christian boys
Sunni Islam
Mostly tolerant
Safavid Empire
Persia (1501-1760)
No navy or natural defense
Shah Abbas I tries to expand more into Persia
Shia Islam
No tolerance
Mughal Empire
India (1520s-1800s)
Babur created empire
Akbar creates golden age
Aurangzeb tries to expand to south India, weakens empire
Tolerance under Akbar, less under others
Tributary Systems
Aztecs, China, and Songhai Empire
Peace of Augsburg in 1555 allows states to chose Catholic or Lutheran leader
30 Years War
Catholics and Protestants
Caused mass famine and devestation