General Influences, Architectural Character, Parts of a Basilican Church, Examples; Baptisteries, Tombs, Basilican Churches. based from handout produced by Ar. Vicente Sanchez in preparation for S.Y. 2023-24. University of Santo Tomas College of Architecture.
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An eastern province of the Roman Empire where Christianity is born
St Peter, St Paul and other missionaries
who carried Christianity to Rome
Roman Art
Early Christian Architecture was influenced by existing __________
Basilican Churches
the ruins of Roman buildings often provided the quarry to build ___
Modification of styles depended on climatic conditions where hotter climates necessitated _____ windows
Constantine changed the capital of the Empire from Rome to ________.
who was a lifelong pagan who was baptized against his will on his deathbed, is generally understood as the first Christian emperor of the Roman world.
The _______ is a part of an ancient Roman forum on which Early Christian church designs were based.
Early Christian Basilica
was a place for Christian worship and erected over the burial place of a saint.
The high nave wall is called the ________ and pierced with windows to admit light. Windows and arcades are spanned by semi-circular arches.
rubble; concrete; plaster; brick; stone
Walls: Walls are _____ or ________ faced with _____, _____ or _____.
king and queen post trusses
Roof: The structure system of church timber roofs employed the simple _____________________.
Columns; Capitals
Columns: ________ and _________ from Old Roman Buildings were used in this Architectural Style.
Columns: _________ churches are impressive and dignified by the long perspective of columns.
Purely for decoration
Colorful mosaic gave richness to the interior. They were used ______________ rather than as a pictorial explanation
Parts: open forecourt surrounded by arcades
Parts: located between the atrium and the church, was used by penitents.
Parts: seating area for the worshippers.
Parts: located on both sides of the nave.
Cancelli or Chancel
Parts: low screen wall enclosing the choir.
Ambo or Pulpit
Parts: place where the priest reads the gospel and delivers the homily.
Parts: side projections of the church.
Parts: raised platform on the altar
Parts: place where the priest officiates the mass.
Parts: erected on columns over the altar.
Parts: is a circular termination of the church.
Arch of Triumph
Parts: located above the altar and before the apse, glorifying the Kingdom of God in a beautiful mosaic.
Constantine changed the capital of the Empire from ____ to Byzantium.
semi-circular arches
The high nave walls, the clerestory are pierced with windows to admit light. Windows and arcades are spanned by __________________.
These are separate buildings from the church used only for the sacrament of baptism during Easter, Pentecost, & Epiphany.
Easter; Pentecost; Epiphany
the sacrament of baptism is during ______, _________, & ________.
Monumental Tombs
Christian’s objection to cremation led to the building of _______________, which expressed faith in immortality and memorial to the dead.
are networks of subterranean chambers for burial purposes of the early Christians
The word catacomb was probably derived from the Latin ad ___________, meaning “at the hollows”
The Christians were not allowed to bury their dead within the city walls, so they buried them in underground cemeteries. These tombs have recesses for corpses called ______. While the pagans cremated their dead, Christians were forbidden to practice their religion.
a small shrine intended to frame, shelter and honor a holy object.
Pope Marcellinus and Pope Marcellus I
Who are the two popes buried in the Queen of the Catacombs, Catacombs of Priscilla.
Circus of Nero
The site where martyrdom of Christians took place, including St Peter.
St Helen
Constantine’s Mother
Peter of Illyria
Who founded Sta. Sabina, Rome
Santa Sabina
The mother church of the order of preachers (Dominican Order)
Pope Simplicius
who built Santo Stefano Rotondo
Golgotha and Calvary
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem was built by Constantine on a site that encompasses both _________ and ________.
Santa Sabina
The mother church of the order of preachers (Dominican Order)
Santo Stefano houses
a series of 33 frescoes depicting gruesome and graphic persecution and martyrdom of Christians.
St. Paul
The basilican church; St. Paolo Fuori Le Mura, Rome was built over the grave of who?
St. Lawrence
The basilican church; St. Lorenzo Fuori Le Mura, Rome was built over the grave of who?
Sta. Maria Assunta
The basilican church; Torcello Cathedral, Venice was dedicated to who?
at the hallows
meaning of the latin word Catacumbas