The Opportunists are tortured in ____.
Circle I
The Virtuous Pagans and Unbaptized Children are tortured in ___.
Circle II
The Carnal are tortured in ____.
Circle III
The Gluttons are tortured in ____.
Circle IV
The Hoarders and Waster are tortured in ____.
Circle V
The Wrathful and Sullen are punished in ____.
Circle VI
The Heretics are punished in _____.
Circle VII, Round I
The Violent against Neighbors are punished in ____.
Circle VII, Round II
The Violent against Themselves are punished in ___.
Circle VII, Round III
The Violent against God, Nature, and Art are punished in ____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia I
The Panderers and Seducers are punished in ____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia II
The Flatterers are punished in _____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia III
The Simoniacs are punished in _____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia IV
The Fortune Tellers and Diviners are punished in ____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia V
The Grafters are punished in _____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia VI
The Hypocrites are punished in _____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia VII
The Thieves are punished in ____.
Circle VIII, Bolgia VIII
The Evil Counselors are punished in ______.
Circle VIII, Bolgia IX
The Sowers of Discord are punished in ______.
Circle VIII, Bolgia X
The Falsifiers are punished in ____.
Circle IX, Round I (Caina)
The Treacherous against Kin are punished in ______.
Circle IX, Round II (Antenora)
The Treacherous against Country are punished in _____.
Circle IX, Round III (Ptolomea)
The Treacherous against Guests and Hosts are punished in ______.
Circle IX, Round IV (Judecca)
The Treacherous against Lords and Benefactors are punished in _____.
The chase a banner and are attacked by bugs.
How are the sinners in Vestibule punished?
They never get to experience the joy or hope of reaching Paradise.
How are the sinners in Circle I punished?
They are swept into the eternal tempest of Hell.
How are the sinners in Circle II punished?
They are buried in a filthy slush as they are tortured by Cerberus.
How are the sinners in Circle III punished?
They are forced to shove boulders against each other while they question why they hoard and waste.
How are the sinners in Circle IV punished?
They are boiled and buried in a pit of slime as they attack each other.
How are the sinners in Circle V punished?
They are packed into a burning coffin.
How are the sinners in Circle VI punished?
They are boiled in a river of boiling blood, each sinner’s depth based on their guilt.
How are the sinners in Circle VII, Round I punished?
They are turned into trees whose only way of speaking is by being tortured.
How are the sinners in Circle VII, Round II punished?
They are forced to live in a burning diesert that rains fire.
How are the sinners in Circle VII, Round III punished.
They are kept at an eternal fast paced and are lashed by demons.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia I punished?
They are sunk in excrement.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia II punished?
They are placed in tube-like holes and their feet are lit on fire.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia III punished?
Their heads are twisted backwards from their bodies and are forced to walk backwards.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia IV are punished?
They are sunk in a boiling pitch as demons attack them with grappling hooks.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia V punished?
They walk a narrow track with leaden jackets on.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia VI punished?
They are tortured by monstrous reptiles.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia VII punished?
They are lit on fire for all eternity.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia VIII punished?
They are hacked through by a demon and forced to carry around their severed body parts.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia IX punished?
They are punished by every affliction of the sense.
How are the sinners in Circle VIII, Bolgia X punished?
They have their heads and necks above the ice and are allowed to bow their heads.
How are the sinners in Circle IX, Round I (Caina) punished?
They have their heads and necks above the ice but are not allowed to bow their heads.
How are the sinners in Circle IX, Round II (Antenora) punished?
Half of their faces are sunk below the ice.
How are the sinners in Circle IX, Round III (Ptolomea) punished?
They are completely sunk in the ice and their bodies are twisted and mangled.
How are the sinners of Circle IX, Round IV (Judecca) punished?
Dark Wood
The first setting of the book. It represents the dark path people take when they stray from God.
The Capital of Hell and the beginning of Lower Hell.
Circle VIII. Consists of Bolgias where those guilty of simple fraud are punished.
Circle IX, Round I. Where they Treacherous against Kin are punished.
Circle IX. The frozen lake at the bottom of Hell. It represents the distance these sinners have strayed from God’s warmth.
Who Dante fell in love with in his lifetime. In the Inferno, she represents Divine Love.
Dante’s guide. He was a Roman poet who wrote the Aeneid, a story of a man who goes through “Hell”. He is a symbol of Human Reason.
The protagonist of the Aeneid. He was a war hero. Dante compares himself to this character to express that he is not worthy of retribution.
Aeneas was his forerunner. Dante also compares himself to this person.
A Greek hero who is punished in Circle II. he is placed there for his passion towards Polyxena, for whom he betrayed his country to marry.
Atilla the Hun
King of the Huns. “Scourge of God”. He is punished in Circle VII, Round I for his war crimes.
He is punished in Circle VIII, Bolgia VIII. he helped mastermind the Trojan Horse.
They are featured in Circle VII, Round I. They patrol the area and shoot down sinners. They represent the bestiality of humanity.
Guards Circle VII, Round I. A symbol of the bestiality of humanity.
The protectors of Circle IX.
Guards Circle III. Represents the lack of repercussion or guilt in men.
The sentencer of Hell
Dame Fortune
A part of medieval mythology. She is mentioned in Circle IV. Doles out luck and misfortune.
The She-Wolf of Incontinence
Represents one of the types of sins in the Inferno. Their sins are included in Circles I-VI.
The Leopard of Malice and Fraud
Represents one of they types of sins in the Inferno. Their sins are included in Circles VIII-IX.
The Lion of Violence and Ambition
Represents one of they types of sins in the Inferno. Their sins are included in Circle VII.