Indirect Midterm (copy)

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principles of tooth preparation

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principles of tooth preparation

  • preservation of remaining sound tooth structure

  • tooth reduction to provide necessary space for bulk of restorative material

  • geometry of preparation to provide retention and resistance

  • margins of tooth and restoration must maintain their integrity

  • periodontal health after restoration must be maintained

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path of insertion (poi)

  • allows for restoration to be placed/removed in the long axis of the tooth

  • proper poi and planes of reduction provides space for material

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occlusal reduction

should follow cuspal inclines for tooth preservation while providing space for the material

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prevents removal of the restoration along the poi or long axis of the tooth preparation

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prevents dislodgment of the restoration by forces directed in an apical or oblique direction and prevents any movement of the restoration under occlusal forces

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the essential element of retention is….

two opposing vertical surfaces on the same tooth

  • can be external (extracoronal restoration walls) or internal (walls of proximal box)

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the two opposing external (extracoronal) walls in a prep must gradually _____ in an occlusal direction


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the two opposing internal (intracoronal) walls must gradually ______ in an occlusal direction


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the inclination of each wall of 3-5 degrees will result in a taper of the preparation of ____ degrees


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the _____ the surface area, the greater the retention


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preparation margins must be well supported at how many degrees?

greater than or equal to 90 degrees

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bur for breaking interproximal

859 010

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chamfer bur

856 014

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rounded shoulder bur

856 016

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sharp 90 internal bur (also used for occlusal reduction)

6847 014

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end cutting bur

10839 014

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tooth areas reduction for crowns

knowt flashcard image
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cvc cast metal dimensions

  1. buccal gingival axial: 0.65 mm (0.5-1.0)

  2. mid axial reduction: 1.0 (0.8-1.3)

  3. lingual gingival axial: 0.65 (0.5-1.0)

  4. occlusal reduction: 1.5 (1.0-1.75)

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all ceramic monolithic zirconia

  1. buccal gingival axial: 0.65 mm (0.5-1.0)

  2. mid axial reduction: 1.0 mm (0.8-1.3)

  3. lingual gingival axial: 0.65 (0.5-1.0)

  4. occlusal reduction: 1.5(1.0-1.75)

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all ceramic layered zirconia (pfz)

  1. buccal gingival axial: 1.0 mm (0.5-1.0)

  2. mid axial reduction: 1.3 mm (1.0-1.4)

  3. lingual gingival axial: 1.0 (0.8-1.1)

  4. occlusal reduction: 2.0 mm (1.5-2.5)

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metal ceramic (pfm)

  1. buccal gingival axial: 1.3 mm (1.0-1.5)

  2. mid axial reduction: 1.5 mm (1.3-2.0)

  3. lingual gingival axial: 0.65 (0.5-1.0)

  4. occlusal reduction: 2.0 mm (1.5-2.5)

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most conservative crown prep is…

cvc cast metal

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outline requirements

  • supragingival margin placement

  • including caries and defects

  • separation from adjacent teeth

  • preservation of adjacent teeth and peridontium

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internal requirements

  • removing caries

  • buildup when necessary

  • path of insertion and draw

  • preservation of tooth structure planes of reduction

  • remove enough tooth structure based on restorative type of material

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retention requirements

  • height of the vertical axial walls of the preparation

  • proper taper convergence angle

  • free of undercuts

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marginal finish

  • margins configuration and angulation for the type of material

  • margins well supported terminate on sound tooth structure

  • finish line identifiable, continuous, clear, regular

  • free of debris

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outline should terminate…

supragingival at 0.65 mm (range 0.1-1.0)

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clinical outline determining factors

  • Caries, Access, Defects, Existing resorations, margins Terminate on sound tooth structure

  • preparation wall height

  • esthetic factors

  • biological width considerations

  • proper separation from adjacent teeth

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separation from adjacent tooth should be…

greater than or equal to 0.5mm at the gingival margin

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POI usually follows the…

long axis of the tooth and parallel to the adjacent proximal contacts

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poi of the maxillary teeth is…

slightly buccal

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axis of the bur should be ____ to the long axis of the poi


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on mandibular posterior teeth, the side of the bur touches at the height of contour which is the ______ of the lingual surface

middle third

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connecting grooves should be at the ____ poi & the _____ of the bur should not be changed

same; angulation

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at the correct poi, the mid axial reduction will be ________ the gingivial axial reduction

more than

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breaking interproximal contact

  • follow the same poi

  • follow the gingival scallop, curve around the papilla

  • protect adjacent teeth

  • maintain a thin layer in contact with adjacent to avoid damage

  • look for supragingival margin and gingival separation

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proximal axial wall reduction

  • do not change angulation of the bur

  • only half, no more than 2/3 of the bur diameter

  • gingiva axial reduction of 0.65

  • pay attention to line angles for proper reduction and taper

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marginal finish for a cast metal crown (cvc)

chamfer (1.3 diameter at the tip)

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marginal finish for a monolithic zirconia crown

shoulder 90 with round internal

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mandibular molar occlusal reduction

  • gauging grooves follow the b/l inclination at the proper depth

  • remove tooth structure between the grooves

    • removal of tooth structure should be uniform

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functional cusps (stamp cusps

  • buccal cusps of mandibular posterior teeth

    • lingual (palatal) cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

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non-functional cusps

  • lingual cusps of mandibular posterior teeth

  • buccal cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

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for functional cusps, which planes are part of the occlusion?

2nd and 3rd planes

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functional cusp 2nd and 3rd planes

  • must preserve at least 3.0mm of 1st axial wall height

  • 2nd plane should be a gradual transition from the 1st plane

  • 3rd plane should be a gradual transition from the 2nd plane

  • place 2nd and 3rd from line angle to line angle ONLY

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purpose of 2nd and 3rd planes

provide space for restorative materjal and will move back the cusp tips in line with the adjacent teeth and the opposing fossa

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non-functional cusp 2nd plane

  • must preserve at least 3.0-4.0 mm of 1st axial wall height

  • 2nd plane should be a gradual transition from the 1st lpane to bring the cusp tips in line with the adjacent teeth

  • place 2nd plane from line angle to line angle only

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non-functional cusps have how many planes?

2 planes

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if the walls are overtapered, do you still need cusp planes?


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rounding off sharp occlusal line angles is _____ as 2nd or 3rd cusp planes

not the same

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occlusal clearance

the space measured against the opposing teeth (measuring instrument must follow the angulation of the cusp)

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how do you measure occlusal clearance on lingual cusps?

bite registration

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retention prevents…

removal of the restoration along the poi or the long axis of the tooth preparation

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resistance prevents…

dislodgement of the restoration by forces directed in an apical or oblique direction and prevents any movement of the restoration under occlusal forces

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indirect cemented restorations ____ have proper retention and resistance form


  • luting cement will not add retention to the crown

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CAD/CAM indirect bonded restorations _____ need retention form


  • only need proper resistance form to ensure the onlay will stay in position during try-in and bonding

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the longer the wall, the ____ the retention


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ideal taper is?

6 degrees convergance

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larger teeth have _____ surface area


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______ finish is better than _______

diamond; carbide

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secondary retentive features include…

grooves, boxes, countersink

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when do you place secondary retentive grooves?

  • on a wall 90 degrees to the shortest or overtapered wall

  • on a wall with proper hright, poi, and taper

  • on the longest part of the wall

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finish line

  • the peripheral extension of a tooth preparation

  • the terminal portion of the prepared tooth

  • should be clear, continuous, and free of irregularities

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  • the outer edge of a restoration

  • should be well supported and terminates on sound tooth structure

  • margin angulation is based on the type of preparation

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shoulder bevel

indicated for metal margins only

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pfm porcelain margin

shoulder 90 degrees with sharp internal (“butt joint”)

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knife edge

  • usually contraindicated because it is not good for gingival health

  • limited indications for metal margins

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  • fixed or removable prosthesis

  • designed to enhance esthetics, stabilization, and/or function for a limited period of time, after which is to be replaced by a definitive prosthesis

  • assist in determining the therapeutic effectiveness, form, and function of the planned definitive prosthesis

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when do we need a provisional

  • transitional restoration

  • if missing teeth

  • evaluation of proposed treatment plan

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do provisionals influence the final result?

yes, it must have the exact same parameters as the final restoration

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functions of a provisional

  • occlusal function

  • pulpal function

  • maintain periodontal health

  • positional stability

  • esthetics

  • template for a final restoration

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occlusal function

  • fixes poor esthetics

  • reestablish function

    • mastication

    • speece

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pulpal protection

  • replaces removal of tooth structure

    • exposure of dentin

    • exposure of dentinal tubules

      • contamination of tubules by bacteria

      • increased sensitivity

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intra arch stability

includes the variation in tooth position within an arch

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inter arch stability

includes the variation in tooth position within 2 different arches

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a hyper occluded provisional causes…

  • patient discomfort

    • occlusal trauma

    • tmj issues

  • tooth movement

    • extrusion of adjacent teeth

    • intrusion of prepared tooth (rarely)

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a hypo occluded provisional causes…

  • tooth movement

    • extrusion of antagonist teeth

    • extrusion of prepared tooth

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open proximal contact causes…

  • food impaction

    • patient discomfort

  • tooth movement

    • of the prepared tooth

    • of the adjacent tooth

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tight proximal contact causes…

  • tooth movement

    • of either the prepared tooth or adjacent teeth

      • then creates an open contact with definitive restoration

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the provisional allows us to…

  • evaluate multiple aspects of the proposed design

    • can change and modify before we move to the final restoration

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how long should a provisional last for?

2 weeks

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for long term provisionals, what do we need to look out for?

  • wear of the provisional resulting in tooth movement

  • discoloration of the restorations

  • breakage of the restorations

  • marginal leakage, leading to caries, sensitivity, pulpal problems

provisionals should be evaluated at least ONCE every month

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spend ____ time on provisional and ____ time on the final restoration

more; less

  • modifications of the provisional are easy, reversible, and low cost

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phonetics & their relationship with provisionals

phonetics affect speech due to the relationship of the teeth to soft tissues

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characteristics of a provisional material

  • high strength and wear resistance

  • ease of manipulation

  • dimension stability

  • polishability

  • color stability

  • non-irritating

  • poor thermal conductivity

  • easy to modify/repair

  • cost

  • biocompatability

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types of prefabricated provisionals

  • aluminum shells

  • acrylic shells

  • celluloid crown forms

  • polycarbonate crowns

  • stainless steel crowns

  • iso-form crowns

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types of custom made crowns

  • composite resins

  • acrylic resins

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composition of acrylic resins

  • liquid

    • (mma) monomer

    • hydroquinonenone; tertiary amine (initiator)

  • powder

    • (pmma) polymer

    • benzoyl peroxide (activator)

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advantages of acrylic resins

  • good physical properties

  • good esthetics

  • ease of manipulation

  • easily repaired

  • low cost

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disadvantages of acrylic resins

  • exothermic reaction

  • polymerization shrinkage

  • setting time: 6-9 min

  • excessive free monomer

    • can cause allergy

  • unpleasant odor

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conventional acrylic resins are…

powder/liquid “jet”

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acrylic resins for cad/cam

  • pmma is industrially processed

    • higher polymerization

    • fewer voids

    • filler particles

  • milled

  • can be monochromatic or multilayered

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to increase the strength of long term provisionals we can…

  • cure in a pressure pot to decrease porosity (crack propagation)

  • reinforce with fiber

  • reinforce with metal

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to avoid discoloration for long term provisionals we can…

  • cure in a pressure pot to decrease porosity (crack propagation)

  • high polish

  • use surface sealing materials like BisCover LV

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types of composite resins are…

  • bisacryl

  • light cure resin

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composition of bisacryl

  • resin

    • dimethylacrylate polymer

    • bisGMA

  • filler

    • zirconia silica

    • fumed silica

    • silane

    • pigments

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advantages of bisacryl

  • low heat

  • minimal pulp irritation

  • low polymerization shrinkage

  • high tensile strength

  • color stability

  • minimal odor

  • polishability

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disadvantages of bisacryl

  • brittle

  • thick oxygen inhibited layer

  • limited shades

  • no possibility of layering

  • difficult to repair

  • “one time” provisional

  • expensive

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light cure resin composition

  • triad vlc

    • pmma, urethane dimethacrylate

    • microfine silica

    • camphorquinone

    • amine

  • fermit, fermit n, telio

    • polyester urethane dimethylacrylate

    • silica

    • ethilriglycomethacrylate

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advantages of light cure resin

  • direct technique

  • low curing heat

  • low polymerization shrinkage

  • no mixing

  • ease of use and repair

  • low odor

  • no cement required

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disadvantages of light cure resin

  • low strength and wear resistance

  • plastic after setting

  • cannot be polished

  • radiolucent

  • does not prevent movement of teeth

  • water absorption

  • not long term

  • high cost

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