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To obtain reliable estimates of hearing thresholds, play audiometry and visual reinforcement audiometry use __________________ to make children and infants more likely to respond.
conditioning (positive reinforcement)
Audiometry is always performed with the patient wearing headphones.
In which of the following situations is masking recommended
When an asymmetry on hearing sensitivity between the ears is suspected
Pure tone air conduction audiometry reveals the site of damage along the auditory pathway (i.e., inner ear, middle ear etc.).
________ conduction stimulates the cochlea directly by vibrating the skull.
A 15-20dB threshold (or below) is typically considered to reflect normal hearing
Children with "slight" or "minimal" hearing loss that DO NOT receive amplification... (Mark all that apply)
May have difficulties hearing the endings of words
May have academic difficulties
May have difficulties understanding speech in noise
Tend to experience listening fatigue
When air conduction thresholds are outside of the normal range but the bone conduction thresholds are completely within normal limits the patient is likely experiencing ____________________
Conductive Hearing Loss
Sensorineural hearing loss occurs as a result of damage to the...(Mark all that apply)
Auditory Nerve
Which among the following devices amplifies sound and provides the amplified sound to its wearer's ear canal?
Hearing aid
Which among the following is not a part of a typical hearing aid?
Electrode array
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids have most of the components housed in a small case that fits the pinna and are the most prevalent hearing aid style nowadays.
In adults, cochlear implants are ONLY recommended for adults with unaided hearing thresholds > 80dB
Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHAs) (a.k.a., bone conduction transducers) work best for _______________________ hearing loss.
Which among the following devices does not typically require any surgical procedures?
Hearing aids
Cochlear implants directly stimulate the ___________________ using electrical current.
auditory nerve
Except for some exceptions, the FDA has approved cochlear implantation in children...
>12 months of age
The ability to localize sounds is impaired in individuals with cochlear implants
Cochlear implants are recommended for patients with _______________________ hearing loss
Which of the following tests will most likely be abnormal in cochlear hearing loss? Choose all that apply.
Otoacoustic emissions, audiometry, auditory brainstem response
You perform audiometry on a patient and find the following thresholds:
500 Hz: 45 dB HL
1000 Hz: 50 dB HL
2000 Hz: 65 dB HL
PTA? Severity?
53.3, moderate
What is the primary perceptual complication associated with sensorineural hearing loss that is not present in conductive hearing loss?
Loss of frequency selectivity
Damage to which part of the ear would not cause a conductive hearing loss?
Outer hair cells
Which of the following hearing devices would be most adequate for a child with atresia (occluded ear canal)
The Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) in Noise is always related to performance on the pure-tone audiogram (PTA)
A 9-month-old baby is referred to your clinic with a suspicion of hearing loss. Which among the following tests would you perform on this baby? (Choose all that apply.)
Speech Audiometry is used clinically to validate the results fom the pure-tone audiometry
One advantage of the Words in Noise (WIN) test when testing SPIN skills is that it uses monosyllabic words instead of sentences. This limits the influence of cognitive and linguistic factors when completing the task, allowing us to test directly auditory function or bottom-up processing.
Which of the following tests allows us to test directly the effects of semantic context on the patients ability to understand speech in noise?
Revised Speech Perception in Noise (R-SPIN)
Visual Reinforcement Audiometry hinges on the assumption that (choose all that apply):
- children can be conditioned to provide reliable response to sound
- children will turn their head toward the sound source
Which among the following causes of hearing loss would be considered congenital?
Which parts of the auditory system the ABR does NOT evaluate directly? (mark all that apply)
Middle ear, auditory cortex
The most effective cochlear implants are those with higher number of electrodes
Imagine you're designing an experimental task for a research study to test Speech Perception in Noise (SPIN) skills in adults with hearing loss. You aim to evaluate which real-world listening conditions are most challenging for your participants keeping the speech-to-noise ratio constant (e.g., +3 dB). You plan to test the effects of the type of noise (energetic vs. multi-talker babble), the type of sentence (high vs. low predictability), and the masker location (co-located vs. spatially separated). Given these variables, which condition would you expect to be the most challenging for your participants?
Type of noise: Multi-talker babble, Type of sentence: Low predictability, Masker location: Co-located
Based upon the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's position statement on evidence-based practice in communication disorders, the term evidence-based practice refers to an approach in which current, ____ evidence is integrated with _____, and ____ and values into the making of clinical decisions.
Research evidence, practitioner expertise, client preferences
The viewpoint of the family has always been included in evidence based practice clinical decisions
Which of the following is NOT recommended by ASHA when making clinical practice evidence based?
Rely only on the information taught in graduate school classes when treating patients
It is easy for a school speech language pathologist to implement evidence based practices for each student.
Which of the following is NOT a reason why evidence based practice (EBP) is important for the field of communication of sciences and disorders?
EBP allows for a a clear division between clinical practice and research
What was the most common reported barrier for evidence based practice for speech language pathologist, as reported by the participants of the study?
Lack of time
Considering what your learned about neuroplasticity, it can be stated that the purpose of hearing technology is to get auditory input to the brain.
It is highly unlikely that hearing loss would affect the organization of a newborn's brain
What's NOT true about the primary auditory cortex
It is visible from the surface of the brain
The secondary auditory cortex.... (mark all that apply)
- Projects to higher-order cortical areas
- Is involved in forming auditory objects
- Projects back to the primary auditory cortex via efferent connections
- Plays an important role in speech understanding
The connectome model suggests that the brain's wiring is established during ___ through ___.
The first years of life, stimulus-driven
Which of the following processes are characteristic of neural development (mark all that apply)
Synaptic pruning, arborization, synaptogenesis
In the presence of auditory deprivation, primary and secondary auditory cortices get "decoupled", leaving the secondary auditory cortex available for processing information from other senses (e.g., vision). This is know as cross-modal reorganization.
Sharma and colleagues provided evidence to support that critical periods of auditory and spoken language development could potentially be established at ________ years of age
When would you recommend a family to provide amplification (hearing aids, cochlear implants etc.) to their child with congenital hearing loss (assuming they want the child to develop spoken language)
As early as possible
The presence of hearing loss at birth means that the auditory brains of these children have not benefited from pre-natal auditory experiences. As result, it is crucial to: (mark all that apply)
- Detect hearing loss early
- Provide intervention as early as possible
In the utero, a baby with typical hearing is able to...
Listen to mother's voice
On average, at what age does a child with typical hearing start to respond to his own name?
5 months
On average, at what age, do children with typical hearing start producing sounds that have sound-meaning relationships?
10-16 months
Children with hearing loss, even minimal hearing loss, are at risk of not achieving all the essential auditory skills for language development
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs state that detection of hearing loss should be provided by 1 month of age, hearing loss diagnosis/confirmation by 3 months of age, and intervention by _______months of age
At least 50% of children with hearing loss have parents that also suffer some sort of hearing loss
The framework for auditory skill development states that the four levels of skills are: (mark all that apply)
- Detection
- Identification
- Comprehension
- Discrimination
Children with hearing loss tend to have more difficulties accessing __________frequency sounds
Which of the following are important factors to consider when optimizing auditory environments for children with hearing loss (mark all that apply)
- Providing access to quantity and quality language
- Reducing background noise
To ensure that all children with disabilities receive special education and related services schools must implement ___ plans while early intervention providers must implement ___.
Which part of IDEA states that all children with disabilities must receive early intervention services?
Part C
According to the hierarchy of auditory skills, the most complex auditory skill is:
Kevin is 36 months old. He received bilateral cochlear implants at age 16 months. What's Kevin's listening age?
20 months
The evidence-based principles state that to provide high-quality services SLPs and audiologists should integrate the following into their clinical practice [mark all that apply]
Clinical experience, patient values, best scientific evidence
In the presence of auditory deprivation, cortical "decoupling" takes place between...
The primary auditory cortex and the secondary auditory cortex
Lack of axon myelination leads to...(mark all that apply)
Synaptic pruning and apoptosis
Strategies to maximize cultural competency include (mark all that apply)
Practicing cultural humility, using a cultural broker, increasing cultural awareness
The scientific community deals with limitations of the scientific method by relying on (mark all that apply)
Replication of results, Continuous revision of the evidence (aggregate of research-based evidence), peer review
The brain maintains experience-dependent plasticity properties into adulthood
Critical periods for auditory and spoken language development refer to the fact that _____ , and are typically established around ____.
Beyond that period, if no auditory stimulation is received, the development of auditory and language skills is highly unlikely, 7 years of age
Data-driven research leads to a deeper understanding of the data than hypothesis-driven research
Which regions of the auditory brain/pathway receive input from other sensory areas of the brain....(mark all that apply)
Inferior colliculus, secondary auditory cortex, higher-order auditory areas of the cortex
Strong results from a single study are generally sufficient to support a new intervention
Audibility is defined as the degree to which a sound is...
Auditory-oral communication approaches/systems include...(mark all that apply)
- Auditory-verbal methods
- Traditional oral methods
- Cued speech
Children using oral communication approaches seem to acquire spoken language at an age-appropriate pace when...(mark all that apply)
- No additional disabilities are present
- Amplification devices are used consistently
- Early intervention is provided
- Effective amplification is obtained at an early age
- Parents are highly committed to the therapy
Children raised in sign language environments acquire sign language skills at much the same pace and in much the same sequence as hearing children acquire spoken language skills
There is enough scientific evidence to support that all children will develop age-appropriate spoken language if they are enrolled in auditory-verbal therapy
Cued speech differs from total communication in that while cued speech uses manual information to provide cues about speech ___, total communication uses any form of manual information to provide visual support to spoken language.
Communication approaches/systems that allow some sort of visual input include...(mark all that apply)
- Sign language
- Bilingual / bicultural methods
- Total communication
There is strong evidence to support that using any form of manual approach/system is detrimental to children's speech and spoken language development
The bilingual/bicultural language approach assumes that sign language will be the child's ___ method of communication, while spoken language will be the ___ method of communication.
Primary, secondary
The main difference between auditory-verbal methods and traditional oral methods relies on the fact that....
Auditory-verbal methods limit access to visual input (e.g., lipreading)
Regardless of the communication approach/system used, children with hearing loss are at risk of poor literacy and academic outcomes
Enriched home communication environments promote activities/dynamics that are likely to stimulate language and vocabulary for children with hearing loss
The family environment affects language outcomes of children with hearing loss
Which of the following could be a drawback of Newborn Hearing Screening as currently conducted
Hospital personnel with a minimum of audiological information and perhaps limited counseling skills provide parents screening results
When providing early intervention services to children with hearing loss, working one-on-one with the child during therapy sessions allows you to focus 100% on the child's needs. This is more effective than having parents join the sessions. They tend to distract the child which does not allow you to optimize your time.
Which of the following factors are critical to obtaining strong outcomes in children with hearing loss (mark all that apply)
Using the best technology, working closely with parents
Childhood hearing loss interferes with spoken language development, as well as any language-mediated skill including...(mark all that apply)
Social skills, emotional skills, neurocognitive skills
Research clearly shows that exposing the child to sign language prior to cochlear implantation is detrimental to spoken language development
What type of language seems to be more characteristic of caregivers with children with hearing loss than in those with children with normal hearing
Use of directive utterances
Select three characteristics of the natural approach in auditory intervention
- Goals are established based on the child's listening age
- Spoken language is taught through audition
- Use of motherese
The communication approach used to disambiguate lip reading by using different handshapes close to the speaker's mouth is called:
Cued speech
When making decisions about the communication approach that will be used with a child with hearing loss...
Caregivers decide the approach based on unbiased information provided by professionals
Family system theory assumes that the family is a dynamic system in which the child is at the center
The communication approach that incorporates multiple modalities (e.g. ASL, manually coded English, signing exact English - SEE, finger spelling, lip reading, nonverbal cues, amplification) is called:
Total communication
We can use speech therapy sessions to inform the audiologist about hearing aid and cochlear implant performance/programming
Research has shown that parental involvement and self-efficacy are negatively associated with children's language outcomes
The LENA system is a recording device that allows the therapist to collect information about...(mark all that apply; please assume that you use the commercial LENA software)
- Child vocalizations
- Amount of adult words
- Conversational turns