Sexual gratification
________ is no longer narcissistic and mutual, altruistic love is achievable.
________ occurs for the first time (typically becoming aware of being able to cause pleasure through rubbing .)
________ go through a time where they question the things around them and those questions take form in traits such as optimism vs. pessimism (being optimistic or pessimistic), trust vs. mistrust (being trusting or guarded), and dependency on others…For example,"swallowing everything you have been told or given.
Penis envy
________ is the male counterpart to castration envy.
Oral incorporative
________ is the first substage that describes how an infant is limited to more or less taking things passively such as food or experiences.
Oedipal/Elektra complex
The ________ is the desire to possess the parent of libidinal desire, seeing the other parent as a rival, and desiring to replace that parent.
Oral sadistic
________ describes how an infant’s teething “sexual” pleasure comes from biting and/or chewing.
castration anxiety
The child shows a fear of retaliation; specifically fear of castration (also known as __________________.)
oral stage
The ___________ occurs from birth to 18 months. Much of an infant’s interaction with the world and gratification is through the mouth. The conflict that occurs in this stage is the ending of an infant’s total dependency on others.
anal stage
The ___________ starts from 18 months to 3 years old and the main conflict in this stage is toilet training. The reason for this conflict is because toilet training is the first constraint put on one’s body and there is internal pleasure gratification.
phallic stage
The ____________ occurs from the 3rd year to the 5th year of one’s life. The erogenous zones shift to genitals. Masturbation occurs for the first time (typically becoming aware of being able to cause pleasure through rubbing.) The conflict that occurs in this stage are the Oedipal and Elektra complexes and a child’s libido shifts to the parent of the opposite sex.
genital stage
The ___________ occurs in children that are 12 and continues through their later teen years and is the final stage of psychosexual development. If earlier conflicts were resolved well, then the person entering this stage with their libido focused on their genitals as erogenous zones throughout their lives. Sexual gratification is no longer narcissistic and mutual, altruistic love is achievable.