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protein that decreases the activation energy of a reaction and isn’t consumed
increases the reaction rate without being permanently changed
protein part that requires cofactor to activate
non protein part that is essential for the reaction
active site
specific location where the reaction takes place
substance that is used up in the reaction
substance that is formed in the reaction
substance that prevents reaction
kinetic assay
change in absorbance is measured on a spectrophotometer to see reaction rate
international unit
unit of activity for substances defined in terms of the activity of a standard solution
maximum velocity of an enzymatic reaction
concentration of substrate which lets enzyme reach HALF of Vmax
activation energy
energy required to start reaction
first order reaction
reaction rate dependent on substrate and enzyme concentrations
zero order reaction
reaction rate is constant on dependent on only enzyme concentration
Lineweaver Burk plot
graphs of the reciprocals of substrate concentrations on x and reaction velocity concentrations on y
Michaelis-Menten constant
substrate concentration when the reaction rate is half of Vmax
affinity of enzymes to its substrate
enzymes with lower Km values have higher affinity
Michaelis-Menten Constant
competitive inhibitor
same Vmax, different Km, can be overcome by increasing substrate concentration to drown out inhibitor
First order kinetics
1 to 1 relationship between substrate and velocity
non competitive inhibitor
same Km, different Vmax, binds to different enzyme sites, making them ineffective, decreasing amount of active enzymes drops Vmax
zero order kinetics
reaction rate reaches asymptote, all enzymes are taken and the velocity cannot be changed by adding more substrate
Lactate dehydrogenase
vital enzyme for energy production, catalyzes conversion of L-lactate to pyruvate and NADH
LD-1 (HHHH) tissues
Heart, RBCs, Kidneys
LD-2 (HHHM) tissues
Lungs, RBCs
LD-3 (HHMM) tissues
spleen, lungs, many tissues
LD-4 (HMMM) tissues
liver and skeleton, same as LD-5
LD-5 (MMMM) tissues
liver and skeleton, same as LD-4
LD pathology
LD2 > LD1 > LD3 > LD4 > LD5
2 methods for and LD isoenzyme panel
wacker procedure + wroblewski and Ladue reaction
Wacker procedure
L-lactate + NAD+ = pyruvate + NADH + H+ opposite of wroblewski
wroblewski and ladue reaction
pyruvate + NADH + H+ = L-lactate + NAD+; preferred, cheaper, and oppsite of wroblewski
creatine kinase tissue source
heart, skeleton, small amounts in brain
Myocardial band, heart attack, critical timing as it doesn’t peak for 24 hours
skeletal muscle, elevated in duchenne muscular dystrophy, seizures, trauma, and extreme exercise
creatine kinase pathology
Brain tissue, brain injuries and seres as a tumor marker with prostate and small cell carcinoma of the lungs
CK results
CKBB travels farthest up electrophoresis, CKMM travels backwards
CK isoenzymes
Anti-CKB binds only to CKM and is proportional to CKMB
Aspartate Aminotranserferase AST
RBCs, heart, liver, kidney, most sensitive enzyme to alcoholic liver disease
Alanine Aminotransferwase ALT
mostly liver specific, hepatitis
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase GGT
biliary tract, intestines, liver, helps differentiate hepatobiliary disorders
Acid Phosphatase ACP
prostate, RBCs, prostate cancer
Amylase AMS
two types, salivary from spit and pancreatic, sensitive to pancreatitis,
Lipase LIP
pancreas, hydrolyzed glycerol esters, specific for pancreatitis
LIP assays
turbidimetric and enzymatic, stable for 1 week
pancreatitis enzymes
AMS is sensitive, LIP is specific, AMS will increase in other tests besides pancreatitis
cholinesterase CHE
RBCs, lungs, spleen, CNS, AChE deficiency can cause prolonged paralysis
associations with Myocardial Infarction
Troponin 1 and troponin T
enzyme associations with Hepatitis
AST and ALT both increase, ALT is specific to liver, GGT and LD also increase but are supplementary
enzyme associations with Bone Disease
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP, in bone and biliary tract, gallstones and refrigeration causes activity decline
enzyme associations with Malignancy
ACP for prostate cancer, ALP for lung, colon, ovarian, breast cancers
enzyme associations with Pancreatitis
Amylase and lipase
enzyme associations with hemolytic anemia
Discuss advances in the detection of prostate cancer
prostate specific antigen PSA can give false positives but is sensitive to detecting prostate cancer