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Tunica intima
Tunica media (smooth muscle, larger in arteries)
Tunica adventitia (fibroblasts and connective tissue)
The layers of the blood vessels (3)
Cardiovascular disease (50%)
Most of the deaths in the U.S. are due to…
Chromosomal abnormalities
Most common causes of congenital heart diseases (3)
Ventricular septal defect
Atrial septal defect
Tetralogy of fallot
Most common congenital heart diseases (3)
(Ventricular septal defect) Hole in the septum between the ventricles cause deoxygenated and oxygenated blood to mix, eventually leading to…
Foramen oval
Atrial septal defects typically occur when the (——) remains open after fetal development
Stenosis of heart valves
Involved in tetralogy of fallot where the heart valves narrow and blood cannot flow normally
Coronary heart disease (→ myocardial infarction)
Cerebrovascular disease (→ stroke)
Atherosclerosis of aorta (→ aortic aneurism)
Peripheral vascular disease (→ gangrene)
Examples of localized atherosclerosis and possible outcomes (4)
Stress test
Stent or bypass
What test is used to find the competency of coronary arteries; how is coronary heart disease treated
Left coronary artery (muscular side of heart)
What is known as the widowmaker artery?
Lifestyle change (diet,, physical activity)
Statins (reduces cholesterol and triglycerides from liver)
Prevention of atherosclerosis of aorta (2)
Foam cells
Type of macrophage that localize to fatty deposits on blood vessel walls
PLT activation is procoagulant
Site of injury is very soft
Characteristics of atherosclerosis that leads to clot formation and aneurisms
Lipid metabolism (age)
Clotting factors
Cigarette smoking
Changeable risk factors for atherosclerosis (5)
Estrogen and exercise
Protective factors for atherosclerosis
High blood glucose causes cell damage to blood vessels, allowing for fat deposits
How does diabetes mellitus lead to atherosclerosis
Saccular aneurism (bulge)
Fusiform aneurism (bilateral - abdominal aorta)
Dissecting aneurism
Different structures of aneurisms (3)
Atherosclerosis of renal arteries
Atherosclerosis of intestinal arteries
Atherosclerosis of extremities (diabetes mellitus - gangrene)
Different types of peripheral vascular disease (3)
Congestion in the renal artery → false hypotension in the kidney → release of renin (glomerulus), aldosterone (adrenal gland water retention). and vasoconstriction → hypertension → dissection
How does atherosclerosis of renal artery dissect
(10-25, 50-70, 100% occlusion)
Angina pectoris (treat w/ nitroglyceride - artery dilation)
Congestive heart disease (failure to pump blood)
Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Clinical presentations of coronary heart disease (4)
Presence of blood in the sac surrounding the heart due to heart rupture
Ischemia - reduced bloodflow
Infarction - complete cutoff of blood
Ischemia vs. infarction
Myoglobin (first)
Troponin T or I (specific)
Creatine-kinase enzymes (CK-MB)
Alanine transaminase (ALT)
Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
Components of cardiac profile indicative of myocardial infarction
Troponin T (ventricular infarction)
Troponin I (atrial fibrilation)
Protein that is specific to myocardial infarction, involved in the activation of muscles (follows after myoglobin)
Cardiac hypertrophy
Congestive heart disease
Renal insufficiency
Hypertensive encephalopathy (severe headaches)
hypertensive retinopathy (one of first places hypertension)
Pathogenesis of hypertension (5)
Streptococcus pharyngitis (Strep throat)
Bacteria that causes rheumatic heart disease
Myocarditis (rigid walls)
Prevent relaxation in diastole
Calcification of valves (chordae tendon doesn’t work)
Strep bacteria presence in the heart valves leads to… (3)
Endocarditis (inner lining of heart chamber and valves)
Myocarditis (heart muscle)
Pericarditis (outer lining of heart)
Infectious diseases of the heart (3)
Viruses (most common)
Bacteria (immunocompromised or septic)
Parasites and protozoa (Trypanosoma cruzi - Chagas disease)
Causes of infectious myocarditis (3)
Viruses (most common)
Fungi (rare)
Rheumatic heart disease
Uremia (blood urea - kidney failure)
Open heart surgery (foreign agents and inflammation)
Causes of pericarditis (6)
Polyarteritis nodosa (hypersensitiity III)
Giant cell arteritis (granuloma in temporal artery)
Reynaud’s disease
Arterial diseases (4)
Arteries in extremities contract
Exacerbated by cold temperature and cigarette smoking
Characteristics of Raynaud’s disease (3)
Vericose veins
Thrombophlebitis (infection in leaky valves → inflammation)
Diseases of veins (3)