IB Molecular Biology from MaritNy on Quizlet
Chemical bond
Share of one or more electrons in pair - between atoms
Covalent bond
Joins amino acids, at carboxyl group of 1 amino acid to the amino group of another amino acid
Release of molecule of water
Weak bond
Caused by electrostatic attraction, between positive and negative charge of molecules OPPOSITES ATTRACTIONS
Oxygen: 8 protons
Hydrogen: 1 proton -Oxygen attract electrons more strongly - become negative/ Hydrogen comes positive.
+Bonded by covalent bond, slight potential charge, becomes polar
High specific heat capacity
High heat of vaporization (hard to change state of water, energy is required)
High heat of fusion, temperature of water remains stable
+Useful: Heat lost from leaves for evaporation, prevent overheat & denature
polar molecules
easily soluble -carried by blood plasma
opposite charges
soluble in water, polar molecule
R group determines degree of solubility +can be all: polar, non-polar, charged +Carried by blood plasma
light, colorless at room temp
non-polar molecules only dissolve in non-polar substance (no opposite charges)
low density and leant heat of vaporisation than water -low m/b point
polar molecules
density of 1 & s.h.c higher than methane (4.2)
m.p at 0(Âșc) b.p at 100(Âșc)
higher latent heat of vaporization than methane, thus harder to change state from liquid-solid, more energy requires
hydrogen bonds, good coolant