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Civil Societies
Voluntary organizations independent of the state that provide platforms for political participation and advocacy.
The right to rule accepted by the people, derived from tradition, charisma, or legal-rational systems.
A state’s authority to govern itself without external interference, encompassing both internal and external recognition.
Failed State
A state that is unable to provide basic services, control territory, or maintain a monopoly on violence.
Increased interconnectedness in trade, technology, and culture, leading to both positive and negative consequences.
Authoritarian Regimes
Political systems characterized by concentrated power, limited political freedoms, and suppression of dissent.
Democratic Regimes
Systems that uphold free and fair elections, civil liberties, and the rule of law.
Unitary System
A political system where power is centralized, such as in the United Kingdom.
Parliamentary System
A system where the executive derives power from the legislature and there is no separation of powers.
An economic system driven by market forces with minimal state intervention.
Normative Statement
An opinion or value judgment that reflects beliefs and preferences.
Gini Index
A measure of income inequality, where lower values indicate more equality.
Preconditions for Democracy
Factors such as economic development, education, and strong civil society that support the establishment of democracy.
Social Cleavages
Divisions in society based on factors like ethnicity, religion, and class that affect social and political dynamics.
Patron-Client System
A political structure where goods/services are exchanged for political support, often undermining democracy.
Corporatist System
A political system where the state controls and integrates interest groups, limiting pluralism.
Resource Curse
The phenomenon where countries rich in natural resources experience issues like corruption and poor governance.
An organization that implements policies and ideally operates on merit, facing challenges like inefficiency and corruption.
Democratic Transition
The shift from an authoritarian regime to a democratic system.
Collective Action
Efforts taken by a group to achieve a common goal, often facilitated by civil societies.
Illiberal Democracy
A political system that holds elections but lacks protections for civil liberties and the rule of law.
Substantive Democracy
A form of democracy that ensures political rights, freedoms, and equality, rather than just focusing on electoral processes.
Procedural Democracy
A political system that emphasizes the processes of democracy, such as holding elections, rather than its outcomes.