Nature of Philosophy, Pre-Socratic Philosophers, Socratic Dialect
Rationalization of something
Primitive explanations of natural phenomena, human history, and gods
Birth of Greek Mythology
Product of a desire to find explanations
Birth of Philosophy
Grew out of attempts to provide rational justification
Valued for its form
All things come to be from water
Simplification of ideas in order to explain the idea of existence
Apeiron as the beginning of all rather than particular elements such as water
Undefined and ever-moving
Gave birth to contradictory terms (ex: warm and cold)
Continued the project of reductionism
air is the source of all things
Logos permeated all of reality
Presented his ideas through paradoxical aphorisms
Most men are useless and ignorant conformists
Truth is common therefore objective
(1) Heraclitus: View of Reality
Everything is flux
Things seem to be temporarily stable and permanent, but in fact dynamic and everchanging
(2) Heraclitus: View of Reality
The world is an ever-living fire, fire is rational and responsible for the government of the whole world
(3) Heraclitus: View of Reality
War is the father of all
War is the father of all
Everything that comes into existence only through the destruction of something else
Every object is a combination of opposing forces
If “nothing” exists, then it is not nothing
Nothing can’t exist because empty space is an impossible idea
Zeno’s Paradoxes
Motion is not real
Change is an illusion
Multiplicity is fake
Change is an illusion
Taught and inspired Plato and Aristotle
Charged with corrupting the youth, impiety, being a wiseman
An oracle proclaimed that he was the wisest because he knew nothing
“The unexamined life is not worth living”
Emphasized ethics and morality
Focused his inquiries on the concept of virtue and its relation to knowledge
Socratic Method (Dialectic Method)
Question, Examine, Cross-Examine
Asking probing questions about matters people presumably knew something about
Uncovers contradictions and inconsistencies in one’s beliefs