Mendel and the Laws of Heredity (Part 1)

Gregor Johann Mendel - July 20, 1822 - January 6, 1884

  • @@Born in a German@@ speaking family in the Silesian part of the Austrian Empire and gained posthumous recognition as the @@Founder of the Modern Science of Genetics.@@
  • Austrian Monk at the Monastery of ==St Thomas in Czech Republic.==
  • High School teacher of ==Physics and Natural History.==
  • Spent most of his time conducting Biological Experiments.
  • Famous on his experiments on ==Crosses of Garden Peas (Pisum sativum) from 1856-1863==

Before Mendel ( Early beliefs about Heredity)

  • @@Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882)@@: English naturalist Darwin introduced the Theory of Natural Selection.
  • He expressed his findings and ideas in his famous research publication, =="Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"== in the year ==1859==, after observing the living communities of Galapagos Islands.
  • Charles Darwin thought that the traits from parents were transmitted to their offspring by BLOOD, thus came the ==blood theory of heredity.== This theory gives rise to the expressions “bloodline” “blue blood” and “blood relative”.
  • Early concepts about transmission of traits are now considered inaccurate as we now know that both parents contribute hereditary traits to their offspring and that these ==traits are not contained in blood but in sex cells.==


Intro to Genetics

  • ==GENETICS== – branch of biology that deals with heredity and variation of organisms.
  • ==Chromosomes== carry the hereditary information (genes)
  1. Arrangement of nucleotides in DNA
  2. ==DNA > RNA > Proteins==
  • Chromosomes (and genes) occur in pairs ==Homologous Chromosomes==
  • New combinations of genes occur in sexual reproduction ==Fertilization from two parents==

Mendel’s Experiment (why Garden Peas)

  1. Garden Peas have ==several varieties that have observable, contrasting characteristics==

  2. Garden Peas ==reproduce by self-pollination== (they reproduce by themselves)

Seven Contrasting Traits in Garden Peas observed by Mendel.

Mendel’s Experiment Findings…

  • Published these findings in its Scientific journal in 1866 after he reported it to a local natural history society.
  • His work was not appreciated until 3 scientists rediscovered his work at around 1900 ==Hugo de Vries, Karl Correns and Erich von Tschermak==
  • His achievement was only recognized after the turn of the century, many years after his death
