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The ability to see oneself clearly and understand how one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are perceived by others. This allows us to know when we are thriving and when we are not.
Understanding how well you know yourself, including your values, beliefs, and emotions.
◦ Positively correlated with higher job and relationship
satisfaction, personal/social control, happiness
◦ Negatively correlated with anxiety, stress, depression
Understanding how others perceive you, including their perspectives and reactions.
◦ Positively correlated with empathy and taking others’
◦ For leaders, linked to being seen as better at forming
relationships with employees and being more effective
leaders generally
Individuals who provide feedback with the best interests of the receiver in mind and are willing to tell the truth.
They worked much harder on their self-
awareness - making a conscious decision
that they wanted to know the truth
They also understood that not all
feedback is helpful and not all
feedback is well intentioned - so
they focused on gathering feedback from
people who had their best interest at heart
and would deliver radically candid feedback
(loving critics)
Fundamental beliefs that guide behaviors and decision-making. You are the average of the 7 people you surround yourself with most.
Information provided regarding reactions to a product, person's performance, or behavior, often used as a basis for improvement.
Put yourself in
situations where you can’t ignore
feedback from multiple sources. In
studies, one friend is only a little better
than you are yourself ... BUT four
friends are significantly better.
skipping the “why” to get to that “what”
“Why” questions can be helpful as long as we aren’t
dwelling on them
focus on the process, not the penultimate goal. “What” actions can we
do to achieve our goals?
Your actions and your
short term goals can be
your immediate and early
process to achieve your
ultimate goal
Understand how to get a personal narrative to the
Most of us protect
ourselves with our own narratives that shield us from the pain of being
responsible for our circumstance. A narrative is the voice in our heads that is laced with
excuses for why we did not start, or why we did not play as much as we would have liked, or
why we did not succeed in something.
a false narrative is lack of real character.
introspectors (type of self-awareness)
aware (type of self-awareness)
seekers (type of self-awareness)
pleasers (type of self-awareness)
reorganizing our thoughts to focus on the “what” instead of the “why”
the importance of accountability and internal narrative
◦ The self-esteem movement has
compromised standards and accountability
◦The problem is trying to drive self-esteem without standards
No, let’s have high and challenging standards! we need to stop protecting ourselves ffrom unknown results in the sake of fearing failure
◦The best teacher is failure!!