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what muscles are part of the hip flexor group?
rectus femoris
controlled by femoral nerve
what muscles are part of the hip adductor group?
adductor longus, brevis, magnus
controlled by obturator nerve
what muscles are part of the hip abductor group?
gluteus medius & minimus
controlled by superior gluteal nerve
what muscles are part of the hip extensor group?
gluteus maximum (inferior gluteal nerve)
hamstring muscles (tibial nerve)
what is the Thomas test?
flexion contracture when the opposite leg is extended and hip flexor tightness when the opposite leg is flexed
what does the Ober test examine?
iliotibial band (ITB) contracture
what does the Barlow test examine?
congenital hip dysplasia by adducting and laterally dislocating
what does the Ortolani test examine?
congenital hip dysplasia by abducting and pulling the femur forward to reduce the joint
what does the Trendelenburg test examine?
the contralateral gluteus medius muscle
what does the Scouring test examine?
labral pathology, loose body or other internal derangment
to measure true leg length discrepancy, you measure from the ______ to the ________
ASIS to medial/lateral malleolus
to measure apparent leg length discrepancy, you measure from the ______ to the __________-
umbilicus to the medial/lateral malleolus
what are causes of a fractured sacrococcygeal?
fall on their bottom
what is the most common symptom for a sacrococcygeal fx?
pain with sitting
what is the treatment for a sacrococcygeal fx?
Warm Sitz bath
soft doughnut shaped pillow
avoid constipation
what does a stable pelvic ring fx include?
one side of the pelvic ring
what does a unstable pelvic ring fx include?
disruption of the ring at 2 sites (usually d/t high velocity trauma)
what are symptoms of pelvic fxs?
pain in the groin w/ attempts to WB or inability to WB
pain localized to groin, lateral hip or buttock
what is seen on physical exam of a pelvic fx?
pain w ROM and attempted SLR
antalgic gait pattern
neurovascualr status of LEs
what is the treatment for low-energy pelvic fxs?
analgesics, rest
gait training
prevent skin breakdowns and DVTs
what is the treatment for high-energy pelvic fx?
tourniquet sheet to prevent further bleeding
what are complications of pelvic fxs?
nerve damage
femoral artery/vein damage
male urethra damage
internal organ damage → bladder rupture, rectal rupture, uterine rupture, placental abruption, urethral tear
urethral injuries are usually due to?
fracture of the pelvis
what are clinical findings of urethral injuries?
signs of anterior pelvis fx present
pubic symphysis is tender and boggu
perineal/scortal hematoma
blood in urethral opening
tender, mobile or high prostate
what is the diagnostic test for urethral injuries?
retrograde urethrogram
what is the treatment for urethral injuries?
suprapubic cystostomy
bladder rupture is usually caused by?
pelvic fx
what are clinical findings of bladder rupture?
blood in the urethral meatus
lower abdominal/pubic area pain
what are clinical findings of pelvic trauma?
tenderness, crepitance, hematomas
what is the treatment for pelvic trauma?
treatment of hemorrhage
ortho referral
what is Wolff's law?
the bone remodels according to the forces applied
what does the teres ligament connect?
top of femoral head to tissue inside the acetabular joint
what is the blood supply to the femoral head?
medial femoral circumflex artery
what does a fx of the proximal femur involve?
femoral neck and intertrochanter region
what fx disrupts the blood supply to the femoral head and commonly result in nonunion and osteonecrosis/AVN?
femoral neck fx (aka intercapsular hip fx)
what is a risk of intertrochanteric hip fxs?
shortening of the limb and malunion
what are symptoms of a proximal femur fx?
hip pain in groin
inability to bear weight
referred pain to the knee
what is a complication of proximal femur fxs?
avascular necrosis
what is seen on physical exam on a proximal femur fx?
displaced femoral neck/intertrochanteric fx when supine
leg is shortened
rotating hip will cause pain
unable to do SLR
what is the treatment for proximal femur fx?
surgical intervention w/in 48 hrs
intertrochanteric → ORIF
displaced → hip hemi-arthroplasty/THA
thromboembolic prophylaxis
what are absolute CI for post-op hip precautions?
flexion (past 90 degrees)
internal rotation
they can re-dislocate their hip if these movements are done
- this is only for the first 6 wks after surgery
what are causes for femoral shaft fx?
high-energy trauma (MVA)
low-energy injuries (simple fall)
what can pathologic femoral shaft fxs be caused by?
when does a femoral shaft fx occur?
when the bone in weakened by osteopenia or tumors
a fx of the femoral shaft includes what regions?
from subtrochanteric region to supracondylar area
what are symptoms of a femoral shaft fx?
severe pain in the thigh
obvious deformity
inability to move or bear weight
multisystem injuries (high-energy)
if a femoral shaft fx is due to high-energy trauma, what areas should get a x-ray?
what is the treatment for femoral shaft fxs?
immediate temporary splinting
skeletal traction → prevents shortening of limb
a stress fracture of the femoral neck mainly occurs in?
military recruits & runners
how are femoral neck fxs classified?
based on location
where do femoral neck fxs occur in the elderly?
superior aspect of proximal femoral neck
- easily displace
where do femoral neck fxs occur in younger pts?
inferior medial aspect of the femur
what are symptoms of a femoral neck fx?
vague pain in groin, anterior thigh or knee associated w activity or weight bearing
pain subsides with rest
what is seen on physical exam of a femoral neck fx?
pain at extreme ROM (mainly IR)
antalgic gait
tenderness at the proximal thigh/groin
soft tissue irritation to the area
resisted SLR maneuver, may produce pain in groin/thigh
what are the 3 types of stress fractures?
compression → inferior-medial aspect of femoral neck
tension → superior-lateral aspect of femoral neck
displaced → fx all the way through & bones don't line up
what is the most sensitive diagnostic test for stress fx of the femoral neck?
what is the treatment for a non-displaced compression-side fx of the femoral neck?
NWB & cessation of activity
serial radiographs
what is the treatment for tension-side fx of the femoral neck?
surgery (they tend to displace)
what is the treatment for a displaced femoral neck fx?
surgical emergency
what is the use of dislocation of the hip (femoral head displaced form acetabulum)?
MVA or fall
is posterior or anterior hip dislocation more common?
what are clinical findings of hip dislocation?
immobility of the LE
associated head, abd and chest injuries
what nerve functions should be tested with posterior hip dislocation?
sciatic and femoral nerves
what is seen on x-ray of a posterior hip dislocation?
size of affected femoral head appears smaller than the contralateral, normal femoral head
what is seen on x-ray of an anterior hip dislocation?
size of affected femoral head appears larger that the contralateral normal femoral head
what are diagnostic tests for hip dislocations?
CT → determines fx pattern
what is the treatment for hip dislocations?
acute traumatic = emergency
reduction ASAP to ↓ risk of osteonecrosis
what is the post-reduction treatment for hip dislocations?
gait training w crutches WBAT
hip abduction & extension exercises
what muscles of the hip are often strained?
hip flexors and adductors
what is the symptoms of hip strains?
pain over the injured muscle being exacerbated
tenderness to groin or inner thigh
resisted muscle testing increases pain
what are the diagnostic tests for hip strains?
x-ray = AP & frog leg views
what is the treatment for hip strains?
activity modification
what are symptoms of hamstring strains?
"pop" or pain in posterior thigh
- common in athletes
what is the treatment for hamstring strains?
what syndrome is caused by inflammation & irritation of the distal portion of the iliotibial tendon by rubbing against the lateral femoral condyle and if often an overuse injury form repetitive flexion & extension of the knee?
ilitotibial band syndrome (ITBS)
what are symptoms of ITBS?
pain to lateral aspect of knee (Gerdy's triangle)
↑ pain w running/cycling
↓ pain w rest and stretching of IT band
what is the treatment for ITBS?
heat before stretching, ice after stretching
no improvement = ortho referral for injection/surgery
what are symptoms of ischial bursitis?
hip pain that is ↑ w sitting
tenderness w pressure over ischial bursa
what is the diagnostic test for ischial bursitis?
MRI pelvis
inflammation of the greater trochanteric bursa causing symptoms of hip pain increased w walking/climbing and tenderness w pressure over the greater trochanter bursa
greater trochanteric bursitis
what are S&S of avascular necrosis?
gradual onset of hip pain 4-6 mos
slight limp w walk
↑ groin pain w internal rotation
what are causes for avascular necrosis?
femoral neck/head fx
long term steroid use
progressive displacement of the upper portion of the femur occurs in relation to the capital femoral epiphysis which occurs thru the physis during adolescent growth
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
what are S&S of slipped capital femoral epiphysis?
adolescent M>F
pain in groin, medial thigh and knee
AA > caucasians or hispanics
↓ internal rotation
trandelenburg's gait, antalgic gait
what is seen on x-ray of slipped capital femoral epiphysis?
apparent varus angulation of epiphysis ("ice cream falling of its cone")
Kline lines → loss of intersection of epiphysis by femoral neck
pistol grip deformity (chronic stage)
a hip disorder caused by avascular necrosis of the femoral head resulting in symptoms of a limp, limited abduction & IR, trendelenburg's gait, atrophy of thigh/calf/buttocks and leg length inequality
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
how is the blood supply to the femoral head affected with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease?
its blocked
what is the treatment for Legg-Calve-perthes disease?
activity restriction
PT to ↑ ROM/function
long leg bracing w spreader bar
surgery → tenotomy, osteotomy
burning pain with pins and needles occurring in the distribution of the lateral cuteness nerve of the thigh d/t the nerve being trapped medial to the ASIS
Meralgia paresthetica
what are causes of Merlagia Paresthetica?
compression of tight clothes
anterior surgical approaches
tumors (rare)
what are symptoms of Meralgia Paresthetica?
pain & dysesthesia in anterolateral or lateral thigh, may radiate to lateral knee
aching in the groin area
"electric jab" when hip extends during running
what is seen on physical exam of Meralgia Paresthetica?
hypoesthesia/dysthesia along nerve distribution
tapping/pressure medial to ASIS
muscle weakness, abnormal reflexes
what is the treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica?
remove source of compression
weight loss
local anesthetic + cortisone injection
what are S&S of OA of the hip?
achey pain over hip
pain in anterior groin that radiate to medial knee
↓ ROM of hip flexion