AP Bio unit 2 The Cell

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Function and who has it?

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Function and who has it?

Double Membrane, Pores (lets mRNA go out). Stores DNA, synthesize RNA, builds Ribosomes in Nucleosome

Organelle only in eukrayotes

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Endomembrane System

-Protein is made by attached ribosome at RER
-Processed inside RER
-Packaged into transport vesicle and sent to cis face of the Golgi
-Modified more inside the Golgi
-Packaged into another transport vesicle and sent to its destination

can be sent to

-In a transport vesicle to be sent completely out of the cell (called exocytosis)
-In a transport vesicle to be embedded into the cell membrane
-In a transport vesicle to be sent to either the mitochondria or the chloroplast
-creates a lysosome with proteins inside (hydrolytic enzymes)

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Function and who has it?

made of proteins and rna

made in the nucelosome

start free but when receive a signal (binding amino acid) then it will move to the ER


Found in all organisms

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Rough ER and Smooth ER

Function and who has it?

- attached to Nucleus. Part of Endomembrane System. Has Ribosomes and synthesizes proteins to be exported, intracellular transport


no ribosomes, Has cisternae. Detoxifies, Stores Calcium (second messenger), and synthesizes Lipids

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Golgi Apparatus

Function and who has it?

Part of the Endomembrane System - will modify carbs, proteins (by adding stuff), packaging protein traffic and lysosomes can bud off

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Function and who has it?

Endosymbiont theory?

The powerhouse of the cell - makes ATP

has the cristae (inner mitocondrial membrane) and another membrane

has the ETC

matriz is the inside

It has its own DNA and ribosomes and can muitply, meaning that it could have been its own organism

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Found in photosynthetic Eukrayoes

Has thylakoids (light reactions),

stroma (calvins cycle), double membrane,

also in the endosymbiont theory

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the membrane enclosed sacks with hydroclytic enzymes

used in phagocytosis, apoptosis,

very acidic

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membrane bound sac,

used in the endomembrane system

central vaucole in plants for pressure

contractile vacuole (protsists) to get rid of water

Food vacuole in phagocytosis

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Surface Area: Volume

Smaller cells have a higher surface area

more sufrace area has more effieicent exchange of materials

more surface area more favorable

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<p>Membrane Transport</p>

Membrane Transport

Simple Diffusion - passive transport, no energy needed, down the gradinet, small and non polar like gases or water and steroids.

Facilitated DIffusion: down the gradient, small molecules, has proteins, can transport water (aquaporins), and ions

  • Channel or Carrier (carry it across and binds and changes shape) - very specific and controlled

Active Transport: against the gradient, requires energy, and usually a carrier protein, Pump

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Fluid Mosaic Plasma Membrane

It is made of phospholipids

Has embedded proteins, or peripheral proteins

Cholestrol to control the fluidity in differnt temps - at low it prevents aggregation, at high temps it stabilizes “buffer”

glycoproteions or glycolipids - for recognition

-membrane is needed to protect us


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Eurkayoes vs Prokayoes Cellularly

Prokayoes are smaller

Eukaryotes are bigger


Mitochondrial and Chloroplasts membrane

Circular Nucleoid(only one chromosome) instead of Nucleus

Modifications and making proteins all in the cytoplasm

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Define the differnt words or states that a solution can be in

“Movement of Water”

Hypertonic - high concentration, low water potential, less water

Isotonic - same concentration - equal movement

Hypotonic - lower concentration - water moves out

Water Moves into the Hypertonic Solution

Water Potential - potential for water to move

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How will a plant cell act in differnt solutions

what if its a animal cell

hypertonic - plant (flacid) and animal flacid

hypotonic - plant (turgid), anima (burst)

Isotonic - normal

Plant cell wont burst because of their central vacuole and pressure

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Characterisitcs of Life

-DNA and RNA
-cell membrane
-use energy

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Protein Motor stuff in eukrayotes and prokyaotes

Fimbrae (colony) and pilli (sex) in prokayote

flagella - in both, for movement

cilla - both for sensing things

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Prokayotes features unique

-Plasmid (DNA Circle to be exchanged)
-Cell Wall (plant cells have this as well) WITH PEPTIDOGYLCAN instead of cellulose
-Fimbriae (for holding together in biofilms)
-Pili (grappling)

-endospore - hard shell that protects DNA

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3 shapes for bacteria

bacillus (rod)
spirillum (spiral)
coccus (sphere/round)

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are like plasmidsin protists

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Microtubles and filaments

proteins that allowfor sabulity for the cell

allows for movments of organells

allows for shape changes

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Bulk Transport

Endocytosis- endocytosis eating, Pinocytosis Drinking, Receptor-Mediated endocytosis,

Exocytosis- out, vesicles fuse to the membrane and it opens - the endomembrane system

Both Reqiure ATP and cytoskeleton

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Co- Transport

Secondary Active Transport

The coupling of the "downhill" diffusion of one substance to the "uphill" transport of another against its own concentration gradient.
Transports 2 different molecules

can be antiport or simport

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Synonyms for hypertonic

-more solutes
-higher osmolarity
-higher molarity
-low water potential

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Aqua Porins

water channels

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Baceria Cell Exteroir Structures

  • Plasma Membrane

  • Capsul - cell wall made if peptidoglycan

  • Glycocalyx

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Importance of Surface Area

what do cells do

surface area increases the uptake effeiciecny

some clells have villi

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Primary vs Secondary ACtive Transport

-pimary uses atp

-secondary is coupling

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Water Potential Equation,

how does it work

-solute potential- -iCRT (more solutes → less water potential)

-pressure potential - increases the pot

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-internal divieions into sections - organells

-allows for distinct areas (lysosomes)

-increase in surface area

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endosymbiotic theory

-chloroplasts and mitocondria were once their own organisms but were engulfed by another and this created a muturalistic relationship

-proof": they both have their own DNA, ribosomes, and can self replicate

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plants cell wall

is made of cellulose, pectin

gives the plant a shape

-it has semi permeable- can allow water and solutes

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