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thiên niên kỷ (1000 năm)

// C2 //

millennium (n)

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chuyện đã qua, dĩ vãng, quá khứ

bygone (adj)

bygone era/days/age Vietnam's history stands as a testament to a vigorous bygone era

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thiết thực, thực tế ( = designed to be useful and practical rather than attractive )

utilitarian (adj)

utilitarian application

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thời hoàng kim, hưng thịnh

heyday (n)

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ở trạng thái ban đầu, nguyên sơ

pristine (adj)

in pristine conditions Nam Du beach is one of the few beaches in Vietnam that remains in its pristine condition

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nền kinh tế phát triển thịnh vượng

vigorous economic growth (phr)

It is difficult to conceive of a vigorous economic growth without spectacular levels of international trade

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hình thành ý tưởng, kế hoạch trong tâm trí


to conceive of

I used to conceive of building my own house when I was younger

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phần lớn là do...

due to a large extent to (phr)

The decrease in air pollution levels in the city is due to a large extent to the implementation of stricter environmental regulations.

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cực kỳ quan trọng hoặc khẩn cấp

// C2 //

imperative (adj)

It's imperative to act now before the problem gets really serious.

syn: important

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là thủ phạm chính gây nên (negative)

be the main culprit (phr)

Road transport is the main culprit of CO2 emissions in urban areas

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vì thế ( = therefore, consequently)

// B2 //


She studied hard for the exam, and thus she passed with flying colors

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là nguyên nhân chính ( = to be responsible for something bad)

// C1 //

be to blame for sth

Typhoon Yagi is mainly to blame for the destruction of several buildings in Hanoi

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do điều đã đề cập ( = caused by the things mentioned)

be attributable to sb/sth (phr)

The servere death toll in North Vietnam is attributable to ( = is caused by) Typhoon Yagi

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những thay đổi không thể một sớm một chiều là được

such a change can not be achieved overnight (phr)

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kiểm soát bằng cách hạn chế cái gì đó ( = to control or limit something that is not wanted )

// C2 //

to curb something

Laws is enacted to curb the use of funky balls due to its potential negative impact on physical and mental health

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làm cho cái gì đó mạnh mẽ, hoạt động trở lại

to revitalise something

Vietnam's economy has been revitalised after Covid - 19 pandemic

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đảm nhận trách nhiệm mới

to take up the baton (phr)

My boss just left his position so I had to take up the baton

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giữ phần lớn của cái gì đó ( = the largest part of something)

to keep/get the lion's share of sth (idiom)

She didn't do much, but she got the lion’s share of the attention from the teachers.

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khả năng di chuyển và đi lại dễ dàng ( = the ability to move and travel around easily)

mobility (n)

Covid-19 pandemic limited the mobility of goods and people

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tồn tại ở mọi phần của một nơi hoặc một thứ ( = existing in all parts of a place or thing)

pervasive (adj)

Her influence is all-pervasive

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người có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong một lĩnh vực hoặc hoạt động

// C2 //

veteran (adj) (n)

  • (n) The veterans of the teaching profession

  • (adj) The speech was given by the veteran British actor and producer

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ngăn chặn, hạn chế, kiềm chế ( = to prevent something from happening or make it happen)

to inhibit something

Vietnam's educational system may inhibit students's creativity and critical thinking

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// C1 //

difference of opinion (n)

This isn't the first time there was a difference of opinion on how we conduct our experiment

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busy doing something else

// B2 //

engaged (adj)

otherwise engaged I cant come to dinner tonight, I was otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do something else)

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triển khai, ứng dụng, đưa vào sử dụng ( = to use someone or something effectively or put something into use)

to deploy

  • to deploy arguments She always fails to reject arguments that has been deployed against her

  • to deploy resources Our company is finding way to deploy its resource effectively

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(1) to cause someone or something to be in a particular state

(2) to give somebody something (service, persional opinion, performance ect)

// C1 //

to render

(1) render sb/st adj His kindess renders me emotional

(2) render sth to sb/sth People render assistance to those who stuck in Yagi flood

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dối trá, lừa dối, lừa bịp, đánh lừa; dễ làm cho nhầm lẫn

syn: misleading

// C2 //

deceptive (adj)

a deceptive appearance

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cẩn thận

rigorous (adj)

rigorous testing/checking/methods We've conducted testings rigorously before launching our products

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lời khai, minh chứng, sự chứng nhận (mang nghĩa chủ quan)

testimony (n)

false testimony

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con đười ươi

orangutan (n)

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động vật bản địa

fauna native (phr)

There is a wide range of fauna natives in Asian forests

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sân trượt băng

ice rink (n)

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<p>sông băng </p>

sông băng

glacier (n)

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theo nghĩa đen ( = being the most basic meaning of a word or phrase, rather than an extended or poetic meaning)

ant: figurative ( = nghĩa bóng)

// C2 //

literal (adj)

The literal meaning of "television" is "seeing from a distance".

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<p>bức tường thành </p>

bức tường thành

fortification (n)

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<p>tranh thảm </p>

tranh thảm

mosaic (n)

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<p>đường mòn </p>

đường mòn

trails (n)

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bí ẩn ( = a person, thing or situation that is mysterious and difficult to understand)

enigma (n)

Even after years he still remains an enigma to me

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- nhiều, dồi dào, phong phú (tài nguyên thiên nhiên)

- giàu có, nhiều của cải (tài sản)

// C1 //

affluent (adj)

affluent nations/neighbourhoods

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thúc đẩy, gia tăng, củng cố ( = to increase something; to make something stronger)

to fuel something

His absence has fuelled rumours of a split within the party

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gần nhau

at close quarters/range (indiom)

The development of metropolies leads to the emergence of densely populated areas where people live at close quarters (= sống san sát nhau)

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(1) chịu thua, không chịu nỗi, không chống đỡ nỗi ( = to not be able to fight an attack, a temptation, etc.)

(2) to suffer from serious ilness

// C2 //

to succumb sth

(1) The town succumbed after a short siege.

(2) Thousands of people succumbed to water - borned diseases due to a lack of proper sanitation and safe drinking water

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considered by other people to be strange or unusual

eccentric (adj)

eccentric behaviour/clothes

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to be replaced by something

// C2 //

to give/make way to something else (phr)

Some labour - intensive jobs are giving way to machine - driven manufactoring

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giải thích quá trình tìm hiểu để đưa ra được kết luận

to explain the detective work that go into/lead to one's deduction

The police explained to the mass their detective work (= việc tìm hiểu, điều tra) that led to the deduction ( = kết luận) that her father was the criminal

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tình cờ phát hiện, suy nghĩ hoặc tìm thất thứ gì ( = to think of, find or notice something, especially by chance)

to alight on

I alight on some great ideas after few minutes of talking with my baby sister

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kiểm soát ( = to control something, by making it work in a particular way)

// C1 //

to regulate something

The activities of credit companies are regulated by law

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sự phổ biến, thịnh hành ( = the fact of existing or being very common at a particular time or in a particular place)

// C1 //

prevalence (n)

Doctors are seeing an increase in the prevalence of obesity.

<p><span>// C1 //  </span></p><p><span>prevalence (n)</span></p><p><span><em>Doctors are seeing an increase </em></span><span style="color: red"><em>in the prevalence of </em></span><span><em>obesity.</em></span></p>
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having no chance to win

out of contention (phr)

It would be foolish to rule him out of contention for the job.

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“tiết kiệm sức lao động” và “đòi hỏi nhiều lao động”?

  • Tiết kiệm sức lao động = Labour-saving (adj)

  • Đòi hỏi nhiều lao động = Labour-intensive (adj)

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vận dụng kiến thức

// C1 //

to manipulate one’s knowledge (phr)

Students who know to manipulate knowledge will achieve more than those who don't

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làm giảm bớt ( về số lượng = decrease; về tầm ảnh hưởng, tầm quan trọng)

// C1 //

to diminish

I don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution.

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<p><strong>-</strong> tự do, tự chủ (quốc gia)</p><p>- khả năng suy nghĩ và làm việc độc lập (con người)</p>

- tự do, tự chủ (quốc gia)

- khả năng suy nghĩ và làm việc độc lập (con người)

// C1 //

autonomy (n)

Learning autonomy

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đủ khả năng, đủ trình độ để làm gì ( = able to do something well)

// C1 //

competent (adj)

She is highly competent at her job.

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thiếu thốn

// C1 //

deprived (adj)

economically/emotionally/socially deprived Despite coming from an economically deprived area, she still managed to overcome her obstacles and become a doctor

syn: disadvantage

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Số nhiều của “media”?


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bản sao chép

facsimiles (n)

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nguồn thu nhập chính

bread and butter (idiom)

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ngầm, ngụ ý, ẩn ý, tiềm ẩn

// C2 //

implicit (in something) (adj)

He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.

ant: explicit

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kho chứa đồ


repository (n)

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ngăn cản ai đó làm việc gì bằng cách làm nản lòng, nhụt chí họ, làm mất hứng thú, mất động lực

to deter so from doing sth

The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.

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nông cạn, hời hợt và không cẩn thận

// C2 //

superficial (adj)

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khát vọng, nguyện vọng ( = something that you hope to achieve)

// C2 //

aspiration (n)

It's a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.

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<p>Hấp dẫn, thuyết phục khiến người khác tin tưởng hoặc đồng ý</p>

Hấp dẫn, thuyết phục khiến người khác tin tưởng hoặc đồng ý

// C1 //

compelling (adj)

The new studies provide compelling evidence in support of these concepts

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<p>du lịch đại chúng </p>

du lịch đại chúng

mass tourism (n)

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phân khúc

segment (n)

Each of these products is aimed at a specific market segment.

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hơn ( = more than )

in excess of (phr)

His salary is in excess of $125,000 a year.

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(1) mơ hồ và khó hiểu ( = not clear and difficult to understand or see )

(2) vô danh, ít người biết đến

obscure (adj)

(1) I found her lecture very obscure.

(2) Despite pursuing his writing journey for a long period of time, his novels remain obscure to most readers ( syn = unknown )

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lĩnh vực, phạm vi hoạt động mà nhóm người có quyền hoặc có khả năng tiếp cận

be the province of (phr)

Tourism & travel used to be the exclusive province ( = đặc quyền ) of the wealthy

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sự giải trí, thư giãn, thú vui khi không phải làm việc

// B2 //

recreation (n)

Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping.

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mang lại cơ hội cho cái gì

to afford an opportunity for (phr)

This project affords an opportunity for growth

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tạo điều kiện thuận lợi ( = to make something possible or easier )

// C1 //

to facilitate

To facilitate learning, each class is no larger than 30 students.

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bán cầu

hemisphere (n)

<p>hemisphere (n) </p>
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<p>sự phá hoại do động vật hoặc côn trùng gây ra </p><p>( = a large number of animals and insects that carry disease, that are present where they are not wanted )</p>

sự phá hoại do động vật hoặc côn trùng gây ra

( = a large number of animals and insects that carry disease, that are present where they are not wanted )

infestation (n)

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hợp lý , có khả năng đúng ( = reasonable and likely to be true, used for an excuse or explanation)

// C2 //

plausible (adj)

The explanation for this phenomenon fits the facts and is psychologically plausible

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dễ bị ảnh hưởng, tổn thương ( = easily influenced or harmed by something)

be susceptible to (adj)

There are few known diseases which are not susceptible to medical treatment.

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việc đi biển ( = work or travel on the sea)

seafaring (adj)

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buộc phải làm gì đó, sử dụng như biện pháp cuối cùng khi không còn sự lựa chọn nào ( = không còn cách nào khác mà phải … )

to resort to doing something / something

In times of crisis, companies may resort to layoffs to cut off costs.

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(1) vô chủ, vô thừa nhận

(2) vô trách nhiệm

derelict /ˈderəlɪkt/ (adj)

(1) derelict land/buildings/sites This building is left derelict due to rumors of a ghost mystery spread by word of mouth.

(2) derelict in (doing) something She realizes that she's been derelict in her responsibilities as a mother.

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cản trở, gây trở ngại

( = to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something )

// C2 //

to hinder

hinder someone in something Miscommunication can hinder teamwork in making effective decisions

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lỗi thời

( = no longer used because something new has been invented )

// C1 //

obsolete (adj)

With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.

syn: out of date

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That’s all of them

That’s everything

That’s the lot

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<p>bụi rậm </p>

bụi rậm

undergrowth (n)

syn: underbush

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(1) start to do something

(2) deal with something

to set about (prasal verb)

(1) I have no idea how to set about changing a tyre on a car

(2) I tried to apologize, but I think I set about it the wrong way

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yêu cầu

( = to demand that something happens )

to call for (prasal verb)

Members have called for his resignation.

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nguyên tử

atom (n)


<p>atom (n) </p><p><span>/ˈæt̬.əm/</span></p>
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vấn đề/khó khăn ban đầu

teething problems/troubles (n)

The new system has some teething problems, but they should be resolved soon.

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sự trì hoãn tạm thời

a temporary halt (n)

The construction work came to a temporary halt due to bad weather.

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tiếp tục làm việc gì đó mặc kệ khó khăn thử thách

( = to continue to do something in spite of opposition or difficulties )

to plough ahead (prasal verb)

The government is ploughing ahead with new reforms, despite public criticism

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bất thường

( = not in a regular way )

erratically (adv)

He was obviously upset and was driving erratically.

<p>erratically (adv) </p><p><em>He was obviously upset and was driving </em><span style="color: red"><em>erratically.</em></span></p>
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làm cho ngọn lửa cháy mạnh hơn

to fan something

Fanned by a westerly wind, the fire spread rapidly through the city

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xóa bỏ tận gốc; diệt trừ

eradication (n)

The government has launched a campaign aimed at the eradication of poverty.

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cách xử lý vụng về

criticism of bungling (phr)

She receives critism of bungling, causing customers to endure long hours of waiting

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ngăn điều gì đó from lan rộng hoặc trở nên tồi tệ hơn

( = to keep something harmful within limits and not allow it to spread )

to contain

Firefighters worked hard to contain the wildfire

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lực lượng nhân viên / lực lượng quân đội

( = armed force)

// C1 //

personnel (n)

There is a severe shortage of skilled personnel

syn: staff, workforce

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khác thường hoặc kỳ lạ so với bình thường; đặc thù

// B2 //

peculiar (adj)


The team was able to meet peculiar challenges posed by the changing environment.

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rời bỏ; di tản

// C1 //

to evacuate

The authorities decided to evacuate the residents due to the approaching hurricane.

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cái tiến, làm mới, tái cấu trúc

( = to make changes to the form of something, usually to improve its appearance )

to revamp

The company is attempting to revamp its image.

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mặc dù

( = despite, in sipte of )

not withstanding + N (prep)

Notwithstanding the difficulties, she remained optimistic about the future.

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được chấp nhận rộng rãi

( = (of an idea) to become accepted widely )

to take root (idiom)

Her ideas about sustainable living began to take root in the community

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