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The study of formation and destruction of molecules in the Universe, their interaction with radiation, and their feedback on the physics of the environment
Combination of physics, chemistry, astronomy, and biology
Roles of Atoms
nuclear fusion for the creation of stars
were the first components formed in the universe, leading to the development of molecules and complex structures.
Roles of Molecules
creation of complex molecules (H2, CO) that led to severe cooling, stimulating the creation of stars, allowing for more complex molecules to be created
Became the building block for habitable environments
Components of Interstellar Matter
gas (H2, CO)
dust (used are the holding ground for chemical reactions to occur due to the accumulation of particles)
Importance of Molecular Bonding
basis for the creation of life
ex. CO———→ more complex organic molecules
H20———→ basis for life
Big Bang Theory
The universe is expanding from an initial hot, dense state at a finite time in the past
Cold Dark Matter Model
the energy density of the universe today is almost entirely contributed by a cosmological constant and by matter (mostly CDM)
Black Body Characteristics
absorbs and emits radiation at all wavelengths with equal efficiency
produces a continuous electromagnetic spectrum across all wavelengths
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
fossil radiation form the Big Band (follows BBS)
it is isotropic (appearing equally intense in all directions like the BBS states)
COBE satellite measured the CMBR and confirmed its uniformity across the sky, providing evidence for the Big Bang Theory
Doppler effects from the Milky Way/Local Group’s motion must be accounted for in measurements of CMBR
Stellar Classification
measure temperature using B/C ratio (ratio of intensities in different spectrum bands)
photosphere (surface temperature) is used to determine the star’s color
Star’s color and temp tells us what the star is made of and what stage in life it is
How astronomers measure distance between stars
Measures apparent motion of nearby stars against distant stars as Earth orbits the Sun
Historically named star patterns
objects in the sky that are not stars or plants in the solar system
Shapes: elliptical, spiral, and irregular
Galaxies and Clusters
Stars form galaxies through gravitational agglomeration, and galaxies themselves form into clusters, illustrating that matter in space is clumped rather than uniformly spread.
Dark Ages
a phase of the universe that occured after the Big Bang but before the first stars were formed
Formation of the First Stars
happened 400 million years after BB
occured when atoms/gas collapsed together and the formation of H2 cooled the universe
Stars then started to produce C,N,O which are vital for organic molecule formation
Expanding Universe
proposed by Alexander Friedman
observation data confirmed the universe’s expansion
used linked molecular processes with cosmic phenomena to explain the universe’s structure and history
confirmed because of red shift
Red Shift
a dimensionless measure of the fractional change in wavelength due to cosmic expansion
proportional to a galaxy’s distance, which corresponds to the time light traveled from the galaxy
Hubble’s Law
describes the relationship between a galaxy’s redshift and its distance
Hubble constant determines the rate of expansion
Importance of Molecules
Spectral lines tell us:
gas temp and density
ionization state and movement of gas clouds
Molecular composition can tell us:
astrochemical processes
possible prebiotic chemistry
age of interstellar clouds/protoplanetary discs
Trible-Alpha Process (H-alpha emission)
At extreme temp and pressure, three helium nuclei (alpha particles) fuse to form a carbon
key intermediate for ion-neutral reactions
synthesis for water and complex organic molecules
abundant in the cold, dense regions of molecular clouds where ice forms on dust grains
forms complex organic molecules
Absorption vs emission spectra
Absorption: energy that got absorbed is black that that wavelength
Emission: energy that got absorbed is and deflected at a different angle is only picked up, everything else is black
Infrared Spectroscopy
sees atoms vibrate with frequencies in IR range
determines chemical groups and provides conductivity analysis
for matching bands, go to a database
Uses beam shot through a crystal and bouncing back and forth with IR to measure sample vibrations and give us peaks
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy
microanalysis; Z>3 but sometimes 2; 0.1-0.5 wt%
bremsstrahlung x-ray (atomic number)
characteristic x-ray (energy peaks)
Detector (only allows x-rays and uses energy trapped in silicon to create a current with a dielectric)
Pulse Processor (coverts voltage pulse to energy levels and filters noise)
MCA (processes data and displays)