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Process, components of teaching and instruction of producing observable and measureable behavioral changes in the learner through planned educational activities
State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease of infirmity (WHO)
Health Education
Any combination of planned learning experiences using evidence-based practices and/or sound theories that provide the opportunity to acquire KSA needed to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors
Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
Health Education
The act of providing information and learning experiences for purposes of behavior change and improved for health of client
Joint Committee for Health Education
States that health education is the process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family, and community well-being
Promotion and maintenance of health
Prevention of illness
Development of Self-Reliant Behaviors
The nurse as a health educator should provide clients with basic information in the terms of these 3 aspects
Promotion and Maintenance of Health
One of the 3 aspects the nurse as a health educator needs to provide clients info of
Resting, taking medications, proper diet
Prevention of Illness
One of the 3 aspects the nurse as a health educator needs to provide clients info of
Wear PPE, hand-washing, vaccination
Development of Self-Reliant Behaviors
One of the 3 aspects the nurse as a health educator needs to provide clients info of
Once patient cooperates with the nurse, they will hopefully continue what they learn
Promoting health and illness prevention are not achieveable if a patient doesn’t have the self-responsibility of healthy behaviors
Process of Health Education
Consists of learning experiences that promote behavior leading to good health
Physical Health
Emotional Health
Mental Health
Social Health
Spiritual Health
5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Physical Health
One of the 5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Relating to the body
Emotional Health
One of the 5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Relating to stress, strains, anxiety
Mental Health
One of the 5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Relating to the ability to have sound decisions
Social Health
One of the 5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Relating to the ability to relate with others
Spiritual Health
One of the 5 Types of Health Addressed by Health Education
Relating to God
Planned opportunity of learning
Occurs in a specific setting
Program of series of events that gives concepts at appropriate learning levels
Based on previous learning
Interrelated health to quality of life
Interaction between educator and learner
6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Planned opportunity of learning
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Curriculum, schedule, etc are carefully constructed by the nurse and client
Occurs in a specific setting
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Teaching is conducted in an appropriate environment
Program of series of events that gives concepts at appropriate learning levels
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Especially those in different age groups, like the elderly, one has to provide teaching for S.O’s
Based on previous learning
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
To check if previous learning is appropriate
Interrelated health to quality of life
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Need to persuade patient to check up to know their quality of life in the future
Example is checking the blood pressure now will prevent a possible experience of stroke or heart attack
Interaction between educator and learner
One of the 6 Characteristics of the Health Education Process
Nurse must establish rapport/bonding with the patient, having a close but professional relationship
Propagates health promotion and disease prevention
Used to modify/continue healthy behaviors
Provides health information and services
Emphasizes good health habits/practices
Communicates vital information to the public
A form of advocacy
6 Purposes of Health Education
Propagates health promotion and disease prevention
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
For example, health education can teach clients how to hand wash, purposes of vaccination, etc
Used to modify/continue healthy behaviors
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
For example, a patient diagnosed with diabetes is taught how to use an insulin injection, which won’t be lifetime if the patient becomes able to manage their blood sugar levels.
Provides health information and services
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
Refers to services that can improve client’s health status
Emphasizes good health habits/practices
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
Highlight that healthy habits start in one's home
Communicates vital information to the public
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
Advisories about health
For example, after the eruption of the Kanlaon volcano, wearing face masks for asthmatics was advised
A form of advocacy
One of the 6 Purposes of Health Education
Helping other people improve their lifestyle through vital information
Health Resources
Society & Environment
3 Types of Health Education
One of the 3 Types of Health Education
Concerns with bodily care
Health Resources
One of the 3 Types of Health Education
Knowing and sensible use of available health services
Society & Environment
One of the 3 Types of Health Education
Concerns with health policies
Enhance knowledge awareness
Promotes health, safety, & security
Develop and improve community resources
Increase productivity & strength of character
Disease prevention
Minimize healthcare cost
Self-Reliant behavior
7 Importance of Health Education
Education Process
A systematic, sequential, logical, science based, planned course of action consisting of two major interdependent operations: teaching and learning.
2 major interdependent operations the education process consists of
Implementation of teaching plan
Basic elements of the education process
Nursing Process
Scientific and systematic problem-solving approach used to identify, prevent and treat actual or potential health problems and promote wellness.
Nursing Diagnosis
According ANA, 2010, what are the steps of the Nursing Process
(1) needs
(2) learning needs
Comparison of the Nursing Process and Education Process
Nursing Process: Assessment of (1) ___
Education Process: Ascertain (2) ___ ___
(1) care
(2) goal setting
(3) teaching
(4) desired outcomes
Comparison of the Nursing Process and Education Process
Nursing Process: Develop (1) ___ plans based on mutual (2) ___ ___
Education Process: Develop (3) ___ plan based on mutually (4) ___ ___
(1) care plans
(2) teaching
Comparison of the Nursing Process and Education Process
Nursing Process: Carry out (1) ___ ___
Education Process: Perform (2) ___
(1) health
(2) behavior
Comparison of the Nursing Process and Education Process
Nursing Process: Determine (1) ___ outcomes
Education Process: Determine (2) ___ outcomes
Assessment of needs
Develop care plans based on mutual goal setting
Carry out care plans
Determine health outcomes
List the factors of the bolded process:
Nursing Process vs Education Process
Ascertain learning needs
Develop teaching plan based on mutually determined outcomes
Perform teaching
Determine behavior outcomes
List the factors of the bolded process:
Nursing Process vs Education Process
Patient Education
Process of assisting people in learning health-related behaviors that they can incorporate into an everyday life, with the goal of achieving optimal health and independence in self-care
Primary Level of Prevention
Secondary Level of Prevention
Tertiary Level of Prevention
3 Purposes of Patient Education
Primary Level of Prevention
One of the 3 Purposes of Patient Education
Health promotion: healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep, fluids, use of protective equipments
Prevention of illness: vaccination
Secondary Level of Prevention
One of the 3 Purposes of Patient Education
When patient is actively ill need to teach patient
Moving/turning the patient, teaching how to take care of suctioning after tracheostomy
Tertiary Level of Prevention
One of the 3 Purposes of Patient Education
There is still residual deficiency, so there must be long-term care or reconstitution
For example, a stroke patient is unable to move their arm for a month, so they need rehab
Mid 1800 - 20th Century
One of the times for historical foundations for patient education
Development of organized health care; time of Nightingale when nurses were silently trained to follow doctor’s orders
1st 4 Decades of the 20th Century
One of the times for historical foundations for patient education
Presence of public health nurses
Care no longer was confined to the hospital
After WWII
One of the times for historical foundations for patient education
Patient education becomes part of medical care and patient’s bill of rights
Nurses are primary provider of discharge instruction from the doctor to patient
Who described 4 Dimensions of the Educative Process?
Substantive/Curricular Dimension
Procedural/Methodological Dimension
Environmental/Social Dimension
Human Relations Dimension
4 Dimensions of the Educative Process
Substantive/Curricular Dimension
One of the 4 Dimensions of the Educative Process
When education process looks into something sequential
Procedural/Methodological Dimension
One of the 4 Dimensions of the Educative Process
How is the teaching being done
Simulating the hospital
Environmental/Social Dimension
One of the 4 Dimensions of the Educative Process
Settings, where is the location of teaching
Human Relations Dimension
One of the 4 Dimensions of the Educative Process
Need to interact with the learner
Professional Competence
Interpersonal Relationship with Students
Personal Characteristics
Teaching Practices
Evaluation Practices
Availability to Students
6 Characteristics of an Effective Teacher
Planning & Preparing the Lessons
Presenting the Lessons
Organizing & Management of Learning Activities
Creating a Positive Climate in the Classroom
Evaluating Student Performance
Evaluating Teaching Performance
Practice of Appropriate Authority
7 Essential Teaching Skills
Practice of Appropriate Authority
One of the 7 Essential Teaching Skills
When we give credit to an author by citing them
Facilitates student-teacher interaction
Encourages cooperation among students
Initiates active learning
Gives prompt feedback
Emphasize the use of time in each task
Communicates high expectations
Respects diverse talents & ways of learning
7 Principles of Good Teaching Practice
Who proposed the 3 Teaching Principles?
Hereditary Endowments Principle
Teaching Process Principle
Outcome Process Principle
3 Teaching Principles according to Bastable
Hereditary Endowments Principle
One of the 3 Teaching Principles according to Bastable
Nature of the learner
What are the traits, capacities, capabilities of the learner?
Teaching Process Principle
One of the 3 Teaching Principles according to Bastable
Selection & application of teaching & learning activities
Considering content (either just lecturing or skills based on what is to be taught)
Outcome Process Principle
One of the 3 Teaching Principles according to Bastable
Aims, goals, objectives, outcomes, purposes or results of learning
When you teach, you need to already determine the end point
Methods should be suited to the objectives and content of the course
Methods should be adapted to the capability of students
Methods should be in accordance with sound psychological principles
Methods should suit the teacher's personality and capitalize on her special assets
Methods should be used creatively
5 Guidelines in the Choice of Teaching and Learning Methods
Independent Learning
Simulations or Exercises
3 Approaches to Teaching Skills
Independent Learning
One of the 3 Approaches to Teaching Skills
Prepare instructional materials and equipment for practice
One of the 3 Approaches to Teaching Skills
Shows the teaching method
Simulations or Exercises
One of the 3 Approaches to Teaching Skills
Duplicates the real scenarios
Lack of time to teach
Lack of confidence & competence
Lack of motivation & skill
Low priority to patient and staff education
Negative influence of environment
Absence of third-party reimbursement to support patient education by nurses
Questionable effectiveness of client education in improving health outcomes
Documentation difficulties
8 Factors Affecting the Ability to Teach Among Nurses
Lack of time
Stress of acute and chronic illness
Low literacy and functional health illiteracy
Negative influence of the hospital environment itself: lack of privacy
Personal characteristics of the learner
Extent of needed behavioral change
Lack of support from health professionals and significant others
Denial of learning needs, resentment of authority & lack of sense of responsibility
Complexity, fragmentation and inconvenience of healthcare systems
9 Factors Affecting the Ability to Learn
Stress of acute and chronic illness
One of the 8 Factors Affecting the Ability to Learn
Example is rather than teaching a pregnant woman during labor, the nurse must teach them during prenatal care
Personal Characteristics of the Learner
One of the 8 Factors Affecting the Ability to Learn
Whether the client has visual or hearing deficit, is depressed, etc
Extent of Needed Behavioral Change
One of the 8 Factors Affecting the Ability to Learn
Example are those with liver disease have to avoid alcohol, fried food, drugs, which may make it difficult to adopt such changes in their lifestyle
Complexity, fragmentation, and inconvenience of healthcare systems
One of the 8 Factors Affecting the Ability to Learn
Example is accounting may ask for a lot of papers during discharge, which the stress of may affect the ability for the client to learn