Hormones Definition
Chemicals released by the body that regulate changes
Hormones case studies+effect on behavior
Case Study: Sheele. The aim was to show that oxytocin modulates social distance between men and women. Heterosexual men were administered oxytocin or a placebo intranasally. First they were positioned at the end of a room opposite a female researcher and asked to move forward and stop and a slightly uncomfortable position. Then they were shown 4 different types of photos and were able to either make them bigger or smaller if they liked or disliked them. The results showed that men in relationships kept a greater distance between themselves and the researcher.
Effect on behavior: This shows that oxytocin’s effect on human behavior is related to inner groups and outer groups. As we can see with the men in relationships keeping greater distance between themselves and the researcher, oxytocin enhances inner group loyalty and creates a sense of protection.
De Dreu. Aim was to see if oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism. A type of inner group bias where ones own ethnic group is perceived as superior to others. Participants self administered placebo or oxytocin intranasally. They were them given moral dilemma tasks like the trolley problem. The target person in these tasks was either apart of the subject’s in group or outgroup which was achieved by manipulating the people involved in the scenarios. The results showed that males with oxytocin were more likely to sacrifice someone in their outgroup than ingroup and placebo showed no difference.
This shows that oxytocin promotes ingroup favoritism and protectiveness.
Pheromones definition
Chemical signals that trigger specific behaviors in members of the same species
pheromones case studies+effect on behavior
Case Study: Lundstrom and Olsson: Aim was to study the effects of androstadienone (AND). Women were exposed to AND or a placebo and their moods were studied. Results showed that women exposed to AND had increased moods with a male experimenter but no change with a female experimenter.
Effect on behavior: This shows that AND’s effect on human behavior can be increased moods in women when they have interactions with men.
Wedekind. Aim to investigate whether women’s preferences for male body odor are influenced by genetic factors. Women smelled t-shirts worn by men for two nights and rated them based on pleasantness. results showed that women preferred the scent of men whose MHC genes were dissimilar to their own.
Effect on behavior: Mate selection could be influenced by genetic factors. Women’s preference for men with dissimilar MHC genes may be an adaptive behavior.
Neuroplasticity def
The ability of the brain to change by the development of synaptic connections between neurons
Neuroplasticity case studies+effect on beh
Maguire. Aim was to see if the hippocampus changes in response to environmental demands. MRI scans of the brains of London Taxi Drivers and non taxi drivers were taken. Taxi drivers had increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus. A positive correlation was observed between years of taxi-driving experience and volume in the posterior hippocampus.
Effect on behavior: This shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The behavioral demand to have increased spacial awareness causes increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus.
Techniques def
MRI-a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to create detailed 3D images of the inside of the body
Techniques case+eff on beh
Draganski. Aim was to see if learning a new skill led to changes in brain structure. Participants were medical students preparing for exams. MRI scans were taken of each participant’s brain before they started studying for their exams, immediately after the exams, and again several months after they had finished their exams. Results showed after the exams there was increased grey matter in brain areas related to learning.
Effect on behavior: this shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The increase in gray matter in areas related to learning during studying shows that humans can actively shape their brains through their behaviors.
Maguire. Aim was to see if the hippocampus changes in response to environmental demands. MRI scans of the brains of London Taxi Drivers and non taxi drivers were taken.Taxi drivers had increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus. A positive correlation was observed between years of taxi-driving experience and volume in the posterior hippocampus.
Effect on behavior: This shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The behavioral demand to have increased spacial awareness causes increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus.
Evolutionary deff
The idea that all species are related and change over time from generation to generation
Evolutionary cases+eff on beh
Buss. Aimed to investigate cross-cultural similarities and differences in mate preferences. They surveyed participants from many different cultures and asked about preferences for their mates including age, attractiveness, etc. Results showed that men across cultures valued physical attractiveness and youth, while women prioritized financial resources and the ability to provide.
Effects on behavior: these finding support the evolutionary explanation of behavior called the theory of sexual selection where men look for reproductive success and women look for stability and support.
Wedekind. Aim to investigate whether women’s preferences for male body odor are influenced by genetic factors. Women smelled t-shirts worn by men for two nights and rated them based on pleasantness. results showed that women preferred the scent of men whose MHC genes were dissimilar to their own.
Effect on behavior: Mate selection could be influenced by genetic factors. Women’s preference for men with dissimilar MHC genes may be an adaptive behavior.
Genetics deff
Genes-Made up of DNA which provides the structure and function of the human body
Genetics cases+eff on beh
Scarr and Weinberg. Aim was to investigate the influence of genetics and environment on IQ. Compared the IQs of adopted children of different racial backgrounds to those of their biological parents. Results showed that both genetics and environment played a role in determining IQ.
Effect in behavior: A child’s genetics has direct influence on how well they do on IQ tests.
Kendler. Aim to investigate the role of genetics and environment in the development of major depression. They analyzed data from Swedish twins who were assessed for the presence of major depression. Both identical and fraternal twins were included. Results showed that genetics played a significant role in the development of major depression. Identical twins had a higher concordance rate for depression than fraternal twins, indicating a genetic influence.
Effect on behavior: The genetic influence suggests that some individuals may be more genetically predisposed to depression.
Agonist/Antagonist deff
Antagonist-Reduce the effect or a neurotransmitter
Agonist/Antagonist cases +eff on beh
Rogers and Kesner. Aim was to investigate the role of acetylcholine (ACh) in spatial memory formation. Rats were trained to navigate a maze. After learning the maze, they were divided into two groups. One group was injected with an ACh antagonist and the other a placebo. Researchers measured the number of errors made by each group while navigating the maze. Results showed rats injected with the antagonist made more errors.
Effects on behavior: this shows that ACh is important for spatial memory.
Twin or Kinship cases+eff on beh
Kendler. Aim to investigate the role of genetics and environment in the development of major depression. They analyzed data from Swedish twins who were assessed for the presence of major depression. Both identical and fraternal twins were included. Results showed that genetics played a significant role in the development of major depression. Identical twins had a higher concordance rate for depression than fraternal twins, indicating a genetic influence.
Effect on behavior: The genetic influence suggests that some individuals may be more genetically predisposed to depression.
Neurotransmitter deff
Mediate the events or impulses in a synapse
Neurotransmitter cases+eff on beh
Rogers and Kesner. Aim was to investigate the role of acetylcholine (ACh) in spatial memory formation. Rats were trained to navigate a maze. After learning the maze, they were divided into two groups. One group was injected with an ACh antagonist and the other a placebo. Researchers measured the number of errors made by each group while navigating the maze. Results showed rats injected with the antagonist made more errors.
Effects on behavior: this shows that ACh is important for spatial memory.
Localization def
The idea that every behavior is associated with a specific brain region or area.
Localization cases
Maguire. Aim was to see if the hippocampus changes in response to environmental demands. MRI scans of the brains of London Taxi Drivers and non taxi drivers were taken.Taxi drivers had increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus. A positive correlation was observed between years of taxi-driving experience and volume in the posterior hippocampus.
Effect on behavior: This shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The behavioral demand to have increased spacial awareness causes increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus.
Animal Research cases
Merzenich. The brian area known to be responsible for fingers in monkeys were mapped in the cortex. Then the middle finger was amputated from monkeys and their brains were remapped. It was found at the brain areas controlling the fingers next to the amputated finger got larger showing cortical remapping
Effect on behavior: Shows neuroplasticity which provides insight into into human recovery from injuries like limb loss. It also explains phantom limb syndrome.
Tsai. Aim was to investigate how the environment influences neuroplasticity. Rats were divided into two groups one group was raised in an enriched environment, while the other was raised in an unstimulating environment. The brains of the rats were examined for structural changes, and their performance on learning and memory tasks was assessed. Results were rats in the enriched environment performed better on cognitive tasks.
Effect on behavior: The study highlights the role of environmental stimulation in promoting brain development and cognitive abilities. enriched environments can enhance learning and memory emphasizing the importance of stimulating experiences in childhood development and recovery from brain injuries in humans.
general ethics considerations
informed consent
protected from harm
right to withdraw
informed about the aim of the study
general generalizability considerations
demographics (age, gender, culture, environment)
sample size
general bias considerations
Social desirability bias
Confirmation Bias
Sampling bias because the sample wasn’t diverse
Participant Bias because Participants may have been aware of the study's purpose and changed their behavior
Leading question bias
general Credibility considerations
The use of a placebo control allows for clear comparisons, strengthening internal validity.
artificial setting limits ecological validity
Internal validity may be somewhat compromised by self-reporting
external validity is limited due to the small sample size
Hormones Cases Names
De Dreu
Pheromones Cases Names
Lundstrom and Olsson
Neuroplasticity Cases Names
Techniques Cases Names
Evolutionary Cases Names
Genetics Cases Names
Scarr and Weinsberg
Twin or Kinship Cases Names
Neurotransmitter Cases Names
Rogers and Kesner
Localization Cases Names
Animal Research Cases Names
Rogers and Kesner
Sheele+Effect on behavior
Case Study: Sheele. The aim was to show that oxytocin regulates social distance between men and women. Heterosexual men were given oxytocin or a placebo intranasally. First they were positioned at the end of a room opposite a female researcher and asked to move forward and stop and a slightly uncomfortable position. Then they were shown 4 different types of photos and were able to either make them bigger or smaller if they liked or disliked them. The results showed that men in relationships kept a greater distance between themselves and the researcher.
Effect on behavior: This shows that oxytocin’s effect on human behavior is related to inner groups and outer groups. As we can see with the men in relationships keeping greater distance between themselves and the researcher, oxytocin enhances inner group loyalty and creates a sense of protection.
De Dreu+eff on beh
Case Study 2: De Dreu. Aim was to see if oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism. A type of inner group bias where ones own ethnic group is perceived as superior to others. Participants self administered placebo or oxytocin intranasally. They were them given moral dilemma tasks like the trolley problem. The target person in these tasks was either apart of the subject’s in group or outgroup which was achieved by manipulating the people involved in the scenarios. The results showed that males with oxytocin were more likely to sacrifice someone in their outgroup than ingroup and placebo showed no difference.
Effect on behavior: This shows that oxytocin promotes ingroup favoritism and protectiveness.
Lundstrom and Olsson+eff on beh
Case Study: Lundstrom and Olsson: Aim was to study the effects of androstadienone (AND). Women were exposed to AND or a placebo and their moods were studied. Results showed that women exposed to AND had increased moods with a male experimenter but no change with a female experimenter.
Effect on behavior: This shows that AND’s effect on human behavior can be increased moods in women when they have interactions with men.
Case Study 2: Wedekind. Aim to investigate whether women’s preferences for male body odor are influenced by genetic factors. Women smelled t-shirts worn by men for two nights and rated them based on pleasantness. results showed that women preferred the scent of men whose MHC genes were dissimilar to their own.
Effect on behavior: Mate selection could be influenced by genetic factors. Women’s preference for men with dissimilar MHC genes may be an adaptive behavior.
Case Study: Maguire. Aim was to see if the brain changes in response to environmental demands. MRI scans of the brains of London Taxi Drivers and non taxi drivers were taken.Taxi drivers had increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus. A positive correlation was observed between years of taxi-driving experience and volume in the posterior hippocampus.
Effect on behavior: This shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The behavioral demand to have increased spacial awareness causes increased grey matter in the posterior hippocampus.
Case Study: Draganski. Aim was to see if learning a new skill led to changes in brain structure. Participants were medical students preparing for exams. MRI scans were taken of each participant’s brain before they started studying for their exams, immediately after the exams, and again several months after they had finished their exams. Results showed after the exams there was increased grey matter in brain areas related to learning.
Effect on behavior: this shows that human behavior is tied to changes in the brain. The increase in gray matter in areas related to learning during studying shows that humans can actively shape their brains through their behaviors.
Aimed to compare cross-cultural mate preferences. They surveyed participants from many different cultures and asked about preferences for their mates including age, attractiveness, etc. Results showed that men across cultures valued physical attractiveness and youth, while women prioritized financial resources and the ability to provide.
Effects on behavior: these finding support the evolutionary explanation of behavior called the theory of sexual selection where men look for reproductive success and women look for stability and support.
Scarr and Weinberg+eob
Case Study: Scarr and Weinberg. Aim was to investigate the influence of genetics and environment on IQ. Compared the IQs of adopted children of different racial backgrounds to those of their biological parents. Results showed that both genetics and environment played a role in determining IQ.
Effect in behavior: A child’s genetics has direct influence on how well they do on IQ tests.
Case Study 2: Kendler. Aim to investigate the role of genetics and environment in the development of major depression. They analyzed data from Swedish twins who were assessed for the presence of major depression. Both identical and fraternal twins were included. Results showed that genetics played a significant role in the development of major depression. Identical twins had a higher concordance rate for depression than fraternal twins, indicating a genetic influence.
Effect on behavior: The genetic influence suggests that some individuals may be more genetically predisposed to depression.
Rogers and Kesner+eob
Case study: Rogers and Kesner. Aim was to investigate the role of acetylcholine (ACh) in spatial memory formation. Rats were trained to navigate a maze. After learning the maze, they were divided into two groups. One group was injected with an ACh antagonist and the other a placebo. Researchers measured the number of errors made by each group while navigating the maze. Results showed rats injected with the antagonist made more errors.
Effects on behavior: this shows that ACh is important for spatial memory.
Case Study: Merzenich. Aim to study cortical remapping. The brian area known to be responsible for fingers in monkeys were mapped in the cortex. Then the middle finger was amputated from monkeys and their brains were remapped. It was found at the brain areas controlling the fingers next to the amputated finger got larger showing cortical remapping
Effect on behavior: Shows neuroplasticity which provides insight into into human recovery from injuries like limb loss. It also explains phantom limb syndrome.