Oracular Cult at Dodona

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What are the 3 forms of an oracle?

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What are the 3 forms of an oracle?

  1. Person

  2. Place

  3. Statement

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What do Herodotus and Heraclitus say about oracles?

Herodotus: emphasises the responsibility of the interpreter

Heraclitus: says that the gods give signs rather than speak clearly

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How can unfulfilled oracles be explained? (3)

  • Misinterpretation

  • Conditions to them being fulfilled

  • Individuals doing something wrong/invalidating the oracle

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Describe the votive offerings found at Dodona.

Statuettes of Zeus that seem very similar to the God of Artemision statue were found at the site.

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What is the significance of Dodona’s location?

Dodona in Epirus is located in northern Greece — considering the risks of travel in the ancient world, its popularity shows how important oracular consultation was.

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Why Dodona? (5)

  • Directly consult Zeus

  • Inclusive

  • Famous works

  • Diverse methodology

  • Individualised

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Give two examples of states consulting the oracle.

  • The Kerkyraians ask Zeus Naios and Dione which god or hero to sacrifice and pray to so that they can have the best future

  • The Dodoneans ask Zeus and Dione if the impurity of some man that caused the gods to send a given storm

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What 5 sources do we have on the oracular tree at Dodona?

  • The Odyssey (Book 14) — Odysseus claims to have gone to Dodona to consult Zeus via the oak tree.

  • The Iliad (Book 16) — Says that the rustle of leaves is interpreted by Priests.

  • Ovid’s Metamorphoses — Also notes the rustling of leaves.

  • Herodotus — Says that doves perching in trees spoke in human voices.

  • Hesiod — This fragment claims something lived in the trunk of the tree.

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What source do we have on priestesses at Dodona?

Plato says that priestesses performed in a prophetic state for both states and individuals. 

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Explain the oracular method of divination by lot at Dodona. (+ source)

Enquirers submitted a question on a piece of lead that was folded to hide the words. A lot (such as differently coloured pebbles) was drawn randomly, a feature of which indicated the answer according to a pre-agreed system.

This tablet reads “Pistos…if he stole the dry fleeces from the couch”

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What did Arcephon ask the oracle and what does this show?

To: Zeus and Themis and Zeus Naos

Arcephon says he has followed Apollo’s orders on building a ship – he asks if he will be safe and if he will pay back what is needed.

Shows that people can have an ongoing dialogue with the gods.

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What did Lysanias ask the oracle and what does this show?

To: Zeus Naos and Dione

Asks whether the child that Amyla is pregnant with is not his.

This shows that oracles can also direct people on current happenings, not just the future.

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What did Kittos ask the oracle and what does this show?

Asks if he will gain freedom from Dionysios, presumably his master.

This proves that people of all social standing can consult oracles.

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What did Nikokretia ask the oracle and what does this show?

Asked to which gods she should sacrifice so that she may recover from her disease.

This shows that not only yes or no answers were available to enquirers.

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