Chapter 1: Introduction and Mathematical Concepts

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Dimensional analysis

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Dimensional analysis

________ is used to check mathematical relations for consistency.

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the physical nature of a quantity and the type of unit used to specify it.

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In writing, the ________ gives the direction of a vector.

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________ is the study of our physical environment: the structure of matter and how these structures interact with each other.

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When a vector is multiplied by ________, its magnitude remains the same, but the direction of the vector is reversed.

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right triangles

For ________, the Pythagorean theorem can be used to solve a missing side.

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________ is the study of relationships between the lengths and angles of a triangle.

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scalar quantity

A(n) ________ has only magnitude (how much of something)

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Scalar components

________ are the magnitudes of a vectors components.

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the physical nature of a quantity and the type of unit used to specify it

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Unit vectors

Vectors with magnitudes of 1, but don’t have dimensions are called ________

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Resultant vector

The ________ is the sum or difference of two or more vectors.

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Derived units

________ can be obtained in terms of base units.

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You need to know how to ________ units because of two reasons: 1) any quantity can be measured in any units, and 2) only quantities with the same units can be added or subtracted.

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A(n) ________ quantity has only a magnitude.

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A(n) ________ quantity has both a magnitude and direction.

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Pythagorean theorem, inverse trigonometric function

Separate answers with a comma and a space.

Adding vectors using components makes solving the resultant much easier because you can use the ________ to find the magnitude and a(n) ________ to find the angle.

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Arrows, bold faced

Separate answers with a comma and a space.

Vectors are usually denoted by ________ above the variable or are ________.

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