Contractions – Q 30 -45 sec duration, mild to mod, 5 – 20 min apart
Encourage mobility, change positions frequently
Encourage voiding q2h
Maintain adequate hydration/ diet
Support/ comfort measures
Monitoring of labour progress and fetal adaptation to labour stress
Maternal positioning that facilitates descent of the fetus and comfort for the labouring person
Bishop Score System -Measures cervical readiness for induction by scoring 5 characteristics of the cervix 5 characteristics include:
1. Dilation (5 cm or more) 2. Effacement (80% or more) 3. Station (+1 or more ) 4. Cervical consistency (firm, medium, soft) 5. Cervical Position (Posterior, midposition, anterior**)
Post term infant
Diagnosed issue of intrauterine environment
ie.) perfusion of fetus
Fetal distress (if not severe) or risk for fetal
distress identified.
Meconium aspiration
Infant injury from birthing process
Mortality rate increases after 40 weeks
Frequently used to ripen the cervix.
Cervix has to be ripened for labour to be initiated. If bishop score is less than 6, a cervical ripening agent such as prostaglandins must be used before labour induction.
If cervix is not ripened, augmentation or induction with oxytocin will not be successful
undisturbed first hour after birth spent skin to skin on mother’s (or father’s) chest, unclothed
Many benefit for infant as well as mother’s transition to postpartum period
Facilitates bonding and attachment
Promotes regulation of newborns physiological
transitions to extra uterine life (Eases transition period)
Allows mother to adjust to puerperium stage physically and emotionally
rupture or membranes prior to onset of labour regardless of gestational age
Preterm PROM (pPROM) – rupture of membranes before 37 weeks gestation
Predisposing factors- maternal nutritional deficiencies, substance use, placental abruption, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, prior preterm birth or PPROM, infections **primarily chorioamnionitis or trauma
Once membranes rupture - risk of infection- chorioamnionitis. Usually caused by normal flora e.g. E coli
Restrict activity with ongoing assessment.
Ie) Temp at least Q2hr together with WBC and CBC
monitoring daily. Admin of broad spectrum antibiotics
• Try to prevent infection- no pv exams, frequent changing of pads, observe amniotic fluid for signs of infection, tachycardia in baby, adequate hydration
Bedrest – left lateral
incraesed hydration so increased plasma volume
Avoid unnecessary pv exams
Corticosteroids- betamethasone/dexamethasone•
Continuous monitoring of FHR and contractions
Needs lots of psychological support
Possible cause may be synthetic oxytocin ,hyperstimulation, or placental abruption
Usually occurs in latent phase in the first stage of labor
Sedation/ analgesia
No oxytocin (Stop infusion -Short half life)