What shape is this pot?
It is a Dinos with a stand made by the Gorgon painter
How many friezes are on the pot?
When was the pot made?
In the early 6th century.
600-580 BC
What narrative is displayed on the first frieze (the narrative frieze) of the pot?
‘The Chase’→ Polydectes wanted to marry Danae against her will. To prevent the marriage Perseus acquires the head of Medusa with the help of Athene (and Hermes) to kill Polydectes by turning him to stone.
The frieze depicts Perseus being chased by 3 Gorgons after chopping Medusa’s head off.
What details are used to show the figures of the Gorgon’s?
Complex details are displayed through the use of incision in the facial features on the full frontal face e.g. the large insect oil eyes, flaring nostrils and the large rows of teeth bared in a sinister smile. This creates a frightening portrayal of the Gorgons as features are emphasised to further enforce the narrative and create a fear value.
There are also geometric meander patterns used in the hem of the Gorgons clothes which displays the sculptors techne and shows an appreciation for symmetry and patterns seen within the early six century making it more aesthetically pleasing
How are the figures limited by 2D black figure?
The tunics of the gorgons go over the thighs with no creasing which creates little feel for the body underneath and shows a lack of realism. Moreover the legs are in profile while the torso and head are in full frontal creating an impossible twist at the waist.
The location of Perseus’ sword in proportion to his body is completely unclear as it appears the sword is going through him.
How is Perseus characterised?
Incisions used to show muscles in his calves display his arete
How is Hermes characterised?
He is holding a Caduceus and is wearing a wide brimmed hat
What do the other friezes depict? How was this representative of the time period?
Horizontal bands were typical of early black figure. The 2nd Frieze depicts a repeating floral pattern of palmettes and lotuses, a sign of orientalising. The next 3 friezes depict parading animals a feature that was typical of the Corinthian influence.
What narrative is displayed on the other side of the narrative frieze?
Two warriors, Herakles and Kyknos fighting flanked by their chariots
Scholarly quote
What does Susan Woodford say about this pot?
Artists are ‘increasingly capable of convincing action and expression’
Scholarly Quote
What did Boardman say about this pot?
‘His human figures are stiff and mannered’