当地、假期和旅行 (Local Area, Holiday, and Travel) - EdExcel 爱德Excel

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Local Area (当地)

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Local Area (当地)

Refers to the immediate geographical region where one lives or works. (指的是一个人生活或工作的直接地理区域。)

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Urban Areas (市区)

Heavily populated regions characterized by high population density and extensive infrastructure. (人口稠密的地区,其特点是人口密度高和基础设施广泛。)

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Rural Areas (农村地区)

Sparsely populated regions often associated with the countryside. (人口稀少的地区,通常与乡村相关。)

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Suburbs (郊区)

Residential areas located on the outskirts of cities or large towns. (位于城市或大城镇郊区的住宅区。)

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Shopping Centers (购物中心)

Large indoor spaces that house a variety of stores. (设有各种商店的大型室内空间。)

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Public Services (公共服务)

Essential services provided by the government or community. (由政府或社区提供的基本服务。)

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Leisure Facilities (休闲设施)

Places where people go to relax and enjoy recreational activities. (人们放松和享受娱乐活动的地方。)

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Public Transport (公共交通)

Systems designed to move large numbers of people within urban and rural areas. (旨在在城市和农村地区运送大量人员的系统。)

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Roads (道路)

The primary infrastructure for vehicle travel, ranging from highways to local streets. (车辆行驶的主要基础设施,从高速公路到当地街道。)

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Pedestrian Areas (行人专用区)

Designated spaces where vehicles are restricted, allowing people to walk safely. (限制车辆通行的指定空间,以便人们安全行走。)

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Pollution (污染)

Contamination of the environment often caused by industrial activity, vehicle emissions, and waste disposal. (环境污染通常由工业活动、车辆排放和废物处理造成。)

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Conservation (保护)

Efforts to preserve natural resources and protect ecosystems. (保护自然资源和生态系统的努力。)

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Holiday (假期)

A period of leisure and relaxation away from everyday responsibilities. (远离日常责任的休闲和放松的时期。)

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Beach Holidays (海滩假期)

Holidays centered around relaxation and activities by the sea. (以海边放松和活动为中心的假期。)

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Adventure Holidays (冒险假期)

Holidays involving physically challenging activities and exploration, often in natural settings. (包括体力挑战性活动和探索的假期,通常在自然环境中。)

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Cultural Holidays (文化假期)

Holidays focused on experiencing the history, art, and traditions of different places. (以体验不同地方的历史、艺术和传统为重点的假期。)

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Eco-Tourism (生态旅游)

A form of sustainable travel that emphasizes conservation and respect for nature. (一种强调保护和尊重自然的可持续旅行形式。)

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Booking (预订)

The process of reserving travel and accommodation in advance. (提前预订旅行和住宿的过程。)

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Itinerary Planning (行程规划)

Creating a detailed plan for the trip, including daily activities and sightseeing. (制定详细的旅行计划,包括日常活动和观光。)

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Budgeting (预算编制)

Estimating and planning for the total cost of the holiday. (估算和计划假期的总费用。)

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Sightseeing (观光)

Visiting famous landmarks, natural wonders, and tourist attractions. (参观著名的地标、自然奇观和旅游景点。)

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Relaxation (松弛)

Taking time to rest and unwind during the holiday. (假期期间花时间休息和放松。)

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Local Cuisine (当地美食)

Tasting traditional dishes and exploring the culinary culture of the destination. (品尝传统菜肴并探索目的地的烹饪文化。)

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Travel (旅行)

Moving from one place to another for leisure, business, or exploration. (为休闲、商务或探索从一个地方移动到另一个地方。)

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Air Travel (航空旅行)

Involves flying between destinations using airplanes. (涉及使用飞机在目的地之间飞行。)

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Land Travel (陆路旅行)

Includes travel by car, bus, train, and bicycle. (包括汽车、公共汽车、火车和自行车旅行。)

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Water Travel (水上旅行)

Involves traveling by boat, ferry, or cruise ship. (涉及乘船、渡轮或游轮旅行。)

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Passports (护照)

Government-issued identification documents required for international travel. (政府签发的国际旅行所需的身份证明文件。)

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Travel Insurance (旅游保险)

Provides coverage for unexpected events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage. (为突发事件提供保险,例如医疗紧急情况、旅行取消和行李丢失。)

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Health Precautions (健康注意事项)

Includes vaccinations, carrying a travel health kit, and knowing emergency contacts. (包括接种疫苗、携带旅行健康包以及了解紧急联系人。)

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