AATBS Practice Exam 1

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Hersey & Blanchard situational leadership model

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Hersey & Blanchard situational leadership model

optimal style depends on maturity level: ability & willingness to take responsibility

  • telling style = low ability and low willingness

  • selling style = low ability and high willingness

  • participating style = high ability and low willingness

  • delegating style = high ability and high willingness

<p>optimal style depends on maturity level: ability &amp; willingness to take responsibility </p><ul><li><p>telling style = low ability and low willingness</p></li><li><p>selling style = low ability and high willingness</p></li><li><p>participating style = high ability and low willingness </p></li><li><p>delegating style = high ability and high willingness </p></li></ul>
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sampling error

random (chance) factors = sample may not “mirror” popn in imp characteristics

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action potential sequence

What is Action Potential, Membrane Potential, Action Potential Chart |  Molecular DevicesNa channels opn, Na rushes into cell, depolarization (neuron becomes more positively charged), K channels open, K rushes out, reverses depolarization and causes repolarization of cell

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deferred imitation

doesn’t occur until ~18 mo

ability to rep objects and actions symbolically = form mental rep of object or action

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migraine risk

females > males

puberty - midlife

personality = perfectionism, neatness, restraint, ambitiouness

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piaget moral development

heteronomous - punishment; authority

autonomous - believe that rules can be changed by consensus

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Hans Eysenck

Eysenck's 1952 publication sparked research on psychotherapy outcomes.

Eysenck reported that 66% of patients in eclectic therapy and 44% in psychoanalytic psychotherapy improved versus 72% of those with similar problems who did not receive therapy.

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Smith, Miller, & Glass

first to use meta-analysis to examine the effectiveness of psychotherapy. The findings of their 1980 meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome research contradicted Eysenck's 1952 findings.

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Piaget sensorimotor stage

4 - 8 mo = secondary circular reactions

8 to 12 mo = coordinated secodnary circular reactions

12 to 18 mo = tertiary circular reactions

18 to 24 mo.= dev mental representation

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Rehm's self-control theory

individuals with depression selectively attend to negative events and to the immediate consequences of their behavior;

make inaccurate internal attribution about their behaviors;

and have low rates of self-reinforcement

depression is attributable to deficits in self-monitoring, self-evaluation, and self-reinforcement.

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Bandura's self-efficacy model

depression and other undesirable or maladaptive behaviors are due to a low sense of self-efficacy

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Seligman's learned helplessness model

attributes depression to prior exposure to uncontrollable negative events, which leads to a sense of helplessness.

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Mothers of babies with insecure/avoidant attachment

tend to either be very impatient and nonresponsive or overstimulating

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neutral third party (the mediator) uses various tactics to facilitate voluntary agreement between disputants.

facilitates the flow of information between the involved parties and helps them progress toward an acceptable compromise

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considers the preferences of all involved parties but his/her decision or problem solution is binding.

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makes a formal recommendation following a review of the facts, but the recommendation may or may not be accepted by the involved parties

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Herzberg 2 factor

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Motivation - GeeksforGeeks

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Grave's Disease


thyroid produces too much thyroxine

sxs: sped-up metabolism, elevated body temperature, heat intolerance, increased appetite with weight loss, agitation, reduced attention span, fatigue, and emotional liability.

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pituitary gland

secretes gonadotropic hormones

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where is progesterone secrete by gender

female = ovaries

males = tests

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androgen secretion


two types of adrogens secreted: testosterone and androstenedione

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estrogen secretion by sex

females = ovaries

males = testes

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visual cliff study

social referencing and attachment

The mother's behavior is a variable in this study (she either smiles or makes a fearful face). If attachment has developed, the mother's facial expression will serve as a signal of safety or danger to the infant.

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ADHD dx age and settings

symptoms are present before age 12 and that symptoms are present in at least two settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).

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process consultation

organizational development (OD) strategy

focuses on org process - social processes that are a normal par tof hte job

IDs adn alters overt bxs itnerfering w normal social processes

based on assumption that x change is prior and precedes attitude change

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Cattle-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of cog abilities

combines Cattle-Horn theor of fluid and crystallized intelligence and Carroll’s three stratum theory of intelligence

influenced SB

10 broad-stratum cog abilities and +70 narrow-stratum cog abilities; ea broad ability composed of several related, but distinct, narrow abilities

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Hedwig et al 2008 study of gaze patterns

M and F b/ gazed at faces of member of opposite sex for longest period of time

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Byrne's law of attraction

positive linear relationship b/w level of attraction and similarity in attitudes

ppl are reinforced for interacting w others who have similar attitudes b/c it confirms their effectiveness in interpreting world nad produces positive effect

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Tower of London

measures attention, working memory, and executive functioning, particularly inhibition.

requires the examinee to move beads, one at a time, so that they end up in a particular goal configuration.

Poor performance has been linked to frontal lobe damage, ADHD, autism, and depression.

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neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS)

neuroleptic clozapine

symptoms = tachycardia, muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, altered consciousness, and autonomic dysfunction

immediately stop the drug and administer fluids and electrolytes

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adult attachment interview


dismissing, and

  • describe their parents in positive terms that are not substantiated by descriptions of actual interactions


  • are confused, angry, or passively preoccupied with attachment figures

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Interoceptive exposure

exposing the individual to internal bodily sensations (e.g., elevated heart rate, hyperventilation) associated with a panic attack or other anxiety response by having him/her inhale carbon dioxide, spin in a chair, etc.

Interoceptive exposure has been found useful for reducing anxiety associated with panic attacks, PTSD, and other anxiety-related disorders.

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rorschach form quality

degree to which an examinee's response matches the actual form (shape) of the inkblot

provides info on the degree of congruence between the response and reality.

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rorschach determinants

what aspect of the inkblot determined the response

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rorschach location

the extent to which the response is based on an unusual or common detail.

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rorschach developmental quality

the extent to which form is well integrated with other determinants

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Separation anxiety

severe distress that occurs when a child is separated from their primary caregiver.

begins at about six to eight months of age, peaks in intensity at 14 to 18 months, and then gradually declines. 

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formal process for determining whether or not a provider meets and maintains qualification standards and provides some legal protection for the MCO.

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Freud psychoanalysis process:



  • clarify an issue by, for example, separating a key issue from less important ones

  • brings a confusing or unclear issue into focus

interpretation, and

  • links current behavior to unconscious processes.

working through

  • helps the client gain control over his/her inner conflicts

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Sue’s three multicultural counseling competencies


  • of own values, beliefs, and stereotypes


  • about worldview of minority and culturally different clients


  • possesses culturally appropriate counseling skills

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"empty nest" usually accompanied by

increase in marital satisfaction related to quality not quantity of tiem spent w partners

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precentral gyrus damange

impairment in execution of movement d

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damange in postcentral gyrus

loss of sensation

somtaosensory cortex

parietel lobe

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precentral sulcus

divides the inferior, middle, and superior frontal gyri from the precentral gyrus.

Damage to the sulcus can result in language and speech problems.

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tumor in medial hypothalamus

hypothalamus fx = homeostasis; hormone release to pituitary and other endocrine glands; mediates aggressive responses

lesions/damage = outbursts in aggressive bx

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lesions in right hemisphere of cerebral cortex

indifference and apathy

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damage to orbitofrontal area of prefrontal cortex

pseudopsychopathy (or orbitofrontal disinhibition syndrome)

emotional lability, poor impulse control, impaired social insight

aggressive outbursts, inappropriate sxual bx, making lewd comments, inappropriate joking

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damage to mediofrontal area of prefrontal cortex


sxs of depression but w/o neg cognitions, vegetative sxs, or dysphoria

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damage to dorsolateral area of prefrontal cortex

impaired organization, planning, and insight

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"playing it cool"

reaction of African Americans to long-term racial oppression

conceal feelings that might be unacceptable to Whites and that, if expressed, could lead to harm and exploitation.

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blended biculturalism

view themselves as having integrated American and ethnic identities.

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alternating biculturalism

acknowledge their American heritage but are more strongly influenced by their ethnic background.

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factors that predict positive outcomes for high risk (vulnerable) children

Children with positive outcomes tend to be described as very active and socially responsive during infancy.

Factors associated with a positive outcome are related to the child's ability to successfully elicit attention and appropriate care from his/her caretakers.

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distributive justice

what a person receives

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procedural justice

how perceived goods are allocated

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Nathan Ackerman

first to formally adapt and apply psychoanalytic principles to the understanding of the family.

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Sophie's (1985/86) theory of lesbian identity development

First awareness, testing and exploration, identity acceptance, and identity integration

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complete loss of color vision resulting from a lack of functioning cone cells

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elaboration likelihood model

distinguishes between central and peripheral processing routes

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Incentive/reward theory

broader than reinforcement theory

emphasizes the features of the job and work environment that maximize worker interest and satisfaction

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attributions related to achievement vary, depending on the sex of the achiever.

1. both males and females viewed ability as the cause of success for males on traditionally masculine tasks,

2. both males and females viewed luck as the cause of success for females on traditionally masculine tasks,

3. both males and females viewed ability as the cause of success for males and females on traditionally feminine tasks.

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fluid surrounding auditory hair cells


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effects of maternal depression on infant development

children of depressed mothers are at higher risk for psychopathology and may show symptoms of disturbance as early as three months of age.

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Sue et al (1991) racial/ethnic tx outcomes

Hispanic Americans had the best outcomes, followed by Anglo Americans, Asian Americans, and, lastly, African Americans

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skeletal age by gender

bone maturation; ossification has occurred

girl ahead of boys in skeletal age from birth; gap increases throughout infancy in childhood; explaisn why girls reach full height before boys do

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vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development

language development = transition from social (external) speech to private (self-directed) speech to internal speech

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% of women who expeirence postpartum depression

10 to 20%

associated factors: difficulty getting pregnant, twins or triplets, premature labor and delivery, pregnancy and birth complications, baby during adolescence

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Heinz dilemma

Kohlberg’s study on moral dilemmas

required ss to reason abt dilemma of man choosing to steal a drug to save wife’s life or not

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Holland’s theory: differentiation

extent person has clearly defined interests

highly differentiated =high on one interest scales and low on all other scales

good “fit” between interests and job characteristcs of job is most imp for those who are highly differentiated

increases the predictability of the person-environment interaction.

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