APUSH Chapters 20, 21, & 22 (Period 5)

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Fort Sumter

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US History

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Fort Sumter

This event began the Civil War. The fort was one of two remaining Union forts in the South Confederacy. President Lincoln sent provisions to the fort and the South perceived this as an act of aggression and bombed it.

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Southern Advantages in civil war

-Home soil -Superior military leaders -better prepared armies

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Northern advantages in civil war

-economy -3/4 of nation's railroads -higher population

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What did the confederacy count on that they did not receive? Why?

Foreign aid Confederacy believed Britain depended upon their cotton exports but Britain had amassed a surplus and they depended upon the Northern grain more.

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Trent Affair

Union captured confederate diplomats on the British ship Trent and Britain prepared for war but Lincoln released the diplomats so as not to fight a two front war.

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Alabama (ship)

British war vessel which acted as a confederacy base. Captured many Union vessels until it was defeated in 1862 (similar vessels remained).

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Laird Rams

War ships built in Britain to be sold to confederacy. Never sold because Prime Minister Adams warned that war with the union would ensue.

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Placed on throne of Mexico City by Napoleon in 1863. (US reversed this after the war).

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Jefferson Davis

President of Confederacy

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What wartime actions of President Lincoln's were unconstitutional?

-declared blockade -increased the federal army in size -gave citizens $2 (total) for military purposes -suspended habeas corpus

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Writ of Habeas Corpus

the right to be present at one's own trial

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Which side grew short on men first?

The south began drafting 1 year earlier and drafted a larger age range

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Morrill Tariff Act

increased duties from 5-10% in the Union (favored manufacturing)

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Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

first US female physician. helped to organize US Sanitary Commission

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Bull Run

overconfident north lost battle and south grew overconfident while north prepped for war

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Peninsula Campaign

McClellan, when ordered by Lincoln, brought troops down James and York rivers to capture York Town in 1862. Unsuccessful in capturing the capital, Richmond.

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Virginia (ship)

redone Marrimack vessel completed by the confederacy. This was defeated by the Union Monitor

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2nd Battle of Bull Run

General Lee (S) defeated General Pope (N) and headed to Maryland

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McClellan defeated Lee at this pivotal battle due to finding his battle plans (Sept 17, 1862). McClellan removed from position.

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Emancipation Proclamation included which states?

All states currently in rebellion (no border slave states)

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Border States

non-seceded slave states: MO, KY, W.VA, MD, DEL

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General A. E. Burnside

replaced McClellan. killed many (both sides) in "Burnside's slaughter pen"

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Ulysses S. Grant

one of best military leaders the union had. became prominent in the Mexican War. only accepted unconditional surrender, captured Forts Henry and Donelson (TN). fought on western front and forced surrender of Vicksburg (important S supply)

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General William Tecumseh Sherman

Union general tasked with take over of GA

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Salmon Chase

secretary of treasury who opposed Lincoln

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War Democrats

supported Lincoln

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Peace democrats

did not support Lincoln

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against Lincoln, the draft, and emancipation (democrat group)

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Union Party

republican and war democrat party joined

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Wilderness campaign

campaign led by Grant to capture Richmond against general Lee. many men lost

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John Wilkes Booth

Assassinated Lincoln

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What was important to many blacks upon their emancipation?

church/religion and education

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Freedman's Bureau

intended to provide: food, clothing, medical care, education. led by Oliver O. Howard

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Andrew Johnson

former vice to Lincoln made president. self made.

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10% Plan

plan for reconstruction: a state would be reintegrated into the Union when 10% of it's voters took an oath of allegiance to the US and pledged to abide by emancipation. (congress did not approve/ favored 50% plan)

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Black codes

made to ensure stable, subservient work force and restore pre-emancipation race relations. blacks forced into labor contracts.

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14th amendment

conferred citizenship and guaranteed civil rights to all those born in the United States

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Republican radicals led by...

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens

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Reconstruction Act

divided the south into 5 military districts and granted male suffrage

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15th amendment

passed 1869 all men could vote

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13th amendment

freed the slaves

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Union league

primary black political platform

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Ku Klux Klan

tried to terrify blacks and forcefully abuse them to force them into submission

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Force Act of 1870 & 1871

attempted to end the reign of the KKK but blacks were already fearful

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Johnson's Impeachment

occurred in 1868 and ended with a not-guilty verdict

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Alaska Purchase

Secretary of State William Seward signed treaty with Russia to buy Alaska for $7.2 million in 1867

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positive civil rights

amendments which grant the federal government power (13-15)

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negative civil rights

amendments which restrict the federal government's power (1-10)

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former slaves farmed a small plot of land and gave half of harvest to the landowner

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tenant farming

people rented a plot from a landowner for a price and kept most of the harvest

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redemption period

whites in the south came back into power and pushed blacks out forcefully after the white military presence left.

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3 ways to restrict blacks from voting...

-poll taxes -literacy tests -grandfather clause

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Plessy v. Ferguson

court case which ruled blacks and white would be separate but equal. this legitimized the Jim Crow laws.

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