Suburbs 2.Malls 3.Drive-thru's
Collapse of the railroad industry
Independence (freedom and mobility)
Personal leisure time
Rise of the fossil fuel industry
Industries grow: rubber, steel, oil, tourism, construction
Lack of Safety
Lack of services (like healthcare)
Crop failure
War, civil unrest
Natural hazards
Potential for employment 2.A safer atmosphere
Better service provision
Greater wealth
Fertile land
Good food supplies
Political security
Less risk of natural hazards
Friends and family
Not elected
Focus on military
NO individual rights
Supreme leader
Focus on control
VERY nationalistic
Tainos: Indigenous peoples revolted against the Spanish colonizers using Guerrilla Warfare.
Maroons: bands of escaped slaves who performed copious hit-and-run attacks on colonizers. -Attack villages, liberate slaves, hide in the mountains.