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- Task with a well-defined
- Motivation to improve
- Feedback
- Many opportunities for
repetition and gradual
refinements of performance
- Requires full concentration
and problem-solving
Ericsson’s Definition of Expertise
• Ability to reliably produce
superior performance in a
given domain
• Ability to do so at virtually
any time with relatively
limited preparation
• Ability to do so under
changing conditions
• NOT: how “experienced”
someone is
Ericsson’s Model of Expertise Development
Focuses on the role of prolonged, purposeful, gradual practice in achieving expert-level performance.
- Cognitive phase: novice,
just learning what to do
o Associative phase:
developmental, learning
how to do the skill well
and adapt it to context
-Autonomous phase: Skills
take little thought to do
-Experts keep going back
to associative to improve