oh mr. burtis why would you let us know that we have a quiz the day before you give us it
La inmigración
The process of moving to another country for the purpose of settlement.
El antepasado
An ancestor; a person from whom one is descended.
El aporte
Contribution; something added or provided.
El apoyo
Support; assistance given to someone.
La aspiración
Aspiration; a strong desire to achieve something.
El asilo
Asylum; protection granted to a foreign person in a safe country.
El campesino
Peasant; a farmer or agricultural worker.
El/la ciudadano/a
Citizen; a legal member of a state or nation.
La ciudadanía
Citizenship; status of being a citizen.
El compromiso
Commitment; a pledge or promise to do something.
La costumbre
Custom; a traditional practice followed by a group.
El estilo de vida
Lifestyle; the way in which a person lives.
El éxito
Success; the achievement of a desired outcome.
El/la extranjero/a
Foreigner; a person from another country.
La falta de
Lack of; an absence of something necessary.
El fracaso
Failure; lack of success.
La aduana
Customs; a place where goods are examined when entering a country.
La migra
Border patrol; the agency responsible for monitoring immigration.
El modo de ser
Way of being; a person's character or disposition.
El obrero
Worker; a person who does manual work.
La oleada
Wave; a large influx or surge, often of people.
El orgullo
Pride; a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction.
El origen
Origin; the point where something begins.
El muro
Wall; a structure that divides or encloses.
El país natal
Home country; country of origin.
La pertenencia
Belonging; a sense of acceptance within a group.
La población
Population; the people inhabiting a particular area.
Los papeles
Papers; documents that establish legal status.
La prosperidad
Prosperity; wealth or success.
El refugio
Refuge; a place of safety.
El/La refugiado/a
Refugee; a person who has been forced to leave their country.
El riesgo
Risk; potential for harm or loss.
El sacrificio
Sacrifice; giving up something for the sake of others.
El sueño
Dream; a cherished aspiration or goal.
La temporada
Season; a specific period of the year.
El/la trabajador/a
Worker; someone who is employed or engages in labor.
To get used to; to become familiar with.
To reach; to achieve or attain.
To move away; to distance oneself.
To approach; to come near.
To support; to provide assistance.
To take advantage of; to use for benefit.
To risk; to expose to danger.
To contribute; to give or provide.
Dedicarse a
To dedicate oneself to; to commit to a task.
To leave; to allow or let go.
To discriminate; to treat differentially, often unfairly.
Echar / Botar
To throw out; to discard.
Echarle de menos a alguien
To miss someone; to feel their absence.
To emigrate; to leave one country to settle in another.
To strive; to do one's utmost.
Enfocarse por
To focus on; to concentrate on.
To hide oneself; to conceal.
Esforzarse por
To strive to; to make an effort towards.
To establish oneself; to settle.
Estar agradecido/a por
To be thankful for; to express gratitude.
To fail; to be unsuccessful.
Ganarse la vida
To earn a living; to make money.
To flee; to escape.
To become naturalized; to gain citizenship.
Ser o no ser capaz de adaptarse a
To be able or unable to adapt to; to adjust to new conditions.
To grant; to give formally.
Pertenecer a
To belong to; to be a member of.
Realizar (un sueño)
To fulfill (a dream); to make it a reality.
To take refuge; to seek shelter.
Seguir adelante
To move forward; to continue.
Ser de ascendencia
To be of descent; to have ancestral roots.
Soñar con
To dream of; to envision something.
Tener la intención de
To intend to; to plan to do.
Tomar la iniciativa
To take the initiative; to act first.
Tratar de Inf
To try to; to attempt to do.
To triumph; to achieve success.
To assimilate; to integrate into a new culture.
Foreign; relating to a country other than one's own.
Undocumented; without legal immigration papers.
Unstable; not stable or steady.
Unbearable; intolerable.
Migratory; related to movement from one place to another.
Rejected; not accepted.
Currently; at the present time.
Al fin y al cabo
After all; ultimately.
A pesar de (que)
In spite of (that); despite.
Así que
So; therefore.
Although; in spite of the fact that.
Basado/a en
Based on; relying on.
Con el tiempo
Over time; gradually.
Con respeto a
With respect to; in regard to.
Debido a
Due to; because of.
Gracias al apoyo de
Thanks to the support of; due to assistance.
Hay que tomar en cuenta
One must take into account; it should be considered.
Por consiguiente
Therefore; as a consequence.
Por eso
For that reason; that's why.
Por lo tanto
Therefore; consequently.
Puesto que
Since; because.
Ya que
Since; given that.
Sin embargo
However; nevertheless.