________- founded by Samuel Gompers, a loose organization of unions of skilled workers of specific crafts, focused on specific worker issues such as wage, hours, conditions,"bread and butter "union.
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Upton Sinclair
________- published the Jungle, exposing poor /unsafe /unsanitary regulations in meatpacking /food industry, meant to help workers but also helped food regulations.
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________- a political theory that advocates ownership of the means of production, such as factories and farms, by the people rather than by capitalists and landowners.
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Ida Tarbell
________- published writings on the rise of business monopolies and use of unfair practices → breakup of Standard Oil.
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Haymarket Riot
________- a violent clash in 1886 between union supporters and Chicago police that divided and weakened the labor movement.
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________- people who favored /promoted change toward new ideas using the press to expose atrocities in society.
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________- an economic system in which factories, equipment, and other means of production are privately owned rather than controlled by the government.
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Ellis Island
________- NY Harbor, mostly eastern and southern European immigrants, took a few days to process through.
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Homestead Strike
________- an 1892 Carnegie Steel plant workers 'strike that was broken by the state militia and resulted in the union being shut out of the plant for four decades.