Chapter Eight: Treatments for Depressive and Bipolar Disorders

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new wave cognitive behavioral therapy

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new wave cognitive behavioral therapy

use mindfulness training and other cognitive-behavioral techniques to help depressed clients recognize and accept their negative cognitions as streams of thinking and not as guides for behavior

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interpersonal loss

the loss of a loved one

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interpersonal role dispute

two people have different expectations of their relationship and the role each should play

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interpersonal role transition

feeling overwhelmed  by the role changes brought about by major life changes

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Couple Therapy

the approach in which a therapist works with two people who share a long-term relationship

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integrative behavioral couples therapy

combine cognitive-behavioral and sociocultural techniques to teach couples specific communication and problem-solving skills, guide them to recognize their problematic interactions, and steer them to become more acceptive and supportive of each other

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MAO Inhibitors

drugs that slow the bodys production of the enzyme MAO

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increase serotonin activity specifically, without affecting norepinephrine or other neurotransmitters

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selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

increase norepinephrine activity only

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serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

increase both serotonin and norepinephrine activity

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Brain Stimulation

interventions that directly or indirectly stimulate certain areas of the brain

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Electroconvulsive Therapy

a treatment for depression in which electrodes attached to a patients head send an electrical current through the brain, causing a convulsion

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bilateral ECT

one electrode is applied to each side of the forehead, and a current passes through both sides of the brain

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unilateral ECT

the electrodes are placed so that the current passes through only one side

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Vagus Nerve Stimulation

a treatment for depression in which an implanted pulse generator sends regular electrical signals to a persons vagus nerve, which then stimulates the brain

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vagus nerve

the longest nerve in the human body

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

a treatment in which an electromagnetic coil, which is placed on or above a patients head, sends a current into the individuals brain

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Deep Brain Stimulation

a treatment for depression in which a pacemaker powers electrodes that have been implanted in subgenual cingulate, thus stimulating that brain area

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a metallic element that occurs in nature as a mineral salt and is an effective treatment for bipolar disorders

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mood stabilizing / antibipolar drugs

psychotropic drugs that help stabilize the moods of people suffering from bipolar disorder

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second messengers

chemical changes within a neuron just after the neuron receives a neurotransmitter message and just before it responds

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