Lecture 4
Strength of Evidence
Differing levels of influence on final verdicts
more influential than weak ones
if there is strong ones the attorney will suggest a plea deal
Type of Evidence
extra evidentiary
Examples of Evidentiary Types
Examples of Extra Evidentiary Types
Schweitzer & Nunez (2018)
296 participants
Online survey
10 most influential pieces of evidence identified
Sources of Bias
Pre-trial bias
Cognitive bias
Bias from external legal actors
Example of Cognitive Bias
pre-decisional distortion
Types of Implicit Biases
Race bias
Anti-LGBTQ+ bias
Age bias
Culture bias
SES bias
Beauty bias
Confirmation bias
Anti-LGTBQ+ Bias: Impact on Decision-Making
Hate crimes
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Offences
Challenges Surrounding Voir Dire
Relevancy of LGBTQ+ topics
Validity of considering orientation/identity
Best practices regarding anti-LGBTQ+ biases
Relevancy of LGBTQ+ topics
Questions regarding views on LGBTQ+ issues are relevant in some situations
Issues are central to the case
not central but relevant to the case
those who are in the community may have biases for or against them?
Major party identifies at LGBTQ+
Validity of considering orientation/identity
Identification with individuals in the case
when do we want those in this group
being able to be impartial
Best practices regarding anti-LGBTQ+ biases
Identify different types of biased jurors
during the voire dire process
Consider different questioning methods
what are the best practices in approaching in identifying these biases
identify bias jurors
Types of Bias Jurors (Anti-LGBTQ+ Bias)
explicit homophobes
closet homophobes
implicit homophobes
Types of Implicit Bias Interventions
Jury Orientation
Jury Selection
Jury Instruction
Expert Testimony
Example of Jury Instruction
PowerPoint or videos on the topic
Obstacles to Interventions
lack of understanding
Examples of Resources
system may not give this
blank type of evidence has the largest impact
Example of Intimate Partner Violence (Bias)
Lesbian relationships are given less credibility
Example of Sexual Offences (Bias)
Those who are gay were found to be not as capable for taking care of a child (???)
What type of questions are used for Explicit Homophobes?
hard and soft
What type of questions are used for Closet Homophobes?
How can we make jurors implicit?
educational videos about implicit biases in order for them to be aware
encourage them to take an IAT test (not for striking jurors) to identify their own biases
blank questions are less controversial
What is an example of a soft question?
Would you feel comfortable if a gay couple moved next to you?
Those who supported the LGBTQ+ are more likely to blame the blank