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bacterial cells
Beta- lactams can effect what cells
clear area around an antibiotic disk on an agar plate where bacteria cannot grow
what is represented by the zone of inhibition
refers to the ability of a chemical agent or drug to Exert a toxic effect on a pathogen while leaving the infected host organism unharmed.
describe selective toxicity
narrow spectrum work against a small number of species
differentiate between broad and narrow spectrum antibiotic
what type of antibiotic that mimics PABA and inhibits folic acid synthesis
by inhibiting the action of enzymes
how do fluoroquinolones work?
viruses have different structures and replicate in a different way than bacteria
why don’t antibiotics work on viruses
what is the therapeutic range of antibiotics
antibiotic- resistant infections; hospital- acquired infection; UTI’s; sepsis'; helminth and protozoan diseases
what areas are difficult to treat with antibiotics
encoding resistance genes
how do R plasmids lead to resistance
cocci (spherical) Bacilli (Rod- shaped) Spirilla (spiral) Spirochetes (flexible spiral) Vibrios (comma- shaped)
shape definition of bacteria
heat resistance, chemical resistance, physical barrier, and dormant state
why are endospores so difficult to remove
extremophiles that thrive in high salt concentrations
what are halophiles
they lack a cell wall
why are mycoplasmas pleiomorphic
what bacterial group is named because it resembles fungi
gram negitive bacteria
what group contains the most common sexually transmitted bacteria
PVC superphylum
what bacterial group contains structures called prostheses
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus casei
Streptococcus lactis
Rhodopseudomonas palustrus
Rhodobacter spaeroides
what bacterial genera is good for sewage treatment
Breaking down complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides, which are abundant in dietary fibers
how do bacteroide’s aid digestion
what genus is known to cause flesh eating diseases
right before they divide
In cell division, when does DNA replicate
Prophase. Prophase is the first step of mitosis. …
Metaphase. Metaphase is the phase of mitosis …
Anaphase. The third phase of mitosis, following …
Telophase. Telophase is the last phase of mitosis. …
what happens in each phase of mitosis
Diploid cells produce haploid cells in what process
single-celled organisms
describe foraminifera
sexual reproductive spores produced by fungi
what are basidiospores
kelp seaweed belongs to which algal group
the mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship of green algae and/or blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) living among filaments of a fungus,
describe the symbiosis of lichens
are tetrads formed during mitosis or meiosis
Asexual reproduction
what is schizogony
Red algae (Rhodophyta)
which Alge group is a source of thickening agents
the interactions between viral proteins and host cell receptors
what determines host specificity in a virus
forming a protective protein coat around the viral nucleic acid.
how does the capsid provide the shape of a virion
segmented, negative-strand RNA genomes requiring an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of viral origin for replication
describe the genome of the influenza virus
complementary receptors on the virus and the cell surface bring the viral and cell membranes into close proximity
how does the herpesvirus enter the cell
Measures infectious virus particles
what are plaque assays