Name 4 countries where Eisenhower had supported military dictatorships (Latin America)
What term was used to critically refer to the influence of the United States in global political, military, economic, and cultural spheres?
“Yankee imperialism”
What had Nixon called Cuban autocrat Batista?
“Cuba’s Abraham Lincoln”
When did Nixon visit Latin America?
When did the Cuban revolution take place?
When did JFK become president?
20th January 1961
When was JFK assassinated?
22nd November 1963
What fiasco had JFK authorised in Cuba in 1961?
Bay of Pigs
What event in 1962 meant that JFK’s alliance was seen as ‘too American’ and for the US’s own interests?
Cuban Missile Crisis
How many Latin American dictatorships had been overthrown in the previous 4 years?
What percentage of Latin American populations owned what percentage of Latin American land?
5-10% of Latin Americans owned 70-80% of the land
When was the Alliance for Progress (AFP) launched?
What country did not participate in the AFP?
How much did the US pledge?
$20 billion
How much had Eisenhower promised Latin America during his administration?
$500 million
What is the total estimated amount that the US invested under the alliance?
$6.3 billion
How long did the AFP last?
18 months
How did JFK describe Latin America’s social issues? (one word)
Where was the Alliance for Progress signed?
Uruguay’s Punta Del Este
How much did Latin American governments have to give in return?
$80 billion
what was the name of the democratically-elected president of Venezuela at the time?
what was the name of the democratically-elected president of Argentina at the time?
JFK was the first US president to visit the tomb of South American liberator _______ _______ in Caracas
Simon Bolivar
What project was created using money from the AFP in Colombia?
Techo Housing Project
Name another project built with the help of the alliance in Costa Rica
El Bosque Housing Project
What does Michael Gambone refer to the 1960s as?
The “apogee of military power in Latin America”
On average, how much did each person receive from the alliance?
What percentage of economic growth in Latin America benefited the poor?
What percentage of US aid was ‘tied’? (meaning Latin American countries had to buy their more expensive products in return)
Who called the AFP “oversold”? (one of JFK’s supporters)
Arthur Schlesinger
What was the AFP nicknamed as a mockery?
Fidel Castro Plan
Who did President Johnson appoint to co-ordinate the AFP after JFK died?
Mann (who lacked sympathy for the AFP)
What is the name of the Latino civil rights and advocacy organisation?
LULAC (League of United Latin Americian citizens)
When was the Cuban missile crisis?
Give an example of a construction made under the Alliance for Progress in Chile?
Santiago Airport
What did Che Guevara call the Alliance for Progress?
an “instrument of economic imperialism”