Chapter 13 the cultural landscape

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Central city

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Central city

urban settlement that has been legally incorporated into an independent, self governing unit known as a municipality

  • almost all countries recognize central cities

  • has elected officials, ability to raise taxes, and responsibility for providing essential services.

  • is declining in NE USA

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Metropolitan statistical area, measures the functional area of an urban settlement and shows the extensive area of the economic and cultural influence

  • used to define urban settlements

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micropolitan statistical areas that includes an urban area of 10,000-50,000 inhabitants

  • found in the south and wesr

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core-based statistical area

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combined statistical area

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Central business district

  • compact, less than 1% of an urban area

  • contains a large percentage of public, business, and consumer services

  • easiest part of the city to reach

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Public services in CBD’s

include government services , libraries, and museums

  • historically clustered downtown

  • land values in CBD’s are very high

  • land use varies between CBD’s and other areas

  • 3-dimensional land

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modern factories require large land mass

Why has manufacturing moved from CBD’s to rural areas and areas outside the CBD?

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Port Activity Cities

Boston, Toronto, Baltimore. San Francisco, Barcelona, and London

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Larger homes and modern schools. Pushed away because of high rents, dirtiness, crime, congestion, and poverty

Why have people been pushed from CBD’s and pulled to the suburbs?

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Concentric Zone model

1-central business district

2-Zone of transition

3-zone of independent workers homes

4-zone of better residences

5-commuters zone

  • a city grows out from a central area into a series of rings

<p>1-central business district</p><p>2-Zone of transition</p><p>3-zone of independent workers homes</p><p>4-zone of better residences</p><p>5-commuters zone</p><ul><li><p>a city grows out from a central area into a series of rings</p></li></ul>
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Sector model

1- central business sector

2-transportation and industry

3-low class residential

4-middle class residential

5-high class residential

  • a city develops in a series of sectors

<p>1- central business sector</p><p>2-transportation and industry</p><p>3-low class residential</p><p>4-middle class residential</p><p>5-high class residential</p><ul><li><p>a city develops in a series of sectors</p></li></ul>
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multiple nuclei model

1-central business district

2-wholesale, light manufacturing

3-low class residential

4-medium-class residential

5-high class residential

6-heavy manufacturing

7-outlying business district

8-residential suburb

9-industrial suburb

  • complex structure focused around different types of nodes

<p>1-central business district</p><p>2-wholesale, light manufacturing</p><p>3-low class residential</p><p>4-medium-class residential</p><p>5-high class residential</p><p>6-heavy manufacturing</p><p>7-outlying business district</p><p>8-residential suburb</p><p>9-industrial suburb</p><ul><li><p>complex structure focused around different types of nodes</p></li></ul>
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Galactic(peripheral) model

1-central city

2-suburban residential area

3-shopping mall

4-industrial district

5-office park

6-service center

7-airport complex

8-combined employment and shopping center

  • large inner city surrounded by a large suburban residential

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a collection of overlapping metropolitan areas that create a continuous urban region

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Consumer services in CBD’s

  • high threshold retailers have moved from CBD’s to suburban locations because the consumers weren’t reliable

  • high-range retailers once preferred CBD’s because they attracted more consumers yet now they mostly prefer suburban location although some retailers like CBD locations because of tourism

  • retailers that are located in the CBD sell to CBD workers who generally shop during the day and at lunch(shops that appeal to CBD workers cluster in the CBD)

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Business services in the CBD

  • clustered in the CBD for more communication and proximity to job necessities(for example lawyers who choose locations near offices and courts)

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social area analysis

the study of where people of varying living standards, ethniic backgrounds, and lifestyle live within an urban area. Helps to create an overall picture of where various types of people tend to live.

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CBD’s in Europe

residences-more people live downtown

consumer services-CBD’s contain consumer services that cater to everyday life

public services- public and semi-public buildings are more common like churches, parks, public squares

business services- professional and financial services but less likely to be in skyscrapers

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Beijing in the Yuan Dynasty

Dadu was constructed, with the drum tower at the center. The heart of the city was 3 palaces built on an island in the middle of the lake. 2 housed the imperial family and one had offices. Residential areas were laid out like a checkerboard, three markets were placed in the areas. There was an outer wall and an inner wall.

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Beijing in the Ming Dynasty

Dadu was captured and reconstructed where the imperial palace was torn down and replaced with new structures like the forbidden city and temple of heaven

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Laws of Indies(1573)

controls the layout of Latin American cites; a plan centered on a church and central plaza and walls around individual houses

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Concentric zones in Developing countries

  • inner rings house high income in the center especially in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • housing in outer rings is informal.

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Sectors in Developing Countries

  • wealthy people are found in one sector in Latin America(clustered along a narrow spine that houses commercial activity)

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Multiple Nuclei in Developing Countries

  • was displayed in South Africa because of segregation

  • also found in SE Asia since there are commonly nodes spread throughout cities that serve as CBD’s

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