Unit 6 Dean Vaughn
physio- : physics book, nature boy, Nature (Body)
bucco- ; bucket, Cheek
palpebr- ; pile of people, Eyelid
-plasia ; play show, developing film, Development
rug- ; rug, Wrinkle, Fold, Crease
aur- ; “R”, Ear
acousti- ; a cue stick, hearing aid, Hearing
colpo- ; cold bow, hollow/ virgina hams, Hollow/Vagina
phon- ; phone, Voice/Sound
leio- ; lei, Smooth
cor ; core, Heart
ren- ; rain, kids on their knees, Kidney
orchi- ; orchid, tests, Testies
encephal- ; hen sieve fall, Brain
cephal- ; seive fall, Head
thalam- ; the lamb, winner/chamber, Inner Chamber
plexus ; plexiglass, Braid
cilia ; ceiling, Eyelash
dendr- ; den door, tree/branches, Tree/Branching
phleb- ; flipchart, Vain
pilo- ; pile on, Hair
histo- ; his toe, Tissue
stoma- ; stone, Mouth
tympan- ; tin pan, Ear Drum
umbilic- ; a bill lick, navel officer, Navel
salpingo- ; sally bingo, inner tube, Tube
Unit 7 Dean Vaughn
helio- heel: Sun
astr- astronaut: Star Shaped
-asthenia- his thin knee, weekly calendar: Weakness
fascia- face, sheet/band: Sheet, Band
iso- I sew, a quail: Equal
tarso- tar, triangle= Ankle
-tope- top, placemat= Place
pod- pod= Foot
malign- my leg, bat= Bad
adnexa- annex, tied= Ties
ocul- a kool= Eye
lapar- lap, apple/wall= Abdominal Wall
dacry- daiquiri= Tear
ment- mint, mine mine= Mind
part- part, laborer/bring 2x4= Labor, Bring Forth
sclera- scholar, hard hat= Hard
somato- sew my toe= Body
trachel- tray/coal= Neck
sinus- sign us= Hallow Space
hypno- hypnotist= Sleep
sept- sipped= Wall, Fence
scirr- skirt, hard hats= Hard
antr- ant/tree, cave-in= Cavity
-crine- cry’n, to see the crate= To Secrete
dura- door= Hard
Dean Vaughn Lesson 8
pneum- name: Lung
phage- page: To Eat
phren- friend: Mind
corne- corn, horns: Horny
plak- plaque: Plate
iris- I race: Rainbow (to denote the color membrane of the eye)
kerat- carrot, horns: Horny
pulmo- pull moon: Lung
ptyal- tile, sailboat: Saliva
alveol- owl/field, cave-in: Cavity
oophor- over: Ovvary
(ovar- over: Eggs)
oment- “o” men: Covering
sedat- seated: Quiet/Calm
furca- fur coat, forks: Fork Shaped
radic- radish, root beer: Root
radi- radio: Ray
fistul- fist: Pipe, Narrow Passage
edema- a demon: Swelling
dactyl- duck tail: Finger/Toe
metabol- met a bull: Change
pariet- parrot: Wall
ependym- a pendulum: Wrapping
gravid- gravel: Pregnant
aer- airplane: Air
glyco- glide coal, sweet chocolate: Sweet
Dean Vaughn Lesson 9
tarso- tar: Framework Of The Eyelid
cheir- (chir)- care package: Hand
calc- calculator: Heel, Stone
cine- sen sens: Move
digit- dig it: Finger, Toe
dors- doors: Back
gangli- gang: Swelling
gemin- gem: Twin
grad- graduate, walk away: Walk, Take Steps
gran- grandma: Grain, Particle
labi- lab: Lip
micr- microphone: Small
peps- pepsi, readers digest: Digest
pleur- pliers: Pleura, Rib, Side
mamm- mammal: Breast
colla- cola: Glue
later- ladder: SIde
rachi- rake: Spinal Column
phob- foe, fur: Fear
phot- photo: Light
dys- dice, bat: Bad
cut- cut: Skin
en- hen, inn: In
peri- pear: About, Around
pro- pro: In Front Of, Before
Unit 10 Dean Vaughn
mechano- mechanic: Machine
dynam- dynamite: Power
osmo- I smoke: Odor
traumat- laundromat: Wound
trich- trick: Hair
maxill- makes hill: Upper Jawbone
an-, a- an “A”: Without, Not
phak- vaccum: Lens
pre- pray: In Front Of, Before
strict- strict: Draw Tight
turbin- turban: Shaped Like A Top
ameb- a me: Change
semi- semi: Half
neo- kneel: New
hormone- harmonize: Excite
therm- thermometer: Heat
syn-, sym- cymbals: Together
vuls- false: Twitch Or Pull
post- post office: After
metr- meter: Uterus
tegument- tag you men: Covering, Skin
pan- pan: All
poly- polish: Many
ramus- ram: Branch
neuro- nero: Nerve (Nervous System)
Unit 11 Dean Vaughn
thromb- trombone: Lump, Clot
ab- abe, away from to tie knots: Away From, Knot
-plegia - pledge, paralized: Paralysis
ante- ant/tea, beef/oar: Before
thel- the “L”: Nipple
ex- eggs, out of carton/ away from: Out, Away From
lien- line, spelling bee; Spleen
tumor - two more: Swelling
vestibule - vest/bull: Entrance
puer- pure gold: Child
sarc- shark: Flesh
proli- parolee, off the spring: Offspring
macro- macroni: Large
lal- lollipop: Speech
intra- introduce: Within
inter- interpreter, bee in tweed: Between
infra- infrared oven, bee on its knees: Beneath
cryo- cry: Cold
mal- mall, bats: Bad
glom- glow, balls: Ball
tens- tents: Stretch
spas- space: Pull, Draw
somni- “saw my knee” , sleeping: Sleep
pharmac- farm axe, drugstore: Drug
lumbo- lumber, lions: Loins