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Numerous disorders of a G.I. system can cause
countless individuals distress and consequently affect the nations economy because they keep so many people home from work
Some problems are psychologically caused others can be
Physiologically caused
Dyspepsia or _______ is a...
Indigestion; Condition of discomfort in the digestive track that can be physical or psychological in origin
Symptoms of dyspepsia include
Heartburn bloating your pain and sometimes regurgitation
Dyspepsia could because physically by
Over eating spicy foods appendicitis kidney gallbladder four: disease or cancer
Psychological stress can affect
Stomach secretions and trigger dyspepsia
esophagitis is caused by
The irritating effect of acidic gastric reflux on the mucosa of the esophagus
Symptoms of esophagitis include
Heartburn regurgitation dysphasia
Acute esophagitis is caused by
Ingesting or irritating agent buy intubation or infection
Chronic esophagitis is
Gastroensophageal reflux (GER)
GER can be caused by
I need a hernia reduced lower esophageal sphincter or smoking
Cancer of the esophagus and silent aspiration maybe
Life-threatening for those with gastroesophageal reflux disease
Hiatal hernia Is a condition in which
The stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity
The hernia prevents
Food from moving normally
Small meals are usually recommended for the hernia so
There is never a large amount of food in the stomach
Avoid irritants to the esophagus by
Avoiding carbonated beverages citrus fruits and juices tomato products spicy foods coffee peppers and herbs
Some food to cause the lower esophageal Sphincter to
Relax and those should be avoided
Alcohol garlic onion oil of peppermint and spearmint chocolate cream sauce is gravies margarine butter and oil should
All be avoided And people with a hernia
If client with hernia is overweight
Weight loss surgery maybe recommended to take pressure off the abdomen
People with a hernia should avoid
Late night dinners and lying down 2 to 3 hours after eating
If discomfort cannot be controlled
Surgery may be recommended
And also is in erosion of the
Mucas membrane
Peptic ulcer's may occur in the
Stomach (gastric ulcer) or in the duodenum (duodenal ulcer)
Please specific laws of ulcers is unclear but it may
Be gastric predisposition I normally hi secretion of hydrofluoric acid by the stomach distress excessive use of aspirin or ibuprofen cigarette smoking and in some cases bacteria
Bacteria that causes peptic ulcer is is called
Heliobactor pylori
A classic symptom is
Gastric pain
In some cases hemorrhages
May also be symptoms
A hemorrhage usually
Require surgery
The pain is typically relieved with
Food or anti-acid
Ulcers are usually treated by
Drugs such as antibiotics or cimetidine
Cimetidine Inhibits acid secretion in the
Stomach and us helps you'll be also
Stress management is also beneficial in the
Treatment of an ulcer
Sufficient lowFat protein should be provided but not in
Excessive amounts because of its ability to stimulate gastric acid secretion
It is recommended that clients receive no less than .8 g of
Protein per kilogram of body weight
If there has been blood loss
Proteins should be increased to one or 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight
Vitamin and mineral supplements especially if there has been a hemorrhage or maybe
Amount of fat in the diet should not be
Carbs have little effect on
Gastric acid secretion
Spicy foods maybe
EAten as tolerated
Coffee tea alcohol aspirin cigarette smoke should all be
Oh well balanced diet of three meals a day consisting of food so I do not irritate the client is
Generally recommended
Diverticulosis is an intestinal disorder characterized by
Little pockets on the sides of the large intestine or fecal matter collects in these packets instead of moving through the colon Bacteria may bread and inflammation and pain killers old causing the diverticulitis
If a diverticulum ruptures
Surgery is needed
Diverticulitis is thought to be caused by
A diet lacking fiber
A high fiber diet is commonly
Recommended for clients with diverticulitis
Along with antibiotics day of therapy may begin with a clear liquid diet followed by a low residue diet with a bowl to
Rest and heal
After that Clear diet and low residue diet
A high fiber diet will be initiated
Inflammatory bowl diseases (IBDs)
Are chronic conditions causing inflammation to the Gastrointestinal track
The inflammation causes
Malabsorption the often leads to Malnutrition
Neither the cars nor cure for these conditions are
Do you cute faces of inflammatory bowel disease occur at
Irregular intervals
Ulcerative colitis causes
Inflammation and ulceration of the colon the rectum and sometimes the entire large intestine
Crohn's disease is a
Chronic progressive disorder that can affect both of small and large intestines
The ulcers can penetrate the entire intestinal wall and the chronic inflammation can
Taken the intestinal wall causing obstruction
Both conditions cause (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)
Bloody diarrhea cramps fatigue nausea anorexia mount nutrition and weight loss and the bleeding can cause lots of iron and proteins
Treatment may involve
Anti-inflammatory drugs and medical nutrition therapy
For ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease Usually a low residue diet is required to avoid
Irritating the inflamed area
When tolerated the riot should include about
100 g of protein additional calories vitamins and minerals
In severe cases total parental nutrition (TPN) maybe
Necessary for a period
total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
A process in which nutrients are delivered directly into the superior vena cava
Surgically create an opening in the abdominal wall, size of a nickel
Opening from ileum to abdomen surface; is needed one entire colon and rectum and anus must be removed
Opening from: two abdomen provide entrance to colon if rectum and Anus must be removed
Clients with ileostomy's have a greater than normal need for
Salt and water because of excess losses
A vitamin C supplement is recommended and sometimes a B 12 supplement
May be needed
Eating a well-balanced diet will prevent
Nutrient deficiencies from clients with ileostomies and colostomies
Celiac disease or non-tropical spure
Gluten sensitivity is a disorder characterized by melon selection of virtually all nutrients
Celiac disease is thought to be
Symptoms of celiac disease include
Diarrhea weight loss and Malnutrition
Celiac disease is stools are usually
Foul smelling light colored and bulky
The cause of celiac disease
Is unknown, But a gluten-free diet gives relief
If celiac disease is on treating it is a
Life-threatening because of the severe Mel nutrition and weight loss
Celiac disease is treated by
A gluten control diet
Gluten is found in
Barley oats rye and wheat so rice and corn may be used
A reduction of fiber is recommended for
Celiac patients
Fats may be restricted until
Bowel function is normal in celiac patients
Vitamin and mineral supplements maybe
Prescribed to celiac patients
LActos intolerant sometimes develops with
Celiac disease
The client will have to learn to read food labels and eventually
Wide restaurant foods with breading
Generic term for liver disease characterized by Cell loss
The liver determines where
Amino acids are needed and synthesizes some proteins, enzymes, and urea
Liver disease maybe
Acute or chronic
The treatment of liver disease can usually lied to
Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of
Cirrhosis but it can also be caused by congenital defects infection or other toxic chemicals
Although the liver does regenerate
The replacement drinks roses does not match the loss
In addition to cell loss
Cirrhosis also has fatty infiltration and fibrosis
Developments of tough, stringy tissue preventing deliver from functioning normally
Because of fibrosis blood through the liver is
Upset and a form of hypertension anemia and hemorrhages in the esophagus can occur
Dietary treatment of cirrhosis provides at least
25 to 35 cal or more and 0.8 through 1.0 g of protein per kilogram of weight each day
Supplements and vitamins and minerals are
Usually needed
In advanced cirrhosis
50 through 60% of calories should be from carbs
In some forms of cirrhosis
Clients cannot tolerate fat well so it is restricted
And another form of cirrhosis protein may not be tolerated
So it is restricted to 35-40 g a day
Sometimes cirrhosis causes
Abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen
Hepatitis is an
Inflammation of the liver
Hepatitis is caused by
Viruses or toxic agents such as drugs and alcohol
Tissue death due to lack of blood supply
Hepatitis causes
Hepatitis maybe
Acute or chronic