Harp GU Images

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image?

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image?


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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the tip of the white arrow?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the tip of the white arrow?

Hydronephrosis & inflammation from an infection

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the arrow?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the arrow?

Hydronephrosis & loss of renal parenchyma meaning loss of kindey function and a source of ongoing infection

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the arrow?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image? What is indicated at the arrow?

Hydronephrosis & ureteral calculus

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<p>What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?</p>

What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?


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<p>What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?</p>

What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?

hydroureter & hydronephrosis

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<p>What is indicated at the arrow?</p>

What is indicated at the arrow?

Long-standing obstruction at junction between ureter and bladder

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<p>What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?</p>

What pathology is indicated at the asterisk?

Urothelial carcinoma

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<p>What pathology is indicated at the asterisk? What exam finding is commonly associated with this pathology?</p>

What pathology is indicated at the asterisk? What exam finding is commonly associated with this pathology?

Urothelial carcinoma & hematuria

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<p>What kind of obstructive stone is this?</p>

What kind of obstructive stone is this?

Calcium oxalate stone

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image?

Prostatic enlargement causing urethral compression shown at the arrow

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<p>What kind of obstructive pathology is shown at the arrow?</p>

What kind of obstructive pathology is shown at the arrow?

Urethral stricture

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<p>What pathology is indicated by this image?</p>

What pathology is indicated by this image?

Urolithiasis - specifically primary oxalosis/oxaluria

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<p>What pathology is shown at the arrow? What is the name of the mechanism causing it?</p>

What pathology is shown at the arrow? What is the name of the mechanism causing it?

Urolithiasis - supersaturation (increased urinary concentration)

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine is it found in?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine is it found in?

Calcium oxalate crystals

Acidic urine

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine is it found in?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine is it found in?

Uric acid (urate) crystals

Acidic urine

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<p>What kind of crystal is shown?</p>

What kind of crystal is shown?


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<p>What kind of crystals are shown?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown?

Ammonium-magnesium phosphate aka struvite stones or staghorn

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown?

Ammonium-magnesium phosphate aka struvite stones or staghorn

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown?

Ammonium-magnesium phosphate aka struvite stones or staghorn

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown?

Uric acid (urate) crystals

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine are they found in?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown? What kind of urine are they found in?

Triple phosphate

Alkaline urine

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<p>What kind of crystals are shown?</p>

What kind of crystals are shown?


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<p>What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?</p>

What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?

Red blood cells → hematuria

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<p>What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?</p>

What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?

Neutrophils (pyuria) → UTI

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<p>What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?</p>

What type of cell is shown from this urinalysis? What does it indicate?

Eosinophils → Drug induced nephritis, transplant rejection

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<p>What broad type of cell is shown in these images of urine?</p>

What broad type of cell is shown in these images of urine?


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<p>What pathology is shown from this image?</p>

What pathology is shown from this image?

Hyperemic mucosa indicating a UTI aka acute cystitis

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<p>What pathology is shown from this image and what type of study is used to detect it?</p>

What pathology is shown from this image and what type of study is used to detect it?

Vesicoureteral reflux evaluated with voiding cystourethrogram

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<p>What type of cast is this and what pathology does it indicate? What are the primary clinical signs? What reflux is it associated with?</p>

What type of cast is this and what pathology does it indicate? What are the primary clinical signs? What reflux is it associated with?

Leukocyte cast → Acute pyelonephritis

Sudden pain at costovertebral angle, fever, dysuria, frequency, urgency

vesicoureteral reflux

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<p>What type of cast is this?</p>

What type of cast is this?

Leukocyte cast

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<p>What type of cell is very prominent in this image? What does it indicate?</p>

What type of cell is very prominent in this image? What does it indicate?

Neutrophils indicating acute pyelonephritis

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<p>This image indicates Polyoma virus at the black arrows…..what clinical diagnosis would this indicate? What is found at the blue triangles?</p>

This image indicates Polyoma virus at the black arrows…..what clinical diagnosis would this indicate? What is found at the blue triangles?


T lymphocytes

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<p>What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown at the arrows?</p>

What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown at the arrows?


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<p>What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown at the arrow?</p>

What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown at the arrow?

abscess formation within kidney tubules

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<p>What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown?</p>

What complication of an acute pyelonephritis is shown?

Cortical abscesses

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<p>Small abscess hematogenous spread shown in the image is from what underlying pathology?</p>

Small abscess hematogenous spread shown in the image is from what underlying pathology?

acute pyelonephritis

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<p>What bug is causing this acute pyelonephritis?</p>

What bug is causing this acute pyelonephritis?


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<p>What bug is shown in this cytology sample?</p>

What bug is shown in this cytology sample?


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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Chronic pyelonephritis “irregular scarring & blunting of calyces & pelvis”

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Chronic pyelonephritis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Chronic pyelonephritis showing inflammatory destruction of papillae

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<p>What pathology is shown here? What is indicated at the asterisk?</p>

What pathology is shown here? What is indicated at the asterisk?

Chronic pyelonephritis


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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (chronic)

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<p>What from this histology slides indicates a Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis?</p>

What from this histology slides indicates a Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis?

foamy macrophages

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (chronic)

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

Fibrinoid necrosis in an ANCA related vasculitis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?


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<p>What is shown at the asterisk &amp; triangle of this histology of nephrosclerosis?</p>

What is shown at the asterisk & triangle of this histology of nephrosclerosis?

Asterisk: medial thickening of the small arteries

Triangle: Glomerulosclerosis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

hyaline sclerosis - nephrosclerosis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

fibrotic intimal thickening causing narrowing of the lumen - nephrosclerosis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?

one glomerulus with global sclerosis and one with segmental sclerosis (glomerulosclerosis tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis and chronic inflammation)

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<p>What is the pathology shown here mostly associated with?</p>

What is the pathology shown here mostly associated with?

hypertension & aging - nephrosclerosis

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<p>What pathology is shown here?</p>

What pathology is shown here?


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<p>What pathology is indicated with the left kidney?</p>

What pathology is indicated with the left kidney?


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<p>What pathology is shown in these images?</p>

What pathology is shown in these images?

Hyaline arteriolosclerosis

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<p>From this image, what type of injury is indicated with this hyaline arteriolosclerosis? noted from the yellow triangles</p>

From this image, what type of injury is indicated with this hyaline arteriolosclerosis? noted from the yellow triangles

type 2 diabetes injury

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<p>What is shown here and what is it indicative of?</p>

What is shown here and what is it indicative of?

Fibrinoid necrosis indicating accelerated (malignant) hypertension

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<p>What does this image indicate?</p>

What does this image indicate?

fibromuscular dysplasia

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<p>What do these “string of beads” indicate?</p>

What do these “string of beads” indicate?

fibromuscular dysplasia

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<p>What do these images show?</p>

What do these images show?

Renal infarct

Eosinophillic necrotic tissue (coagulation necrosis)

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<p>What do these images show?</p>

What do these images show?

Renal infarct

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<p>What is indicated by the red in this image?</p>

What is indicated by the red in this image?

platelet-fibrin thrombi

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<p>What necrosis is shown in these images?</p>

What necrosis is shown in these images?

Diffuse cortical necrosis

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<p>What is indicated by this photo?</p>

What is indicated by this photo?

uremic frost - renal failure

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<p>What is shown at the green triangles and what is causing it?</p>

What is shown at the green triangles and what is causing it?

hyalinzation (hyalinosis) and sclerosis from CKD

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<p>What pathology is indicated?</p>

What pathology is indicated?

glomerular disease from an immune mechanism

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<p>What pathology is indicated?</p>

What pathology is indicated?

Nephrotic syndrome

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<p>What pathology is indicated?</p>

What pathology is indicated?

Focal segmental* glomerulosclerosis

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<p>What is indicated at the red triangle?</p>

What is indicated at the red triangle?

HIV-associated and idiopathic collapsing FSGS have the worst prognoses

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<p>What is indicated at the arrows? What disease does it indicate?</p>

What is indicated at the arrows? What disease does it indicate?

Effacement of foot processes - minimal change disease

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<p>What pathology is indicated?</p>

What pathology is indicated?

Membranous nephropathy

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<p>What is indicated by these images?</p>

What is indicated by these images?


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<p>What is indicated by these images?</p>

What is indicated by these images?

Nephrotic syndrome-amyloidosis

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<p>What is indicated by these images?</p>

What is indicated by these images?

Diabetic glomerulosclerosis

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<p>What is indicated by this image? What is shown at the yellow triangle?</p>

What is indicated by this image? What is shown at the yellow triangle?

Diabetic glomerulosclerosis

hyaline arteriosclerosis

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<p>What is the diagnosis?</p><p>What is shown at the green triangle?</p><p>What is shown at the red triangle?</p><p>What is shown at the white asterisk?</p>

What is the diagnosis?

What is shown at the green triangle?

What is shown at the red triangle?

What is shown at the white asterisk?

Chronic glomerulonephritis

Hyaline arteriolosclerosis

sclerotic glomeruli

Thinned cortex and tubular atrophy

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<p>What is the diagnosis?</p><p>What is shown at the red triangle?</p>

What is the diagnosis?

What is shown at the red triangle?

Chronic glomerulonephritis

sclerotic glomeruli

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<p>What abnormality is this? What are those with this more at risk of?</p>

What abnormality is this? What are those with this more at risk of?

congenital horseshoe kidney

infections & renal calculi

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<p>What is missing at the red arrows?</p>

What is missing at the red arrows?

KIDNEYS!! - renal agenesis

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<p>What is indicated by this image?</p>

What is indicated by this image?

Renal agenesis-oligohydramnios

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<p>What is the name for these physcial exam findings? What condition causes this?</p>

What is the name for these physcial exam findings? What condition causes this?

potter facies & talipes equinovarus caused from Renal agenesis-oligohydramnios

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<p>What is indicated by these images?</p><p>What is wrong with the right kidney?</p><p>What can happen from the issue with the left kidney?</p>

What is indicated by these images?

What is wrong with the right kidney?

What can happen from the issue with the left kidney?

(acquired) renal hypoplasia

right: nephrosclerosis

left: increased renin secretion causing HTN

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<p>What is going on here?</p>

What is going on here?

Renal dysplasia (multicystic renal dysplasia) from

abnormal metanephric differentiation

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<p>Explain this histology image of renal dysplasia.</p>

Explain this histology image of renal dysplasia.

Immature glomeruli, tubules and cartilage are surrounded by loose, undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue (spindled cells) {glomeruli are circled in black}

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<p>What do these gross findings indicated?</p>

What do these gross findings indicated?

Renal dysplasia

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<p>What do these findings indicate?</p>

What do these findings indicate?

Renal dysplasia

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<p>What do these findings indicate?</p>

What do these findings indicate?

Childhood (juvenile) polycystic kidney disease

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<p>What is wrong with this picture?</p>

What is wrong with this picture?

Childhood polycystic kidney disease \n aka-autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)

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<p>What caused this child’s kidney to look like this?</p>

What caused this child’s kidney to look like this?

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)

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<p>What is indicated by the left kidney? right kidney?</p>

What is indicated by the left kidney? right kidney?


R: Multicystic renal dysplasia

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<p>What pathology is shown?</p>

What pathology is shown?

Adult polycystic kidney disease

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<p>What is shown at the purple arrow? What is the underlying cause?</p>

What is shown at the purple arrow? What is the underlying cause?

berry aneurysm from adult PKD

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<p>What is shown from these images?</p>

What is shown from these images?

Adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)

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<p>What pathology is shown?</p>

What pathology is shown?

Medullary sponge kidney

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<p>What pathology is shown?</p>

What pathology is shown?

Medullary cystic kidney disease complex-nephronophthisis

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<p>What pathology do these images show?</p>

What pathology do these images show?

Simple cysts

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<p>What pathology is indicated? What is shown at the yellow stars?</p>

What pathology is indicated? What is shown at the yellow stars?

Acute tubular injury (ATI)

Dead cells have sloughed into lumen

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<p>What kind of cast is this? What pathology is it associated with?</p>

What kind of cast is this? What pathology is it associated with?

tubular cast - acute tubular injury

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<p>What do these 2 etiologies cause?</p>

What do these 2 etiologies cause?

acute tubular injury

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